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2013-12-26 10:09 1051 查看


svn status (stat, st)即:svn status是全名,svn stat 或 svn st是简写。


svn st > status.txt




其中,第一个参数为svn st导出的文件名(如status.txt),第二个参数为导出文件的目的目录(如"..\diff"表示导出到上级目录的diff文件夹下)

在工程svn所在目录,创建文件: svn_copy_diff.bat,复制粘贴下面代码,

然后执行命令:svn_copy_diff status.txt ..\diff

@echo off&setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion&setlocal EnableExtensions

rem diff_paths_file: svn status file
set diff_paths_file=%1
if "%diff_paths_file%"=="" (
svn st > status.txt
set diff_paths_file=status.txt
if not exist "%diff_paths_file%" (
@echo "%diff_paths_file% does not exist!"
@echo "please set name of file diff_path.txt, which contains different files' paths!"
goto finish

rem back_path: the dir where to put the diff files
set back_path=%2
if "%back_path%"=="" (
set back_path=..\..\diff
rem delete dir: not need
rem rd /s /q %back_path%
if not exist "%back_path%" (
md %back_path%
rem delete old diff_paths_file
del %back_path%\%diff_paths_file%

@echo "The destination path is %back_path%"
@echo "Now begin copying ..."

rem loop copy
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('type %diff_paths_file%') do (
set "filepath=%%a"
set "filepath=!filepath:~8!"
rem @echo !filepath!
rem pause
if  not  "!filepath!"=="." (
call :LastIndex !filepath! \ idx
rem echo !idx!
call :SubString !filepath! 0 !idx! dir_str
rem echo !dir_str!
rem echo %back_path%\!dir_str!
if not exist "%back_path%\!dir_str!" (
md %back_path%\!dir_str!
@echo copy  !filepath!  %back_path%\!dir_str!
rem pause
rem copy !filepath!  %back_path%
copy !filepath!  %back_path%\!dir_str!

rem copy diff_paths_file into back_path
@echo copy %diff_paths_file% %back_path%
copy %diff_paths_file% %back_path%

rem finish
goto finish

rem the string method to calculate one string length
:Strlen  %src_str%  len
setlocal EnableExtensions
set num=0
set str_tmp=%1
if not "%str_tmp%"=="" (
set /a num+=1
set "str_tmp=%str_tmp:~1%"
goto next1
set len=%num%
endlocal & set "%2=%num%"
goto :EOF

rem the string method to find the last occurence of specific char
:LastIndex  %src_str%  %char%  index
setlocal EnableExtensions
set len=0
call :Strlen %1  len
rem echo %len%
set target_ch=%2
set str_tmp=%1
if not "%str_tmp%"=="" (
rem check the fisrt char of this string
if "!str_tmp:~-1!"=="%target_ch%" goto last
rem get remaining string
set /a len-=1
set "str_tmp=%str_tmp:~0,-1%"
goto next
set /a len=0
endlocal & set %3=%len%
goto :EOF

rem the string method to cut substring
rem this is to use in the scope of DelayedExpansion, that statement is combined with '!' char
:SubString  %src_str%  %start_pos%  %end%  result
setlocal EnableExtensions
set str_tmp=%1
set str_tmp=!str_tmp:~%2,%3!
endlocal & set %4=%str_tmp%
goto :EOF


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