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cocos2d-X 节点(UIButton.h)API

2013-11-27 13:10 323 查看
本文来自http://blog.csdn.net/runaying ,引用必须注明出处!

cocos2d-X 节点(UIButton.h)API

温馨提醒:为了大家能更好学习,强烈推荐大家看看本人的这篇博客 Cocos2d-X权威指南笔记


#ifndef __UIBUTTON_H__
#define __UIBUTTON_H__

#include "../BaseClasses/UIWidget.h"


class UIButton : public UIWidget
* Default constructor

* Default destructor
virtual ~UIButton();

* Allocates and initializes.
static UIButton* create();

* Load textures for button.        //为 button 加载 textures
* @param normal    正常状态下的 texture.
* @param selected    选择状态下的 texture.
* @param disabled    dark state texture.       //禁用状态下的 texture
* @param texType    @see UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL
void loadTextures(const char* normal,const char* selected,const char* disabled,TextureResType texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL);

* Load normal state texture for button.    为 button 加载正常状态下的 texture
* @param normal    正常状态下的 texture.
* @param texType    @see UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL
void loadTextureNormal(const char* normal, TextureResType texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL);

* Load selected state texture for button.      为button 加载选择状态下的 texture
* @param selected    selected state texture.
* @param texType    @see UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL
void loadTexturePressed(const char* selected, TextureResType texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL);

* Load dark state texture for button.      //为 button 加载 禁用状态下的 texture
* @param disabled    dark state texture.
* @param texType    @see UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL
void loadTextureDisabled(const char* disabled, TextureResType texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL);

* 如果 button使用 scale9 渲染, 设置 button 的 capinsets
* @param capInsets    capinsets for button
void setCapInsets(const Rect &capInsets);

* 如果 button使用 scale9 渲染, 设置 button 的 capinsets
* @param capInsets    capinsets for button
void setCapInsetsNormalRenderer(const Rect &capInsets);

* 如果 button使用 scale9 渲染, 设置 button 的 capinsets
* @param capInsets    capinsets for button
void setCapInsetsPressedRenderer(const Rect &capInsets);

* 如果 button使用 scale9 渲染, 设置 button 的 capinsets
* @param capInsets    capinsets for button
void setCapInsetsDisabledRenderer(const Rect &capInsets);

//override "setAnchorPoint" of widget.      重载 widget 的 setAnchorPoint 方法
virtual void setAnchorPoint(const Point &pt);

* 如果 button使用 scale9 渲染 那么就设置
* @param true 使用了 scale9 渲染, false otherwise.
virtual void setScale9Enabled(bool able);

//override "setFlipX" of widget.
virtual void setFlipX(bool flipX);

//override "setFlipY" of widget.
virtual void setFlipY(bool flipY);

//override "isFlipX" of widget.
virtual bool isFlipX();

//override "isFlipY" of widget.
virtual bool isFlipY();

*  如果 button 有点击放大效果,那么就使用该效果
* @param true 有 clicked 放大效果, false otherwise.
void setPressedActionEnabled(bool enabled);

//override "ignoreContentAdaptWithSize" method of widget.
virtual void ignoreContentAdaptWithSize(bool ignore);

//override "getContentSize" method of widget.
virtual const Size& getContentSize() const;

//override "getVirtualRenderer" method of widget.
virtual Node* getVirtualRenderer();

* Sets color to widget                 设置 widget 的颜色
*  默认情况下也改变 widget's children 的颜色
* @param color
virtual void setColor(const Color3B &color);

void setTitleText(const char* text);
const char* getTitleText() const;
void setTitleColor(const Color3B& color);
const Color3B& getTitleColor() const;
void setTitleFontSize(float size);
float getTitleFontSize() const;
void setTitleFontName(const char* fontName);
const char* getTitleFontName() const;

* Returns the "class name" of widget.      //返回 widget的 名字
virtual const char* getDescription() const;
virtual bool init();
virtual void initRenderer();
virtual void onPressStateChangedToNormal();
virtual void onPressStateChangedToPressed();
virtual void onPressStateChangedToDisabled();
virtual void onSizeChanged();

void normalTextureScaleChangedWithSize();
void pressedTextureScaleChangedWithSize();
void disabledTextureScaleChangedWithSize();
Node* _buttonNormalRenderer;
Node* _buttonClickedRenderer;
Node* _buttonDisableRenderer;
LabelTTF* _titleRenderer;
std::string _normalFileName;
std::string _clickedFileName;
std::string _disabledFileName;
bool _prevIgnoreSize;
bool _scale9Enabled;
Rect _capInsetsNormal;
Rect _capInsetsPressed;
Rect _capInsetsDisabled;
TextureResType _normalTexType;
TextureResType _pressedTexType;
TextureResType _disabledTexType;
Size _normalTextureSize;
Size _pressedTextureSize;
Size _disabledTextureSize;
bool _pressedActionEnabled;
Color3B _titleColor;


#endif /* defined(__CocoGUI__UIButton__) */
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