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关于gridmix3(Gridmix3 – Emulating Production Workload for Apache Hadoop)

2013-11-03 14:32 330 查看


Tracking, modeling, and mimicking this adaptive, complex workload is a prerequisite to effective performance engineering.



Gridmix consists the following parts:

1、A data generation script that must be run once to generate data needed for running
the actual benchmark.


2、Several types of jobs in the "mix". The particular jobs varied slightly between Gridmix and Gridmix2, but examples include sorts
of text data and SequenceFiles, jobs sampling from large, compressed datasets, chains of MapReduce jobs, and jobs exercising the combiner

混合的作业类型。特定的作业在gridmix和gridmix2间有细微的差别。但是都包括文本数据和sequencefile排序、大数据量取样、压缩数据集、Mapreduce chain和运用了combiner的作业例子。

3、Configuration files- either XML files or shell scripts- that permitted the operator to tune the number of jobs in each type and
of each size


4、A driver that parses the configuration file, submits MapReduce jobs to the cluster, and (in Gridmix2) collects statistics for each


While running Gridmix as an end-to-end benchmark yielded many insights into framework bottlenecks in medium-sized clusters under
a saturating load, it does not model the diverse mix of jobs running in our environment. On the contrary, framework improvements motivated by studies based on Gridmix often had ambiguous effects in production after showing dramatic gains in a test environment.


So it is critical to not only model the full range of jobs on the cluster, but also the co-incidence of
jobs on the grid to accurately identify and reproduce load-related bottlenecks.



[b]The above observations motivated us to develop a new workload generator, Gridmix3, to narrow
the following gaps between the existing benchmark suite and the load we're interested in:



[b]1、Task distribution: The number of tasks in a job varies widely in Yahoo! clusters, from a
single task to hundreds of thousands.


2、Submission interval:. Users are not nearly as predictable as the saturating benchmarks. We observe
cyclic and bursty patterns that stress the JobTracker and the cluster in ways not seen in the synthetic load


3、Input dataset:The data processed by Gridmix jobs are distributed over a small subset of the blocks
in a system, with artificial hotspots and a distribution unlike what is measured in practice.


4、User diversity: The JobTracker schedulers are far more interesting under multiple user workloads.


5、Job complexity: User jobs are not the simple, I/O bound sorts of saturating benchmarks, pressing
the low-level limits of the framework.


Instead, we elected to build a benchmark that can reproduce the workload by replaying traces that
automatically capture essential ingredients of job executions.



The benchmark takes as input a job trace, essentially a stream of JSON-encoded job descriptions derived
from artifacts collected on a cluster (such as job history logs and configuration files).

benchmark接收一个jobtrace作为输入。jobtrace本质上是一个json格式的从集群中搜集的job描述数据(比如history logs和configuration file)

For each job, the submitting client obtains the original job submission time, the memory allocated
to each task, and- for each task in that job- the byte and record counts read and written.


Given this data, it constructs a synthetic job with the same byte and record patterns recorded in
the trace and submits each at a matching interval, "replaying" that job on the cluster.The synthetic job will generate a comparable load on the I/O subsystems in the test grid as the original did in production.


As our models for synthetic jobs improve, Gridmix3 runs will capture interactions between jobs- for
example, two I/O-bound tasks running on the same node- with accuracy sufficient for analysis and validation of code changes. We are in the process of extending the synthetic job mix to model CPU usage, memory, job dependencies, etc. as data become available.
Since users often rely on core libraries and frameworks built on top of MapReduce, we also plan to include facilities for adding representatives of these to the job mix.



The job trace is derived from job execution history logs collected by the JobTracker, through a tool
called Rumen.Rumen not only parses job history logs, it also provides several means to adjust the density of the trace to match the size of the testing cluster, such as sampling or trace overlay (a method for interleaving segments of job traces, so one may,
for example, take two weeks from one cluster and combine them, capturing cyclic effects in the augmented load). Future work in scaling cluster workloads to smaller/larger clusters and extracting job properties from cluster artifacts will be integrated into
this tool.


Where We are Today?

Gridmix3 is now an integral part of our Hadoop development process (Figure 3). It is
running nightly on our internal automatic regression framework to catch performance regressions; it has also reproduced a load-related failure observed in production and validated its fix.


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