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The Core MongoDB Operations with Native Java Driver

2013-10-22 09:55 465 查看

原文 http://java.dzone.com/articles/core-mongodb-operations-native

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MongoDB provides driver and client library support for many languages. Today we will see how operations made
in  the previous article  through the console will be performed in a
Java application by using the library provided for Java language. I used the following tools and technologies in application.
MongoDB version 2.4.1
MongoDB Java Driver version 2.11.1
JDK version 1.7 ( also can be used smoothly with 1.6)
Maven 3.0.4

MongoDB Dependencies for Project


2. Choosing Connection, Database and Collection with MongoDB
MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient( "localhost" , 27017 );
DB db  = mongoClient.getDB("kodcu");
DBCollection collection  = db.getCollection("articles");

In fact, the MongoClient example represents a connection
 for the database. The call getDB("kodcu") that is done through the client instance is similar to the " use dbName " call in the console. The method checks whether there is a database that has the same name
with the parameter value. The database is selected if it exists, if not, a new one is created. A similar situation applies to the db.getCollection("articles") call. If there is not a collection with that name, it is created with the first
insert. 3. The Process of Adding Records
insertRecord(new String[] {"Articles"},
"Lean Kanban Workshop",
"Kanban system is an impressive approach in the field of software management for the last 10 years.",
new Date(),
"Altug Bilgin Altintas",
new String[] {null},

public static void insertRecord(String[] category, String title, String content,
Date date, String author, String[] tags, DBCollection collection){

BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject("category", category)
.append("title", title)
.append("content", content)
.append("date", date)
.append("author", author)
.append("tags", tags);


System.out.println("Added record: " + document);


4. The Process of Updating Records
updateRecord("title", "Lean Kanban Workshop", "tags", new String[]{"lean", "kanban", "training"}, collection);

public static void updateRecord(String findField, String findFieldNewValue, String updatedField, String[] updatedFieldNewValue, DBCollection collection){

BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
query.put(findField, findFieldNewValue);

BasicDBObject findDocument = new BasicDBObject();
findDocument.put(updatedField, updatedFieldNewValue);

BasicDBObject updatedDocument = new BasicDBObject();
updatedDocument.put("$set", findDocument);

collection.update(query, updatedDocument);
System.out.println("Kayit guncellendi: " + updatedDocument);


5. Finding Records by Field Query, Using Regex Query
DBCursor cursor = findRecord("author", "Altug Bilgin Altintas", collection);

while (cursor.hasNext()) {
System.out.println("Found records: " + cursor.next());

executeRegexQuery("content", "Backbone.*JavaScript", collection);

public static DBCursor findRecord(String field, String value, DBCollection collection){

BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
query.put(field, value);
DBCursor dBCursor = collection.find(query);

return dBCursor;

public static void executeRegexQuery(String field, String value, DBCollection collection){

BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
query.put(field, new BasicDBObject("$regex", "Backbone.*JavaScript").append("$options", "i"));
DBCursor cursor = collection.find(query);

System.out.println("***************** Regex Query *****************");
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
System.out.println("***************** Regex Query *****************");


6. To List All Records

public static void findAllRecords(DBCollection collection){

System.out.println("***************** List all records *****************");
DBCursor cursor = collection.find();
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
System.out.println("***************** List all records *****************");

7. Deleting a Collection

public static void dropCollection(DBCollection collection){

System.out.println("Collection is initialized");

Output produced by the application:

Collection is initialized Eklenen kayit: { "category" : [ "Articles"] , "title" : "Lean Kanban Workshop" , "content" : "Kanban system is an impressive approach in the field of software management for the last 10 years." , "date" : { "$date" : "2013-04-22T09:58:45.155Z"}
, "author" : "Altug Bilgin Altintas" , "tags" : [  null ] , "_id" : { "$oid" : "517509d530049e9dccd4ffb0"}} Added record: { "category" : [ "Articles"] , "title" : "Take the reins with Backbone.js! ? Free Webiner" , "content" : "Backbone.js is a JavaScript
library that helps your complicated Javascript code to be more structured and offers an environment in which development  is more pleasant." , "date" : { "$date" : "2013-04-22T09:58:45.194Z"} , "author" : "Kodcu.Com" , "tags" : [  null ] , "_id" : { "$oid"
: "517509d530049e9dccd4ffb1"}} Added record: { "category" : [ "Java" , "Tutorial" , "Articles" , "Software"] , "title" : "Data Indexing with Java to Apache Solr" , "content" : " Hi all, I mentioned in my previous article the installation and configuration
of Apache Solr, data indexing from command line to Solr and making query operations through this data." , "date" : { "$date" : "2013-04-22T09:58:45.197Z"} , "author" : "Cuneyt Yesilkaya" , "tags" : [ "java" , "data indexing with java to solr" , "solr" , "solrj"]
, "_id" : { "$oid" : "517509d530049e9dccd4ffb2"}} Record is updated: { "$set" : { "tags" : [ "lean" , "kanban" , "training"]}} Found records: { "_id" : { "$oid" : "517509d530049e9dccd4ffb0"} , "author" : "Altug Bilgin Altintas" , "category" : [ "Articles"]
, "content" : "Kanban system is an impressive approach in the field of software management for the last 10 years." , "date" : { "$date" : "2013-04-22T09:58:45.155Z"} , "tags" : [ "lean" , "kanban" , "training"] , "title" : "Lean Kanban Workshop"} *****************
Regex Query ***************** { "_id" : { "$oid" : "517509d530049e9dccd4ffb1"} , "category" : [ "Articles"] , "title" : "Take the reins with Backbone.js! ? Free Webiner" , "content" : "Backbone.js is a JavaScript library that helps your complicated Javascript
code to be more structured and offers an environment in which development  is more pleasant." , "date" : { "$date" : "2013-04-22T09:58:45.194Z"} , "author" : "Kodcu.Com" , "tags" : [  null ]} ***************** Regex Query ***************** *****************
List all records ***************** { "_id" : { "$oid" : "517509d530049e9dccd4ffb1"} , "category" : [ "Articles"] , "title" : "Take the reins with Backbone.js! ? Free Webiner" , "content" : "Backbone.js is a JavaScript library that helps your complicated Javascript
code to be more structured and offers an environment in which development  is more pleasant." , "date" : { "$date" : "2013-04-22T09:58:45.194Z"} , "author" : "Kodcu.Com" , "tags" : [  null ]} { "_id" : { "$oid" : "517509d530049e9dccd4ffb2"} , "category" :
[ "Java" , "Tutorial" , "Articles" , "Software"] , "title" : "Data Indexing with Java to Apache Solr" , "content" : "Hi all, I mentioned in my previous article the installation and configuration of Apache Solr, data indexing from command line to Solr and making
query operations through this data." , "date" : { "$date" : "2013-04-22T09:58:45.197Z"} , "author" : "Cuneyt Yesilkaya" , "tags" : [ "java" , "data indexing with java to solr" , "solr" , "solrj"]} { "_id" : { "$oid" : "517509d530049e9dccd4ffb0"} , "author"
: "Altug Bilgin Altintas" , "category" : [ "Articles"] , "content" : "Kanban system is an impressive approach in the field of software management for the last 10 years " , "date" : { "$date" : "2013-04-22T09:58:45.155Z"} , "tags" : [ "lean" , "kanban" , "training"]
, "title" : "Lean Kanban Workshop"} ***************** List all records *****************
Real content above and the application, can be accessed at  The Core MongoDB Operations with Native Java Driver  
Published at DZone with permission of its author, Hüseyin Akdoğan . 
(Note: Opinions expressed in this article and its replies are the opinions of their respective authors and not those of DZone, Inc.)
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标签:  java mongodb