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nodejs + express + ejs + mongodb 一个非常简单的前后端开发的实例3

2013-10-15 16:06 1071 查看


   A: 安装MongoDB数据库
   We're leaving our text editor for a bit and going back to our command prompt. Well, first we're going
to our web browser, pointing it tohttp://mongodb.org/ and
downloading Mongo. 
    1 首先从http://mongodb.org/ 下载Mongo. 
  This will give you a zip file, which you should unzip to a temp directory.  
  2 下载完成后是一个zip文件, 解压到一个临时目录中. 
  Then you should make a directory where you want to forever after store Mongo.
  3 然后创建一个目录用来存储Mongo. we'll be storing our database in our nodetest1 directory.我们将在我们的nodetest1目录下存储我们的数据库. 


 在你的nodetest1目录下, 创建一个称为data的子目录.  然后Then navigate to the directory in which you placed your MongoDB files (let's say C:\mongodb for now).
From that directory, type the following.
 1 然后转到你存入 MongoDB的目录下, 如C:\mongodb 输入如下内容 

mongod --dbpath c:\node\nodetest1\data

You'll see the Mongo server start up. This is going to take a while if it's the first time, because it has to do some preallocating of
space and a few other housekeeping tasks. 

如果是第一次将会花费一点时间, 因为不得不做一些空间的预加载和其他的些管理任务.
   2 重新打开一个命令窗口, 转到mogodb的目录C:\mongodb目录下, 输入mongo将会显示如下信息:

MongoDB shell version: 2.4.5
connecting to: test

if you're paying attention to your mongod instance, you'll see it mention that a connection has been established. All right, you've got MongoDB up and running, and you've connected to it with the client. We'll use this client to manually work on our database,
for a bit, but it's not necessary for running the website. Only the server daemon后台 (mongod) is needed for that.

   另外, 如果你注意你的mongod实例,
你将会发现一个创建了一个连接. 你已经启动了MongoDB并运行, 连接了一个客户端. 你将用这个客户端手动在我们的DB上工作. 

C: 创建一个DB
worry about "connecting to: test" … that's just the default database Mongo decides to use if you don't specify one on the command line,  不要担心connectiong to: test , 如果你没有在命令行中指定, 它仅仅是默认的DB.
use nodetest1


favorite thing about MongoDB is that it uses JSON for its structure, which means it was instantly familiar for me.
MongoDB我最喜欢的是它用JSON来组织数据, 这是我非常熟悉的.
db.usercollection.insert({ "username" : "testuser1", "email" : "testuser1@testdomain.com" })   //当前的DB对象db中加入一个usercollection集合. 


db.usercollection.find().pretty()  //查找当前集合中所有的内容, 并回车显示

newstuff = [{ "username" : "testuser2", "email" : "testuser2@testdomain.com" }, { "username" : "testuser3", "email" : "testuser3@testdomain.com" }]
db.usercollection.insert(newstuff);  //再将插入另外2条数据

E:  Mongo连接到Node上  HOOK MONGO UP TO NODE


<li><a href="mailto:testuser1@testdomain.com">testuser1</a></li>
<li><a href="mailto:testuser2@testdomain.com">testuser2</a></li>
<li><a href="mailto:testuser3@testdomain.com">testuser3</a></li>

打开app.js 文件, 添加如下代码:
// New Code
var mongo = require('mongodb');
var monk = require('monk');
var db = monk('localhost:27017/nodetest1'); //注:nodetest1为数据库名

These lines
tell our app we want to talk to MongoDB, we're going to use Monk to do it, and our database is located at localhost:27017/nodetest1

我们用Monk来做, 并且我们的数据库在localhost:27017/nodetest1

app.get('/userlist', routes.userlist(db));

F:  从mongo中取出数据并显示
   在文体编辑器中打开nodetest1\routes\index.js文件, 在最后加上第三个路由, 输入如下信息
exports.userlist = function(db) {
return function(req, res) {
var collection = db.get('usercollection'); //获得数据库中的集合(类似关系数据库中的表)
collection.find({},{},function(e,docs){ //取得所有的集合数据, 渲染到页面上,关键字是userlist
res.render('userlist', {
"userlist" : docs

   view下创建userlist.ejs, 文件中输入如下内容. 
<style type="text/css">
ul li { list-style: none; width: 200px; padding:5px; background: pink; margin-bottom: 5px;}
<% for(i=0; i< userlist.length; i++) {%>
<li><a><%= userlist[i].username %></a></li>
<% } %>


   kill app.js后在重新启动
C:\node\nodetest1>node app.js

  Now open
your browser and head to http://localhost:3000/userlist and
marvel in the results. 

注: MongoDB是非关系型的数据库.  文档(键值对, 类似关系数据的行), 集合(文档的集合, 类似表) ,DB(多个集合).
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息