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Objective-c 的一些基础知识,NSString,NSNumber,NSArray 等

2013-10-12 08:12 489 查看
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])


@autoreleasepool {




int num =1;

float num2 = 4.5;

BOOL isBool = NO;

char c = 'c';

//封装成对象 ---------------类方法实现

NSNumber *IntNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:num];

NSNumber *FloatNumber = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:num2];

// ---------------实例方法实现

NSNumber *isBoolNumber = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithBool:isBool];

NSNumber *CNumber = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithChar:c];


NSLog(@"IntNumber : %@",IntNumber);

NSLog(@"isBoolNumber : %@",isBoolNumber);


int d = [IntNumber intValue];

float f1 = [FloatNumber floatValue];

char c1 = [CNumber charValue];






NSString *str = @"good!";



NSString *str2 = [[NSString alloc] init];

str2 = @"test";

NSString *str3 = [NSString string];

NSLog(@"str = %@,str2=%@,str3=%@",str,str2,str3);


NSString *str4 = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"pk"];

NSString *str5 = [NSString stringWithString:@"pk"];

NSLog(@"str4 = %@,str5=%@",str4,str5);


NSString *str6 = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%d_%d_%d_%d_%d_%@",1,2,3,4,5,str4];



if([str4 isEqualToString:str5]){







if(str4 == str5){



//基本数据类型 ===> 字符串

//str = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%d",5];

//字符串 ===> 基本数据类型

NSString *str7 = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",56];

int num7 = [str7 intValue]; //字符串转整型

NSLog(@"num7+1 =%d",num7+1);

//字符串转换 ======>> 数组

NSArray *array = [str6 componentsSeparatedByString:@"_"];



NSLog(@"substring to 2 :%@",[str6 substringToIndex:5]);

NSLog(@"substring to 2 :%@",[str6 substringFromIndex:5]);


NSRange rang;

rang.length = 4;

rang.location = 2; //截取的时候,包含起始位置

NSLog(@"substring to 2 :%@",[str6 substringWithRange:rang]);


NSString *str8=@"hello01.txt";

//查找 ,返回范围

NSRange rang2 = [str8 rangeOfString:@"."];

if(rang2.location != NSNotFound){

NSLog(@"sub str location =%ld ,length=%ld",rang2.location,rang2.length);





NSMutableString *mutableStr = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"爱大米"];


[mutableStr insertString:@"老鼠" atIndex:0];






NSArray *array1 = [NSArray arrayWithObject:@"one"];

NSArray *array2 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"one",@"two",@"three",@"four",nil];

NSArray *array3 = [NSArray arrayWithArray:array2];

NSLog(@"array1 = %@, array2 = %@, array3 = %@",array1,array2,array3);



int len = [array2 count];


NSString *arrayObject = [array3 objectAtIndex:3];


NSString *newStr = [array2 componentsJoinedByString:@"_"];

NSLog(@"array2 length:%d,index 3=%@,joinStr = %@",len,arrayObject,newStr);


NSMutableArray *mutableArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"one", nil];


[mutableArray addObject:@"two"];

[mutableArray addObject:@"three"];

[mutableArray addObject:@"four"];


[mutableArray addObjectsFromArray:array2];


int length = [mutableArray count];

NSLog(@"mutableArray length=%d,countent:%@",length,mutableArray);

//---- 移除最后一个

[mutableArray removeLastObject];

//---- 移除指定的数据

[mutableArray removeObjectAtIndex:0];

length = [mutableArray count];

NSLog(@"***mutableArray length=%d,countent:%@",length,mutableArray);

//数组的遍历方式:传统方式 高效方式

//----- 传统方式

for (int i=length-1; i>=0; i--) {

NSLog(@"%d = %@",i,[mutableArray objectAtIndex:i]);


//----- 高效方式

for(NSString *str in mutableArray){

NSLog(@"obj =%@",str);




//----- 初始化


NSNumber *numObj = [NSNumber numberWithInt:100];


// 值 key

NSDictionary *dic1 = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:numObj forKey:@"key1"];


NSDictionary *dic2 = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"hello",@"key2",@"world",@"key3",@"csdn",@"key4", nil];


NSDictionary *dic3 = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:dic2];


NSLog(@"dic1 : %@,dic2 : %@, dic3 : %@",dic1,dic2,dic3);

//------ 获取值


int len = [dic2 count];

NSLog(@"dic2 length = %d",len);


NSLog(@"key3 value = %@",[dic2 objectForKey:@"key3"]);


NSArray *allkeys = [dic3 allKeys];

NSLog(@"NSarray allkey = %@",allkeys);


NSArray *allvalues = [dic3 allValues];

NSLog(@"NSarray allvalues = %@",allvalues);

//----- 可变字典

//----- 初始化

NSMutableDictionary *dic4 = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"one",@"key4",@"two",@"key5", nil];

NSLog(@"dic4 : %@",dic4);


NSMutableDictionary *dic5 = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];


[dic4 addEntriesFromDictionary:dic2];

NSLog(@"addEntriesFromDictionary dic2 : %@",dic4);


[dic4 setValue:@"three" forKey:@"key6"];

NSLog(@"dic4 setValue : %@",dic4);


NSLog(@"key6 = %@",[dic4 objectForKey:@"key6"]);

//------ 字典的遍历


NSArray *keys4 = [dic4 allKeys];

for(int i=0;i<[dic4 count];i++){

NSLog(@"dic4 key = %@,value=%@",[keys4 objectAtIndex:i],[dic4 objectForKey:[keys4 objectAtIndex:i]]);




for (NSString *key in dic4){

NSLog(@"dic4 key = %@ ,value = %@",key,[dic4 objectForKey:key]);




NSEnumerator *enum1 = [dic4 keyEnumerator];


id key = [enum1 nextObject];

while (key) {

NSLog(@"key = %@ ,value = %@ ",key,[dic4 objectForKey:key]);

key = [enum1 nextObject];




//----- 定义、初始化

NSSet *set = [[NSSet alloc] initWithObjects:@"one",@"one",@"two",nil];


NSArray *arrayset = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"1",@"2",@"3",nil];

NSSet *set2 = [NSSet setWithArray:arrayset];

NSLog(@"set1 = %@,set2 = %@",set,set2);


//----- 获取长度

int len = [set2 count];

NSString *s = [set2 anyObject];

NSLog(@"set2 length = %d,obj = %@",len,s);


return 0;

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