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ms sql server 2005 select 用法大全

2013-10-04 11:06 393 查看







select * from Student where S_Address<>'北京';


select * from Student where S_Address='北京';

--IN 查询

select * from Student where S_Address IN('天津','北京');


select top 3 * from Student

select top 60 percent * from Student


select distinct S_Address from Student


select * from Student where S_Address='天津' or S_Address='北京';

--and 查询

select * from Student where S_Address='北京' and S_Name='李云龙';

--and or 查询

select * from Student where (S_Address='北京' or S_Address='天津')

or S_Name='天策';

--order by 排序

select * from Student order by S_ID asc --升序

select * from Student order by S_ID desc --降序

--< 查询

select * from Student where S_ID<3;

-- > 查询

select * from Student where S_ID>3


select * from Student

inner join Class

on Student.StudentClass=Class.ClassID

--< 查询

select * from Student where S_ID<3;

-- > 查询

select * from Student where S_ID>3

-- between and 查询

select *from Student where S_ID between 1 AND 3

--LIKE 模糊查询

select * from Student where love like 'm%'

select * from Student where love like '%';

select * from Student where love like 'music';

select * from Student where love like '_usic';

select * from Student where love like '_u_ic';

select * from Student where love like '[m运]%'

select * from Student where love like '[!m]%'


select * from Student where StudentBirthday='1990-09-12';

select * from Student where StudentBirthday between '1990-09-12' and '2013-01-01';

select * from Student where StudentBirthday>='1990-09-12'


select * from Student where StudentBirthday is not null;


select UPPER(ClassName) as ClassName,ClassID from Class;


select lower(ClassName) as ClassName,ClassID FROM Class;


select ClassID,ltrim(ClassName) as 去除左边空格,RTRIM(ClassName) as 去除右边空格 from Class;


select ClassID,ClassName,left(ClassName,2) as ClassName左边提取2个,

right(ClassName,2) as ClassName右边提取2个,

SUBSTRING(ClassName,2,2) as ClassName左边2的位置开始提起2个

from Class

--charindex 查询子串首次出现的位置

select ClassName,charindex('m',ClassName) as m首次出现的位置 from Class

--replace 查找并替换字符串

select ClassName,replace(ClassName,'math','数学') as 替换的ClassName from Class;



select ClassName,stuff(ClassName,4,3,'m') as 删除后 from Class


select ClassID,'班级'+STR(ClassID) as 转换后 from Class


select StudentBirthday,year(StudentBirthday) as 年,month(StudentBirthday) as 月,

day(StudentBirthday) as 日 from Student


select StudentBirthday,DATEADD(YEAR,1,StudentBirthday) AS 年份 from Student

select StudentBirthday,DATEADD(month,1,StudentBirthday) AS 月份 from Student

select StudentBirthday,DATEADD(day,1,StudentBirthday) AS 日期 from Student


select StudentBirthday,datediff(year,StudentBirthday,'2013-10-04') as 间隔年数 from Student

select StudentBirthday,datediff(month,StudentBirthday,'2013-10-04') as 间隔月数 from Student

select StudentBirthday,datediff(day,StudentBirthday,'2013-10-04') as 间隔天数 from Student


select StudentBirthday,datediff(day,StudentBirthday,getdate()) as 间隔天数 from Student


select StudentClass,round(StudentClass,2) as 四舍五入后 from Student


select StudentClass,floor(StudentClass) as 取整 from Student


select StudentClass,ceiling(StudentClass) as 取整 from Student


select sin(30) as 正弦值,cos(30) as 余弦值,tan(90) as 正切值


declare @vars float

set @vars=30

select str(@vars) as 原数值,convert(varchar,log(@vars)) as 自然对数


declare @values int,@counter int

set @values=9

set @counter=2

select power(@values,@counter) AS 九的二次幂


declare @vars float

set @vars=10

select convert(varchar,EXP(@vars)) as 输出指数值


DECLARE @numbers smallint --声明一个变量

SET @numbers=1 --设置变量的初值为1


WHILE @numbers<4


select RAND(@numbers) AS 随机数


SET @numbers=@numbers+1 --改变循环条件的值




declare @val float

set @val=120

select sqrt(@val) as 开方


select SUM(StudentClass) AS 求和 from Student where StudentClass=1


select max(ClassID) AS 最大值 from Class


select min(ClassID) AS 最小值 from Class


select avg(ClassID) AS 平均值 from Class


select count(*) As 记录总数 from Student where StudentClass=1


SELECT CAST('456' AS INT) + 123

AS 计算结果


select @@DBTS as 当前数据库时间戳值


select @@LANGUAGE as 语言名称


select @@VERSION as 当前数据库版本


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