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ORACLE 数据库常用命令

2013-09-06 18:51 441 查看
drop user sa cascade --无用户次行不要

create user sa

IDENTIFIED by admin123

default tablespace society;

--temporary tablespace TEMP

--profile DEFAULT

--password expire

--account lock;

--Grant/Revoke role privileges

grant connect to sa;

grant resource to sa;

grant dba to sa;

--Crant/Revoke system privileges

grant unlimited tablespace to sa;

create tablespace society datafile 'H:\oradata\orcl\society.dbf' size 600m;--先在建目录D:\oradata\orcl

imp file=g:\daochu.dmp ignore=y log=h:\log.txt

imp file=g:\cha.dmp ignore=y log=h:\log.txt
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