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Objective-C 编码规范

2013-08-04 16:52 411 查看


Dot-Notation Syntax
Dot-notation should always be used for accessing and mutating properties. Bracket notation is preferred in all other instances.
For example:
view.backgroundColor = [UIColor orangeColor];
[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate;
[view setBackgroundColor:[UIColor orangeColor]];

关于if / else / switch / for / enum / while等,这些语句,我还是使用自己一直书写的方式

Conditional bodies should always use braces even when a conditional body could be written without braces (i.e., it is one line only) braces should still be used. There are just too many
little ways to get burned otherwise.
For example:
if (!error) {
return success;

if (!error)
return success;

if (!error) return success;
In method signatures, there should be a space after the scope (-/+ symbol). There should be a space between the method segments.
For Example:
- (void)setExampleText:(NSString
Variables should be named as descriptively as possible. Single letter variable names should be avoided except in for() loops.
Asterisks indicating pointers belong with the variable, i.e. NSString *text not NSString*
text orNSString * text,
except in the case of constants.
Property definitions should be used in place of naked instance variables whenever possible. Direct instance variable access should be avoided except in initializer methods (init, initWithCoder:,
etc…), deallocmethods and within custom setters and getters. For more information
on using Accessor Methods in Initializer Methods and dealloc, see here.
For example:

@property (nonatomic) NSString


: NSObject

init and dealloc
dealloc methods should be placed at the top of the implementation, directly after the @synthesize and@dynamic statements. init should
be placed directly below the dealloc methods of any class.

NSString, NSDictionary, NSArray,
and NSNumber literals should be used whenever creating immutable instances of
those objects. Pay special care that nil values not be passed into NSArray andNSDictionary literals,
as this will cause a crash.
For example:
NSArray *names = @[@"Brian", @"Matt", @"Chris", @"Alex", @"Steve", @"Paul"];
NSDictionary *productManagers = @{@"iPhone" : @"Kate", @"iPad" : @"Kamal", @"Mobile Web" : @"Bill"};
NSNumber *shouldUseLiterals = @YES;
NSNumber *buildingZIPCode = @10018;

NSArray *names = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Brian", @"Matt", @"Chris", @"Alex", @"Steve", @"Paul", nil];
NSDictionary *productManagers = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"Kate", @"iPhone", @"Kamal", @"iPad", @"Bill", @"Mobile Web", nil];
NSNumber *shouldUseLiterals = [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES];
NSNumber *ZIPCode = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:10018];

CGRect Functions
When accessing the x, y, width,
or height of a CGRect,
always use the CGGeometry functionsinstead
of direct struct member access. From Apple's CGGeometry reference:
All functions described in this reference that take CGRect data structures as inputs implicitly standardize those rectangles before calculating their results. For this reason, your
applications should avoid directly reading and writing the data stored in the CGRect data structure. Instead, use the functions described here to manipulate rectangles and to retrieve their characteristics.
For example:
CGRect frame = self.view.frame;

CGFloat x = CGRectGetMinX(frame);
CGFloat y = CGRectGetMinY(frame);
CGFloat width = CGRectGetWidth(frame);
CGFloat height = CGRectGetHeight(frame);

CGRect frame = self.view.frame;

CGFloat x = frame.origin.x;
CGFloat y = frame.origin.y;
CGFloat width = frame.size.width;
CGFloat height = frame.size.height;

Enumerated Types
When using enums,
it is recommended to use the new fixed underlying type specification because it has stronger type checking and code completion. The SDK now includes a macro to facilitate and encourage use of fixed underlying types — NS_ENUM()
NYTAdRequestState) {
Private Properties
Private properties should be declared in class extensions (anonymous categories) in the implementation file of a class. Named categories (such as NYTPrivate or private)
should never be used unless extending another class.
For example:

@property (nonatomic, retain) GADBannerView
@property (nonatomic, retain) ADBannerView
@property (nonatomic, retain) UIWebView

Image Naming
Image names should be named consistently to preserve organization and developer sanity. They should be named as one camel case string with a description of their purpose, followed by the
un-prefixed name of the class or property they are customizing (if there is one), followed by a further description of color and/or placement, and finally their state.
For example:
RefreshBarButtonItem / RefreshBarButtonItem@2x and RefreshBarButtonItemSelected /RefreshBarButtonItemSelected@2x
ArticleNavigationBarWhite / ArticleNavigationBarWhite@2x andArticleNavigationBarBlackSelected / ArticleNavigationBarBlackSelected@2x.
Images that are used for a similar purpose should be grouped in respective groups in an Images folder.
Since nil resolves
to NO it is unnecessary to compare it in conditions. Never compare something directly
to YES, because YES is
defined to 1 and a BOOL can be up to 8 bits.
This allows for more consistency across files and greater visual clarity.
For example:
if (!someObject) {

if (someObject
== nil) {

For a BOOL, here's two examples:
if (isAwesome)
if (![someObject boolValue])

if ([someObject boolValue]
== NO)
if (isAwesome
== YES)
// Never do this.

If the name of a BOOL property is expressed as an adjective, the property can omit the “is” prefix but specifies the conventional name for the get accessor, for example:
@property (assign, getter=isEditable)
BOOL editable;
Singleton objects should use a thread-safe pattern for creating their shared instance.
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance {
static id sharedInstance = nil;

static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
sharedInstance = [[self alloc] init];

return sharedInstance;

This will prevent possible and sometimes prolific crashes.
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