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2013-07-21 18:04 477 查看
select sysdate from dual;


insert into customers values(112, 'jack', 18666210383);
insert into customers values(112, 'jack', default);
insert into customers(customer_id,name) values(112, 'jack');
update customers set name='jacky' where phone=18666210383;

delete from customer where sex ='男';
delete from customer;   --删除表中所有记录

3、数据定义语言(约束的添加和删除) /(truncate和delete的区别

create table customer(
id integer constraint customer_pk primary key,
name varchar2(10) not null,
phone varchar2(10)

alter table customer rename to customers;   --修改表名
alter table customers rename column id to customer_id;  --修改列名
alter table customer modify phone varchar2(11);    --修改字段类型
alter table customer add sex varchar2(2);   --添加表列
alter table customers drop column sex;   --删除表列
alter table customer add constraint sex_check check(sex in ('男','女')); --添加check约束
alter table customer add constraint sex_check check(sex in ('男','女')) novalidate;
alter table customer drop constraint sex_check;   --删除约束
alter table customers add constraint customer_id_pk primary key(customer_id);  --添加主键约束
alter table customers add constraint phone_uq unique(phone);  --添加唯一性约束

//开始使用alter table customers add constraint DF_sex default('男')for sex; 却失败了
alter table customers modify sex default '男';  --添加default约束

alter table student add constraint FK_cno foreign key(cno) references class(cno);  --添加外键约束
rename oldtablename to newtablename;   --修改表名
drop table tablename;   --删除表
TRUNCATE  TABLE  table;  --清空表


commit : 永久性的保存对行所做的修改

rollback :阻止其他用户访问数据库结构(回收权限)





grant connect, resource to jack;
revoke connect, resource from jack;
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