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VBA 在表格中创建和使用下拉框(xlDropdow)

2013-06-05 14:59 651 查看


Junior Member

Join DateApr 2010Posts7

how to add items to the comboBox using VBA

I have created a comboBox1 on an excel sheet with the following statement

Set MyCombo = Shapes.AddFormControl(xlDropDown, Cells(10, 1).Left, Cells(10, 1).Top, 50, Cells(10, 1).RowHeight)

My issues are:
1.Now how to add items to the comboBox1.
2. How to create a comboBox 2 adjacent to comboBox1 when an item is clicked in comboBox1.

when i used .AddItem methosd it throws an error stating that method or property does not exist for the object. Can anyone help me to resolve these issues.


Old Uncle ModeratorPower Poster

Join DateJul 2000LocationMilano, ItalyPosts7,724

Re: how to add items to the comboBox using VBA

Not sure this is a dot net question. Seems as if you're doing it inside excel.
In case, a way to do it (but user must enable macros) is the following

in a worksheet:

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Dim shp As Shape
For Each shp In Me.Shapes
If shp.Name = "cboDynamic" Then
Set shp = Nothing
Exit For
End If
Set shp = Nothing
If shp Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

End Sub

Private Sub CreateCbo()

With Me.Shapes.AddFormControl(xlDropDown, Left:=Cells(10, 1).Left, Top:=Cells(10, 1).Top, Width:=50, Height:=Cells(10, 1).RowHeight)
.ControlFormat.DropDownLines = 3
.ControlFormat.AddItem "First", 1
.ControlFormat.AddItem "Second", 2
.ControlFormat.AddItem "Third", 3
.Name = "cboDynamic"
.OnAction = "cboDynamic_Change"

End With

End Sub

Public Sub cboDynamic_Change()

Dim selectIndex As Integer

'delete any existing dropdown box named "cboDynSecond"
'if none exists, do not throw error
On Error Resume Next
'disable on error resume next
On Error GoTo 0

selectIndex = ActiveSheet.DropDowns("cboDynamic").ListIndex
Dim dd As DropDown
Set dd = ActiveSheet.DropDowns("cboDynamic")

Dim lft As Integer
lft = dd.Left + dd.Width + 10
Dim tp As Integer
tp = dd.Top
Dim wdt As Integer
wdt = dd.Width
Dim hgt As Integer
hgt = dd.Height
Set dd = Nothing
With ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddFormControl(xlDropDown, Left:=lft, Top:=tp, Width:=wdt, Height:=hgt)
.ControlFormat.DropDownLines = 7
.Name = "cboDynSecond"

Select Case selectIndex

Case 1
.ControlFormat.AddItem "A_01", 1
.ControlFormat.AddItem "A_02", 2
.ControlFormat.AddItem "A_03", 3
.ControlFormat.AddItem "A_04", 4
Case 2
.ControlFormat.AddItem "B_01", 1
.ControlFormat.AddItem "B_02", 2
.ControlFormat.AddItem "B_03", 3
.ControlFormat.AddItem "B_04", 4
Case 3
.ControlFormat.AddItem "C1", 1
.ControlFormat.AddItem "C2", 2
.ControlFormat.AddItem "C3", 3
.ControlFormat.AddItem "C4", 4

End Select
.OnAction = "cboDynSecond_Click"
End With

End Sub

Public Sub cboDynSecond_Click()

Dim shp As Shape
For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If shp.Name = "cboDynSecond" Then
Exit For
End If
Set shp = Nothing
If Not shp Is Nothing Then

MsgBox ("you clicked on itme index" & shp.ControlFormat.ListIndex _
& " (value is index: " & shp.ControlFormat.Value _
& " -while text is " & shp.ControlFormat.List(shp.ControlFormat.ListIndex) _
& ")")
End If

End Sub

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标签:  VBA combox