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C# - test and cast with reference type or value...

2013-05-30 00:00 429 查看
Please check the following code snippet for test and cast on references types (exemplified by a string object), or a value type , represented by a int type.

also, the special case of 0 is considered.

public void TestConvertNullToString()
var a = ((string) null);
if (a == null)

if (a is string)
Console.WriteLine("a is String");
Console.WriteLine("a is not String");

if (a is int)
Console.WriteLine("a is int");
Console.WriteLine("a is not int");

//            if ((a as int) == null)
//            {
//                Console.WriteLine("a is not String");}
//            }
//            else
//            {
//               Console.WriteLine("a is not String");
//            }

int c = 1;
object d = c;
a = ((string) d); // Invalid cast exception

Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { string.IsNullOrEmpty((string) null); });
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标签:  c#