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导读:Kristóf Kovács 是一位软件架构师和咨询顾问,他最近发布了一片对比各种类型nosql数据库的文章。文章由敏捷翻译 – 唐尤华编译。如需转载,请参见文后声明。


但是NoSQL数据库之间的不同,远超过两 SQL数据库之间的差别。这意味着软件架构师更应该在项目开始时就选择好一个适合的 NoSQL数据库。针对这种情况,这里对 Cassandra、 Mongodb、CouchDB、Redis、 Riak、 Membase、Neo4j和HBase进行了比较:

(编注1:NoSQL:是一项全新的数据库革命性运动,NoSQL的拥护者们提倡运用非关系型的数据存储。现今的计算机体系结构在数据存储方面要求具 备庞大的水平扩 展性,而NoSQL致力于改变这一现状。目前Google的 BigTable 和Amazon 的Dynamo使用的就是NoSQL型数据库。 参见NoSQL词条。)

1. CouchDB

所用语言: Erlang


使用许可: Apache






MVCC – 写操作不阻塞读操作




视图:嵌入式 映射/减少






因此, CouchApps(独立的 js应用程序)

需要 jQuery程序库


例如: CRM、CMS系统。 master-master复制对于多站点部署是非常有用的。


2. Redis



使用许可: BSD

协议:类 Telnet


但自2.0版本以后可以将数据交换到硬盘(注意, 2.4以后版本不支持该特性!)


虽然采用简单数据或以键值索引的哈希表,但也支持复杂操作,例如 ZREVRANGEBYSCORE。

INCR & co (适合计算极限值或统计数据)

支持 sets(同时也支持 union/diff/inter)

支持列表(同时也支持队列;阻塞式 pop操作)


支持排序 sets(高得分表,适用于范围查询)






(编注3:Master-slave复制:如果同一时刻只有一台服务器处理所有的复制请求,这被称为 Master-slave复制,通常应用在需要提供高可用性的服务器集群。)

3. MongoDB



使用许可: AGPL(发起者: Apache)

协议: Custom, binary( BSON)

Master/slave复制(支持自动错误恢复,使用 sets 复制)


支持 javascript表达式查询

可在服务器端执行任意的 javascript函数




建议最好打开日志功能(参数 –journal)


空数据库大约占 192Mb

采用 GridFS存储大数据或元数据(不是真正的文件系统)

最佳应用场景:适用于需要动态查询支持;需要使用索引而不是 map/reduce功能;需要对大数据库有性能要求;需要使用 CouchDB但因为数据改变太频繁而占满内存的应用程序。

例如:你本打算采用 MySQL或 PostgreSQL,但因为它们本身自带的预定义栏让你望而却步。

4. Riak



使用许可: Apache

协议: HTTP/REST或者 custom binary

可调节的分发及复制(N, R, W)

用 JavaScript or Erlang在操作前或操作后进行验证和安全支持。

使用JavaScript或Erlang进行 Map/reduce



大数据对象支持( Luwak)


全文本搜索,索引,通过 Riak搜索服务器查询( beta版)

支持Masterless多站点复制及商业许可的 SNMP监控

最佳应用场景:适用于想使用类似 Cassandra(类似Dynamo)数据库但无法处理 bloat及复杂性的情况。适用于你打算做多站点复制,但又需要对单个站点的扩展性,可用性及出错处理有要求的情况。

例如:销售数据搜集,工厂控制系统;对宕机时间有严格要求;可以作为易于更新的 web服务器使用。

5. Membase

所用语言: Erlang和C

特点:兼容 Memcache,但同时兼具持久化和支持集群

使用许可: Apache 2.0




所有节点都是唯一的( master-master复制)


写数据时通过去除重复数据来减少 IO

提供非常好的集群管理 web界面




例如:低延迟数据访问比如以广告为目标的应用,高并发的 web 应用比如网络游戏(例如 Zynga)

6. Neo4j

所用语言: Java


使用许可: GPL,其中一些特性使用 AGPL/商业许可

协议: HTTP/REST(或嵌入在 Java中)

可独立使用或嵌入到 Java应用程序






支持事务(用 Java api)

使用 Gremlin图形遍历语言

支持 Groovy脚本

支持在线备份,高级监控及高可靠性支持使用 AGPL/商业许可

最佳应用场景:适用于图形一类数据。这是 Neo4j与其他nosql数据库的最显著区别


7. Cassandra

所用语言: Java

特点:对大型表格和 Dynamo支持得最好

使用许可: Apache

协议: Custom, binary (节约型)

可调节的分发及复制(N, R, W)




基于 Apache分布式平台尽可能地 Map/reduce

我承认对 Cassandra有偏见,一部分是因为它本身的臃肿和复杂性,也因为 Java的问题(配置,出现异常,等等)

最佳应用场景:当使用写操作多过读操作(记录日志)如果每个系统组建都必须用 Java编写(没有人因为选用 Apache的软件被解雇)


8. HBase

(配合 ghshephard使用)

所用语言: Java


使用许可: Apache

协议:HTTP/REST (支持 Thrift,见编注4)

在 BigTable之后建模

采用分布式架构 Map/reduce


高性能 Thrift网关


支持 XML, Protobuf, 和binary的HTTP

Cascading, hive, and pig source and sink modules

基于 Jruby( JIRB)的shell





例如: Facebook消息数据库(更多通用的用例即将出现)

编注4:Thrift 是一种接口定义语言,为多种其他语言提供定义和创建服务,由Facebook开发并开源。


原文:Kristóf Kovács   编译:敏捷翻译 – 唐尤华

Kristóf Kovács

Software architect, consultant

About me About you Insights

Cassandra vs MongoDB vs CouchDB vs Redis vs Riak vs HBase vs Couchbase vs Neo4j vs Hypertable vs ElasticSearch vs Accumulo vs VoltDB vs Scalaris comparison

(Yes it's a long title, since people kept asking me to write about this and that too :) I do when it has a point.)

While SQL databases are insanely useful tools, their monopoly in the last decades is coming to an end. And it's just time: I can't even count the things that were forced into relational databases, but never really fitted them. (That being said, relational databases
will always be the best for the stuff that has relations.)

But, the differences between NoSQL databases are much bigger than ever was between one SQL database and another. This means that it is a bigger responsibility on software architects to choose the appropriate one for a project right at the beginning.

In this light, here is a comparison of Cassandra, Mongodb, CouchDB, Redis, Riak, Couchbase (ex-Membase), Hypertable, ElasticSearch, Accumulo, VoltDB, Kyoto Tycoon, Scalaris, Neo4j and HBase:

The most popular ones

MongoDB (2.2)

Written in: C++

Main point: Retains some friendly properties of SQL. (Query, index)

License: AGPL (Drivers: Apache)

Protocol: Custom, binary (BSON)

Master/slave replication (auto failover with replica sets)

Sharding built-in

Queries are javascript expressions

Run arbitrary javascript functions server-side

Better update-in-place than CouchDB

Uses memory mapped files for data storage

Performance over features

Journaling (with --journal) is best turned on

On 32bit systems, limited to ~2.5Gb

An empty database takes up 192Mb

GridFS to store big data + metadata (not actually an FS)

Has geospatial indexing

Data center aware

Best used: If you need dynamic queries. If you prefer to define indexes, not map/reduce functions. If you need good performance on a big DB. If you wanted CouchDB, but your data changes too much, filling up disks.

For example: For most things that you would do with MySQL or PostgreSQL, but having predefined columns really holds you back.

Riak (V1.2)

Written in: Erlang & C, some JavaScript

Main point: Fault tolerance

License: Apache

Protocol: HTTP/REST or custom binary

Stores blobs

Tunable trade-offs for distribution and replication

Pre- and post-commit hooks in JavaScript or Erlang, for validation and security.

Map/reduce in JavaScript or Erlang

Links & link walking: use it as a graph database

Secondary indices: but only one at once

Large object support (Luwak)

Comes in "open source" and "enterprise" editions

Full-text search, indexing, querying with Riak Search

In the process of migrating the storing backend from "Bitcask" to Google's "LevelDB"

Masterless multi-site replication replication and SNMP monitoring are commercially licensed

Best used: If you want something Dynamo-like data storage, but no way you're gonna deal with the bloat and complexity. If you need very good single-site scalability, availability and fault-tolerance, but you're ready to pay for multi-site replication.

For example: Point-of-sales data collection. Factory control systems. Places where even seconds of downtime hurt. Could be used as a well-update-able web server.

CouchDB (V1.2)

Written in: Erlang

Main point: DB consistency, ease of use

License: Apache

Protocol: HTTP/REST

Bi-directional (!) replication,

continuous or ad-hoc,

with conflict detection,

thus, master-master replication. (!)

MVCC - write operations do not block reads

Previous versions of documents are available

Crash-only (reliable) design

Needs compacting from time to time

Views: embedded map/reduce

Formatting views: lists & shows

Server-side document validation possible

Authentication possible

Real-time updates via '_changes' (!)

Attachment handling

thus, CouchApps (standalone js apps)

Best used: For accumulating, occasionally changing data, on which pre-defined queries are to be run. Places where versioning is important.

For example: CRM, CMS systems. Master-master replication is an especially interesting feature, allowing easy multi-site deployments.

Redis (V2.4)

Written in: C/C++

Main point: Blazing fast

License: BSD

Protocol: Telnet-like

Disk-backed in-memory database,

Currently without disk-swap (VM and Diskstore were abandoned)

Master-slave replication

Simple values or hash tables by keys,

but complex operations like ZREVRANGEBYSCORE.

INCR & co (good for rate limiting or statistics)

Has sets (also union/diff/inter)

Has lists (also a queue; blocking pop)

Has hashes (objects of multiple fields)

Sorted sets (high score table, good for range queries)

Redis has transactions (!)

Values can be set to expire (as in a cache)

Pub/Sub lets one implement messaging (!)

Best used: For rapidly changing data with a foreseeable database size (should fit mostly in memory).

For example: Stock prices. Analytics. Real-time data collection. Real-time communication. And wherever you used memcached before.

Clones of Google's Bigtable

HBase (V0.92.0)

Written in: Java

Main point: Billions of rows X millions of columns

License: Apache

Protocol: HTTP/REST (also Thrift)

Modeled after Google's BigTable

Uses Hadoop's HDFS as storage

Map/reduce with Hadoop

Query predicate push down via server side scan and get filters

Optimizations for real time queries

A high performance Thrift gateway

HTTP supports XML, Protobuf, and binary

Jruby-based (JIRB) shell

Rolling restart for configuration changes and minor upgrades

Random access performance is like MySQL

A cluster consists of several different types of nodes

Best used: Hadoop is probably still the best way to run Map/Reduce jobs on huge datasets. Best if you use the Hadoop/HDFS stack already.

For example: Search engines. Analysing log data. Any place where scanning huge, two-dimensional join-less tables are a requirement.

Cassandra (1.2)

Written in: Java

Main point: Best of BigTable and Dynamo

License: Apache

Protocol: Thrift & custom binary CQL3

Tunable trade-offs for distribution and replication (N, R, W)

Querying by column, range of keys (Requires indices on anything that you want to search on)

BigTable-like features: columns, column families

Can be used as a distributed hash-table, with an "SQL-like" language, CQL (but no JOIN!)

Data can have expiration (set on INSERT)

Writes can be much faster than reads (when reads are disk-bound)

Map/reduce possible with Apache Hadoop

All nodes are similar, as opposed to Hadoop/HBase

Cross-datacenter replication

Best used: When you write more than you read (logging). If every component of the system must be in Java. ("No one gets fired for choosing Apache's stuff.")

For example: Banking, financial industry (though not necessarily for financial transactions, but these industries are much bigger than that.) Writes are faster than reads, so one natural niche is data analysis.

Hypertable (

Written in: C++

Main point: A faster, smaller HBase

License: GPL 2.0

Protocol: Thrift, C++ library, or HQL shell

Implements Google's BigTable design

Run on Hadoop's HDFS

Uses its own, "SQL-like" language, HQL

Can search by key, by cell, or for values in column families.

Search can be limited to key/column ranges.

Sponsored by Baidu

Retains the last N historical values

Tables are in namespaces

Map/reduce with Hadoop

Best used: If you need a better HBase.

For example: Same as HBase, since it's basically a replacement: Search engines. Analysing log data. Any place where scanning huge, two-dimensional join-less tables are a requirement.

Accumulo (1.4)

Written in: Java and C++

Main point: A BigTable with Cell-level security

License: Apache

Protocol: Thrift

Another BigTable clone, also runs of top of Hadoop

Cell-level security

Bigger rows than memory are allowed

Keeps a memory map outside Java, in C++ STL

Map/reduce using Hadoop's facitlities (ZooKeeper & co)

Some server-side programming

Best used: If you need a different HBase.

For example: Same as HBase, since it's basically a replacement: Search engines. Analysing log data. Any place where scanning huge, two-dimensional join-less tables are a requirement.


Neo4j (V1.5M02)

Written in: Java

Main point: Graph database - connected data

License: GPL, some features AGPL/commercial

Protocol: HTTP/REST (or embedding in Java)

Standalone, or embeddable into Java applications

Full ACID conformity (including durable data)

Both nodes and relationships can have metadata

Integrated pattern-matching-based query language ("Cypher")

Also the "Gremlin" graph traversal language can be used

Indexing of nodes and relationships

Nice self-contained web admin

Advanced path-finding with multiple algorithms

Indexing of keys and relationships

Optimized for reads

Has transactions (in the Java API)

Scriptable in Groovy

Online backup, advanced monitoring and High Availability is AGPL/commercial licensed

Best used: For graph-style, rich or complex, interconnected data. Neo4j is quite different from the others in this sense.

For example: For searching routes in social relations, public transport links, road maps, or network topologies.

ElasticSearch (0.20.1)

Written in: Java

Main point: Advanced Search

License: Apache

Protocol: JSON over HTTP (Plugins: Thrift, memcached)

Stores JSON documents

Has versioning

Parent and children documents

Documents can time out

Very versatile and sophisticated querying, scriptable

Write consistency: one, quorum or all

Sorting by score (!)

Geo distance sorting

Fuzzy searches (approximate date, etc) (!)

Asynchronous replication

Atomic, scripted updates (good for counters, etc)

Can maintain automatic "stats groups" (good for debugging)

Still depends very much on only one developer (kimchy).

Best used: When you have objects with (flexible) fields, and you need "advanced search" functionality.

For example: A dating service that handles age difference, geographic location, tastes and dislikes, etc. Or a leaderboard system that depends on many variables.

The "long tail"

(Not widely known, but definitely worthy ones)

Couchbase (ex-Membase) (2.0)

Written in: Erlang & C

Main point: Memcache compatible, but with persistence and clustering

License: Apache

Protocol: memcached + extensions

Very fast (200k+/sec) access of data by key

Persistence to disk

All nodes are identical (master-master replication)

Provides memcached-style in-memory caching buckets, too

Write de-duplication to reduce IO

Friendly cluster-management web GUI

Connection proxy for connection pooling and multiplexing (Moxi)

Incremental map/reduce

Cross-datacenter replication

Best used: Any application where low-latency data access, high concurrency support and high availability is a requirement.

For example: Low-latency use-cases like ad targeting or highly-concurrent web apps like online gaming (e.g. Zynga).

Scalaris (0.5)

Written in: Erlang

Main point: Distributed P2P key-value store

License: Apache

Protocol: Proprietary & JSON-RPC

In-memory (disk when using Tokyo Cabinet as a backend)

Uses YAWS as a web server

Has transactions (an adapted Paxos commit)

Consistent, distributed write operations

From CAP, values Consistency over Availability (in case of network partitioning, only the bigger partition works)

Best used: If you like Erlang and wanted to use Mnesia or DETS or ETS, but you need something that is accessible from more languages (and scales much better than ETS or DETS).

For example: In an Erlang-based system when you want to give access to the DB to Python, Ruby or Java programmers.

VoltDB (

Written in: Java

Main point: Fast transactions and repidly changing data

License: GPL 3

Protocol: Proprietary

In-memory relational database.

Can export data into Hadoop

Supports ANSI SQL

Stored procedures in Java

Cross-datacenter replication

Best used: Where you need to act fast on massive amounts of incoming data.

For example: Point-of-sales data analysis. Factory control systems.

Kyoto Tycoon (0.9.56)

Written in: C++

Main point: A lightweight network DBM

License: GPL

Protocol: HTTP (TSV-RPC or REST)

Based on Kyoto Cabinet, Tokyo Cabinet's successor

Multitudes of storage backends: Hash, Tree, Dir, etc (everything from Kyoto Cabinet)

Kyoto Cabinet can do 1M+ insert/select operations per sec (but Tycoon does less because of overhead)

Lua on the server side

Language bindings for C, Java, Python, Ruby, Perl, Lua, etc

Uses the "visitor" pattern

Hot backup, asynchronous replication

background snapshot of in-memory databases

Auto expiration (can be used as a cache server)

Best used: When you want to choose the backend storage algorithm engine very precisely. When speed is of the essence.

For example: Caching server. Stock prices. Analytics. Real-time data collection. Real-time communication. And wherever you used memcached before.

Of course, all these systems have much more features than what's listed here. I only wanted to list the key points that I base my decisions on. Also, development of all are very fast, so things are bound to change.

Discussion on Hacker News

Shameless plug: I'm a freelance software architect (resume), have a look at my services!

P.s.: And no, there's no date on this review. There are version numbers, since I update the databases one by one, not at the same time. And believe me, the basic properties of databases don't change that much.
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