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Android 工具之mksdcard

2013-05-10 10:42 656 查看

mksdcard: create a blank FAT32 image to be used with the Android emulator
usage: mksdcard [-l label] <size> <file>

if <size> is a simple integer, it specifies a size in bytes
if <size> is an integer followed by 'K', it specifies a size in KiB
if <size> is an integer followed by 'M', it specifies a size in MiB
if <size> is an integer followed by 'G', it specifies a size in GiB

Minimum size is 9M. The Android emulator cannot use smaller images.
Maximum size is 1099511627264 bytes, 1073741823K, 1048575M or 1023G


mksdcard -l mycard 512M ~/mysdcard.img
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