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[CODE]UIUC同学Jia-Bin Huang收集的计算机视觉代码合集

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UIUC的Jia-Bin Huang同学收集了很多计算机视觉方面的代码,链接如下:



Feature Extraction

SIFT [1] [Demo program][SIFT Library] [VLFeat]

PCA-SIFT [2] [Project]

Affine-SIFT [3] [Project]

SURF [4] [OpenSURF] [Matlab Wrapper]

Affine Covariant Features [5] [Oxford project]

MSER [6] [Oxford project] [VLFeat]

Geometric Blur [7] [Code]

Local Self-Similarity Descriptor [8] [Oxford implementation]

Global and Efficient Self-Similarity [9] [Code]

Histogram of Oriented Graidents [10] [INRIA Object Localization Toolkit] [OLT toolkit for Windows]

GIST [11] [Project]

Shape Context [12] [Project]

Color Descriptor [13] [Project]

Pyramids of Histograms of Oriented Gradients [Code]

Space-Time Interest Points (STIP) [14] [Code]

Boundary Preserving Dense Local Regions [15][Project]

1. D. Lowe. Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints, IJCV 2004. [PDF]
2. Y. Ke and R. Sukthankar, PCA-SIFT: A More Distinctive Representation for Local Image Descriptors,CVPR, 2004. [PDF]
3. J.M. Morel and G.Yu, ASIFT, A new framework for fully affine invariant image comparison.SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2009. [PDF]
4. H. Bay, T. Tuytelaars and L. V. Gool SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features,ECCV, 2006. [PDF]
5. K. Mikolajczyk, T. Tuytelaars, C. Schmid, A. Zisserman, J. Matas, F. Schaffalitzky, T. Kadir and L. Van Gool,A comparison of affine region detectors.
IJCV, 2005. [PDF]
6. J. Matas, O. Chum, M. Urba, and T. Pajdla. Robust wide baseline stereo from maximally stable extremal regions.BMVC, 2002. [PDF]
7. A. C. Berg, T. L. Berg, and J. Malik. Shape matching and object recognition using low distortion correspondences.CVPR, 2005. [PDF]
8. E. Shechtman and M. Irani. Matching local self-similarities across images and videos,CVPR, 2007. [PDF]
9. T. Deselaers and V. Ferrari. Global and Efficient Self-Similarity for Object Classification and Detection.CVPR 2010. [PDF]
10. N. Dalal and B. Triggs. Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection.CVPR 2005. [PDF]
11. A. Oliva and A. Torralba. Modeling the shape of the scene: a holistic representation of the spatial envelope,IJCV, 2001. [PDF]
12. S. Belongie, J. Malik and J. Puzicha. Shape matching and object recognition using shape contexts,PAMI, 2002. [PDF]
13. K. E. A. van de Sande, T. Gevers and Cees G. M. Snoek,
Evaluating Color Descriptors for Object and Scene Recognition
, PAMI, 2010.
14. I. Laptev, On Space-Time Interest Points, IJCV, 2005. [PDF]
15. J. Kim and K. Grauman, Boundary Preserving Dense Local Regions,CVPR 2011. [PDF]
Image Segmentation

Normalized Cut [1] [Matlab code]

Gerg Mori' Superpixel code [2] [Matlab code]

Efficient Graph-based Image Segmentation [3] [C++ code] [Matlab

Mean-Shift Image Segmentation [4] [EDISON C++ code] [Matlab

OWT-UCM Hierarchical Segmentation [5] [Resources]

Turbepixels [6] [Matlab code 32bit] [Matlab code 64bit]
[Updated code]

Quick-Shift [7] [VLFeat]

SLIC Superpixels [8] [Project]

Segmentation by Minimum Code Length [9] [Project]

Biased Normalized Cut [10] [Project]

Segmentation Tree [11-12] [Project]

Entropy Rate Superpixel Segmentation [13] [Code]

1. J. Shi and J Malik, Normalized Cuts and Image Segmentation, PAMI, 2000 [PDF]
2. X. Ren and J. Malik. Learning a classification model for segmentation.ICCV, 2003. [PDF]
3. P. Felzenszwalb and D. Huttenlocher. Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation, IJCV 2004. [PDF]
4. D. Comaniciu, P Meer. Mean Shift: A Robust Approach Toward Feature Space Analysis.PAMI 2002. [PDF]
5. P. Arbelaez, M. Maire, C. Fowlkes and J. Malik.
Contour Detection and Hierarchical Image Segmentation
. PAMI, 2011. [PDF]
6. A. Levinshtein, A. Stere, K. N. Kutulakos, D. J. Fleet, S. J. Dickinson, and K. Siddiqi,TurboPixels: Fast Superpixels Using Geometric Flows,
PAMI 2009. [PDF]
7. A. Vedaldi and S. Soatto, Quick Shift and Kernel Methodsfor Mode Seeking,ECCV, 2008. [PDF]
8. R. Achanta, A. Shaji, K. Smith, A. Lucchi, P. Fua, and S. Susstrunk, SLIC Superpixels,EPFL Technical Report, 2010. [PDF]
9. A. Y. Yang, J. Wright, S. Shankar Sastry, Y. Ma ,
Unsupervised Segmentation of Natural Images via Lossy Data Compression
,CVIU, 2007. [PDF]
10. S. Maji, N. Vishnoi and J. Malik, Biased Normalized Cut,CVPR 2011
11. E. Akbas and N. Ahuja, “From ramp discontinuities to segmentation tree,”ACCV 2009. [PDF]
12. N. Ahuja, “A Transform for Multiscale Image Segmentation by Integrated Edge and Region Detection,”PAMI 1996 [PDF]
13. M.-Y. Liu, O. Tuzel, S. Ramalingam, and R. Chellappa, Entropy Rate Superpixel Segmentation,CVPR 2011 [PDF]
Object Detection

A simple object detector with boosting [Project]

INRIA Object Detection and Localization Toolkit [1] [Project]

Discriminatively Trained Deformable Part Models [2] [Project]

Cascade Object Detection with Deformable Part Models [3] [Project]

Poselet [4] [Project]

Implicit Shape Model [5] [Project]

Viola and Jones's Face Detection [6] [Project]
1. N. Dalal and B. Triggs. Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection.CVPR 2005. [PDF]
2. P. Felzenszwalb, R. Girshick, D. McAllester, D. Ramanan.

Object Detection with Discriminatively Trained Part Based Models,PAMI, 2010 [PDF]
3. P. Felzenszwalb, R. Girshick, D. McAllester. Cascade Object Detection with Deformable Part Models.CVPR 2010 [PDF]
4. L. Bourdev, J. Malik, Poselets: Body Part Detectors Trained Using 3D Human Pose Annotations,ICCV 2009 [PDF]
5. B. Leibe, A. Leonardis, B. Schiele. Robust Object Detection with Interleaved Categorization and Segmentation,IJCV, 2008. [PDF]
6. P. Viola and M. Jones, Rapid Object Detection Using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features,CVPR 2001. [PDF]
Saliency Detection

Itti, Koch, and Niebur' saliency detection [1] [Matlab code]

Frequency-tuned salient region detection [2] [Project]

Saliency detection using maximum symmetric surround [3] [Project]

Attention via Information Maximization [4] [Matlab code]

Context-aware saliency detection [5] [Matlab code]

Graph-based visual saliency [6] [Matlab code]

Saliency detection: A spectral residual approach. [7] [Matlab code]

Segmenting salient objects from images and videos. [8] [Matlab code]

Saliency Using Natural statistics. [9] [Matlab code]

Discriminant Saliency for Visual Recognition from Cluttered Scenes. [10] [Code]

Learning to Predict Where Humans Look [11] [Project]

Global Contrast based Salient Region Detection [12] [Project]
1. L. Itti, C. Koch, and E. Niebur. A model of saliency-based visual attention for rapid scene analysis.PAMI, 1998. [PDF]
2. R. Achanta, S. Hemami, F. Estrada, and S. Susstrunk.
Frequency-tuned salient region detection
. In CVPR, 2009. [PDF]
3. R. Achanta and S. Susstrunk. Saliency detection using maximum symmetric surround. InICIP, 2010. [PDF]
4. N. Bruce and J. Tsotsos. Saliency based on information maximization. InNIPS, 2005. [PDF]
5. S. Goferman, L. Zelnik-Manor, and A. Tal. Context-aware saliency detection. InCVPR, 2010. [PDF]
6. J. Harel, C. Koch, and P. Perona. Graph-based visual saliency. NIPS, 2007. [PDF]
7. X. Hou and L. Zhang. Saliency detection: A spectral residual approach.CVPR, 2007. [PDF]
8. E. Rahtu, J. Kannala, M. Salo, and J. Heikkila.
Segmenting salient objects from images and videos
. CVPR, 2010. [PDF]
9. L. Zhang, M. Tong, T. Marks, H. Shan, and G. Cottrell.
Sun: A bayesian framework for saliency using natural statistics
. Journal of Vision, 2008. [PDF]
10. D. Gao and N. Vasconcelos, Discriminant Saliency for Visual Recognition from Cluttered Scenes,NIPS, 2004. [PDF]
11. T. Judd and K. Ehinger and F. Durand and A. Torralba,
Learning to Predict Where Humans Look
, ICCV, 2009. [PDF]
12. M.-M. Cheng, G.-X. Zhang, N. J. Mitra, X. Huang, S.-M. Hu.
Global Contrast based Salient Region Detection
. CVPR 2011.
Image Classification

Pyramid Match [1] [Project]

Spatial Pyramid Matching [2] [Code]

Locality-constrained Linear Coding [3] [Project] [Matlab code]

Sparse Coding [4] [Project] [Matlab code]

Texture Classification [5] [Project]

Multiple Kernels for Image Classification [6] [Project]

Feature Combination [7] [Project]

SuperParsing [Code]
1. K. Grauman and T. Darrell, The Pyramid Match Kernel: Discriminative Classification with Sets of Image Features,ICCV 2005. [PDF]
2. S. Lazebnik, C. Schmid, and J. Ponce. Beyond Bags of Features: Spatial Pyramid Matching for Recognizing Natural Scene Categories,CVPR 2006[PDF]
3. J. Wang, J. Yang, K. Yu, F. Lv, T. Huang, and Y. Gong.
Locality-constrained Linear Coding for Image Classification
, CVPR, 2010 [PDF]
4. J. Yang, K. Yu, Y. Gong, T. Huang, Linear Spatial Pyramid Matching using Sparse Coding for Image Classification,CVPR, 2009 [PDF]
5. M. Varma and A. Zisserman, A statistical approach to texture classification from single images, IJCV2005. [PDF]
6. A. Vedaldi, V. Gulshan, M. Varma, and A. Zisserman,
Multiple Kernels for Object Detection
. ICCV, 2009. [PDF]
7. P. Gehler and S. Nowozin, On Feature Combination for Multiclass Object Detection, ICCV, 2009. [PDF]
8. J. Tighe and S. Lazebnik, SuperParsing: Scalable Nonparametric Image

[b]Parsing with Superpixels
[/b], ECCV 2010. [PDF]
Category-Independent Object Proposal

Objectness measure [1] [Code]

Parametric min-cut [2] [Project]

Object proposal [3] [Project]

1. B. Alexe, T. Deselaers, V. Ferrari, What is an Object?,CVPR 2010 [PDF]
2. J. Carreira and C. Sminchisescu. Constrained Parametric Min-Cuts for Automatic Object Segmentation,CVPR 2010. [PDF]
3. I. Endres and D. Hoiem. Category Independent Object Proposals, ECCV 2010. [PDF]

Graph Cut [Project] [C++/Matlab Wrapper Code]
1. Y. Boykov, O. Veksler and R. Zabih, Fast Approximate Energy Minimization via Graph Cuts, PAMI 2001 [PDF]
Shadow Detection

Shadow Detection using Paired Region [Project]

Ground shadow detection [Project]

1. R. Guo, Q. Dai and D. Hoiem, Single-Image Shadow Detection and Removal using Paired Regions, CVPR 2011 [PDF]
2. J.-F. Lalonde, A. A. Efros, S. G. Narasimhan, Detecting Ground Shadowsin Outdoor Consumer Photographs,ECCV 2010 [PDF]
Optical Flow

Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi Feature Tracker [C Code]

Optical Flow Matlab/C++ code by Ce Liu [Project]

Horn and Schunck's method by Deqing Sun [Code]

Black and Anandan's method by Deqing Sun [Code]

Optical flow code by Deqing Sun [Matlab Code] [Project]

Large Displacement Optical Flow by Thomas Brox [Executable for 64-bit Linux] [Matlab
Mex-functions for 64-bit Linux and 32-bit Windows] [Project]

Variational Optical Flow by Thomas Brox [Executable for 64-bit Linux] [Executable
for 32-bit Windows ] [
Matlab Mex-functions for 64-bit Linux and 32-bit Windows ] [Project]

1. B.D. Lucas and T. Kanade, An Iterative Image Registration Technique with an Application to Stereo Vision,IJCAI 1981. [PDF]
2. J. Shi, C. Tomasi, Good Feature to Track,CVPR 1994. [PDF]
3. C. Liu. Beyond Pixels: Exploring New Representations and Applications for Motion Analysis.Doctoral Thesis.
MIT 2009. [PDF]
4. B.K.P. Horn and B.G. Schunck, Determining Optical Flow,Artificial Intelligence 1981. [PDF]
5. M. J. Black and P. Anandan, A framework for the robust estimation of optical flow,ICCV
93. [PDF]
6. D. Sun, S. Roth, and M. J. Black, Secrets of optical flow estimation and their principles,CVPR 2010. [PDF]
7. T. Brox, J. Malik, Large displacement optical flow: descriptor matching in variational motion estimation,PAMI, 2010 [PDF]
8. T. Brox, A. Bruhn, N. Papenberg, J. Weickert, High accuracy optical flow estimation based on a theory for warping,ECCV 2004 [PDF]
Object Tracking

Particle filter object tracking [1] [Project]

KLT Tracker [2-3] [Project]

MILTrack [4] [Code]

Incremental Learning for Robust Visual Tracking [5] [Project]

Online Boosting Trackers [6-7] [Project]

L1 Tracking [8] [Matlab code]

1. P. Perez, C. Hue, J. Vermaak, and M. Gangnet. Color-Based Probabilistic TrackingECCV, 2002. [PDF]
2. B.D. Lucas and T. Kanade, An Iterative Image Registration Technique with an Application to Stereo Vision,IJCAI 1981. [PDF]
3. J. Shi, C. Tomasi, Good Feature to Track,CVPR 1994. [PDF]
4. B. Babenko, M. H. Yang, S. Belongie, Robust Object Tracking with Online Multiple Instance Learning,PAMI 2011 [PDF]
5. D. Ross, J. Lim, R.-S. Lin, M.-H. Yang, Incremental Learning for Robust Visual Tracking,IJCV 2007 [PDF]
6. H. Grabner, and H. Bischof, On-line Boosting and Vision, CVPR 2006 [PDF]
7. H. Grabner, C. Leistner, and H. Bischof, Semi-supervised On-line Boosting for Robust Tracking,ECCV 2008 [PDF]
8. X. Mei and H. Ling, Robust Visual Tracking using L1 Minimization,ICCV, 2009. [PDF]
Image Matting

Closed Form Matting [Code]

Spectral Matting [Project]

Learning-based Matting [Code]

1. A. Levin D. Lischinski and Y. Weiss.
A Closed Form Solution to Natural Image Matting,PAMI 2008 [PDF]
2. A. Levin, A. Rav-Acha, D. Lischinski. Spectral Matting.PAMI 2008. [PDF]
3. Y. Zheng and C. Kambhamettu, Learning Based Digital Matting, ICCV 2009 [PDF]
Bilateral Filtering

Fast Bilateral Filter [Project]

Real-time O(1) Bilateral Filtering [Code]

SVM for Edge-Preserving Filtering [Code]

1. Q. Yang, K.-H. Tan and N. Ahuja, Real-time O(1) Bilateral Filtering,

CVPR 2009. [PDF]
2. Q. Yang, S. Wang, and N. Ahuja, SVM for Edge-Preserving Filtering,

CVPR 2010. [PDF]
Image Denoising

K-SVD [Matlab code]

BLS-GSM [Project]

BM3D [Project]

FoE [Code]

GFoE [Code]

Non-local means [Code]

Kernel regression [Code]

Image Super-Resolution

MRF for image super-resolution [Project]

Multi-frame image super-resolution [Project]

UCSC Super-resolution [Project]

Sprarse coding super-resolution [Code]

Image Deblurring

Eficient Marginal Likelihood Optimization in Blind Deconvolution [Code]

Analyzing spatially varying blur [Project]

Radon Transform [Code]

Image Quality Assessment

FSIM [1] [Project]

Degradation Model [2] [Project]

SSIM [3] [Project]

SPIQA [Code]

1. L. Zhang, L. Zhang, X. Mou and D. Zhang, FSIM: A Feature Similarity Index for Image Quality Assessment,TIP 2011. [PDF]
2. N. Damera-Venkata, and T. D. Kite, W. S. Geisler, B. L. Evans, and A. C. Bovik,Image Quality Assessment Based on a Degradation Model,TIP 2000. [PDF]
3. Z. Wang, A. C. Bovik, H. R. Sheikh and E. P. Simoncelli,Image quality assessment: from error visibility to structural similarity,TIP
2004. [PDF]
4. B. Ghanem, E. Resendiz, and N. Ahuja, Segmentation-Based Perceptual Image Quality Assessment (SPIQA),ICIP 2008. [PDF]
Density Estimation

Kernel Density Estimation Toolbox [Project]
Dimension Reduction

Dimensionality Reduction Toolbox [Project]


LLE [Project]

Laplacian Eigenmaps [Code]

Diffusion maps [Code]

Sparse Coding

Low-Rank Matrix Completion

Nearest Neighbors matching

ANN: Approximate Nearest Neighbor Searching [Project] [Matlab wrapper]

FLANN: Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors [Project]


StereoMatcher [Project]
1. D. Scharstein and R. Szeliski. A taxonomy and evaluation of dense two-frame stereo correspondence algorithms,IJCV 2002 [PDF]
Structure from motion

Boundler [1] [Project]
1. N. Snavely, S. M. Seitz, R. Szeliski. Photo Tourism: Exploring image collections in 3D.SIGGRAPH, 2006. [PDF]
Distance Transformation

Distance Transforms of Sampled Functions [1] [Project]
1. P. F. Felzenszwalb and D. P. Huttenlocher. Distance transforms of sampled functions.Technical report, Cornell University, 2004. [PDF]
Chamfer Matching

Fast Directional Chamfer Matching [Code]
1. M.-Y. Liu, O. Tuzel, A. Veeraraghavan, and R. Chellappa,Fast Directional Chamfer Matching,
CVPR 2010 [PDF]

K-Means [VLFeat] [Oxford code]

Spectral Clustering [UW Project][Code] [Self-Tuning

Affinity Propagation [Project]


SVM [Libsvm] [SVM-Light] [SVM-Struct]


Naive Bayes





Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL)

SHOGUN [Project]

OpenKernel.org [Project]

DOGMA (online algorithms) [Project]

SimpleMKL [Project]

1. S. Sonnenburg, G. Rätsch, C. Schäfer, B. Schölkopf .
Large scale multiple kernel learning
. JMLR, 2006. [PDF]
2. F. Orabona and L. Jie. Ultra-fast optimization algorithm for sparse multi kernel learning.ICML, 2011. [PDF]
3. F. Orabona, L. Jie, and B. Caputo. Online-batch strongly convex multi kernel learning.CVPR, 2010. [PDF]
4. A. Rakotomamonjy, F. Bach, S. Canu, and Y. Grandvalet.
. JMRL, 2008. [PDF]
Multiple Instance Learning (MIL)

MIForests [1] [Project]


MILES [3] [Project] [Code]

DD-SVM [4] [Project]

1. C. Leistner, A. Saffari, and H. Bischof, MIForests: Multiple-Instance Learning with Randomized Trees,ECCV 2010. [PDF]
2. Z. Fu, A. Robles-Kelly, and J. Zhou, MILIS: Multiple instance learning with instance selection,PAMI 2010. [PDF]
3. Y. Chen, J. Bi and J. Z. Wang, MILES: Multiple-Instance Learning via Embedded Instance Selection.PAMI 2006 [PDF]
4. Yixin Chen and James Z. Wang, Image Categorization by Learning and Reasoning with Regions,JMLR 2004. [PDF]
Other Utilities

Code for downloading Flickr images, by James Hays [Code]

The Lightspeed Matlab Toolbox by Tom Minka [Code]

MATLAB Functions for Multiple View Geometry [Code]

Peter's Functions for Computer Vision [Code]

Statistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox [Code]
UsefulLinks (dataset, lectures, and other softwares)
Conference Information

Computer Image Analysis, Computer Vision Conferences


· Computer vision paper on the web

· NIPS Proceedings


Compiled list of recognition datasets

Computer vision dataset from CMU


· Videolectures

Source Codes

· Computer Vision Algorithm Implementations

· OpenCV

Source Code Collection for Reproducible Research

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