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How to use write and run MapReduce in eclipse on windows.

2013-04-11 20:01 543 查看
(1) Configure hadoop-eclipse-plugin-1.0.3.jar


(2) copy all the jar file in the hadoop into your classpath.

(3) copy hbase\hbase-0.*.*.jar, hbase\lib\zookeeper-3.4.3.jar into your classpath.

(4) copy hbase-site.xml into your classpath.

(5) Modify org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil.java

private static void checkReturnValue(boolean rv, File p,

FsPermission permission

) throws IOException {

/*if (!rv) {

throw new IOException("Failed to set permissions of path: " + p +

" to " +

String.format("%04o", permission.toShort()));



For this problem:

ERROR security.UserGroupInformation: PriviledgedActionException as:C5176213

cause:java.io.IOException: Failed to set permissions of path

(6) Modify hbase-site.xml in your project

Add these properties.









(6) copy hbase\hbase-0.*.*.jar, hbase\lib\zookeeper-3.4.3.jar to the hadoop\lib on all the

hadoop machine.
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