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2013-04-07 09:32 567 查看

You are charged with maintaining a large C program, and you come across the following code:

typedef struct {
  int left;
  a_struct a[CNT];
  int right;
} b_struct;

void test(int i, b_struct *bp)
  int n = bp->left + bp->right;
  a_struct *ap = &bp->a[i];
  ap->x[ap->idx] = n;

000000 <test>:
0:    55                        push   %ebp
1:    89 e5                     mov    %esp,%ebp
3:    53                        push   %ebx
4:    8b 45 08                  mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax ;%eax=i
7:    8b 4d 0c                  mov    0xc(%ebp),%ecx ;%ecx=bp
a:    8b d8 1c                  imul   $0x1c,%eax,%ebx ;%ebx=i*28
d:    8d 14 c5 00 00 00 00      lea    0x0(,%eax,8),%edx ;%edx=8i;
14:    29 c2                    sub    %eax,%edx ;%edx=7i;
16:    03 54 19 04              add    0x4(%ecx,%ebx,1),%edx ;%edx=7i+[bp+28i+4]
1a:    8b 81 c8 00 00 00        mov    %0xc8(%ecx),%eax ;%eax=right
20:    03 01                    add    (%ecx),%eax  ;%eax=right+left
22:    89 44 91 08              mov    %eax,0x8(%ecx,%edx,4) ;[bp+4*7i+4*[bp+28i+4]+0x8]=%eax
26:    5b                       pop    %ebx
27:    5d                       pop    %ebp
28:    c3                       ret





struct {
int idx;
int x[6];
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