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c++中字符串的使用--------string::npos 的理解

2013-04-03 21:44 711 查看
static const size_t npos = -1;

The string class provides six search functions, each named as a variant offind. The operations
all return astring::size_type value that is the index of where the match occurred, or a special value namedstring::npos if there is no match. Thestring
class defines npos as a value that is guaranteed to be greater than any valid index.
       string 类提供了 6 种查找函数,每种函数以不同形式的 find 命名。这些操作全都返回 string::size_type 类型的值,以下标形式标记查找匹配所发生的位置;或者返回一个名为 string::npos 的特殊值,说明查找没有匹配。string 类将 npos 定义为保证大于任何有效下标的值。
int main(){
string strinfo="//*------------------HelloWorld...........-----";

string strset="ABCDEFHabcd";

string::size_type first=strinfo.find_first_of(strset);

if (first==string::npos)

  cout<<"not find any characters"<<endl;

string::size_type last=strinfo.find_last_of(strset);

if (last==string::npos)

  cout<<"not find any characters"<<endl;


return 0;
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标签:  c++