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xpath 使用方法 演示

2013-03-10 00:11 351 查看


In this tutorial, you will be given a gentle introduction to XPath,
a query language that can be used to select arbitrary parts of HTML documents
in calibre. XPath is a widely used standard, and googling it will yield a ton of information. This tutorial, however, focuses on using XPath for ebook related tasks like finding chapter headings in an unstructured HTML document.


The simplest form of selection is to select tags by name. For example, suppose
you want to select all the <h2> tags
in a document. The XPath query for this is simply:


//h:h2        (Selects all <h2> tags)

The prefix // means search
at any level of the document. Now suppose you want to search for <span> tags
that are inside <a> tags.
That can be achieved with:

//h:a/h:span    (Selects <span> tags inside <a> tags)

If you want to search for tags at a particular level in the document, change the prefix:
/h:body/h:div/h:p (Selects <p> tags that are children of <div> tags that are
children of the <body> tag)

This will match only <p>A very short ebook to demonstrate the use of XPath.</p> in
the Sample ebook but not any of the other <p> tags.
The h: prefix in the above examples is needed to match XHTML tags. This is because internally, calibre represents all content
as XHTML. In XHTML tags have a namespace, and h: is the namespace prefix for HTML tags.

Now suppose you want to select both <h1> and <h2> tags.
To do that, we need a XPath construct called predicate. A predicate is simply a test that is used to select tags. Tests can be arbitrarily powerful and as this tutorial progresses, you will see more
powerful examples. A predicate is created by enclosing the test expression in square brackets:
这会仅仅匹配示例电子书中的标签<p>A very short ebook to demonstrate the use of XPath.</p>.
//*[name()='h1' or name()='h2']

are several new features in this XPath expression. The first is the use of the wildcard *.
It means match any tag. Now look at the test expression name()='h1'or name()='h2'. name() is
an example of a built-in function. It simply evaluates to the
name of the tag. So by using it, we can select tags whose names are either h1or h2.
Note that the name() function
ignores namespaces so that there is no need for the h: prefix.
XPath has several useful built-in functions. A few more will be introduced in this tutorial.

name()='h1' or name()='h2' 是1个内置函数的例子。他只检查标签的名字。所以使用它,我们可以查询命名为ht或者h2的标签。注意,name()函数忽略命名空间,所以使用时不需要h:前缀。XPath有几个内嵌函数。本篇指南里面会介绍几个。

Selecting by attributes

To select tags based on their attributes, the use of predicates is required:
//*[@style]              (Select all tags that have a style attribute)
//*[@class="chapter"]    (Select all tags that have class="chapter")
//h:h1[@class="bookTitle"] (Select all h1 tags that have class="bookTitle")

Here, the @ operator
refers to the attributes of the tag. You can use some of the XPath
built-in functions to perform more sophisticated matching on attribute values.


Selecting by tag content

Using XPath, you can even select tags based on the text they contain. The best way to do this is to use the power of regular expressions via the built-in functionre:test():
//h:h2[re:test(., 'chapter|section', 'i')] (Selects <h2> tags that contain the words chapter or

Here the . operator
refers to the contents of the tag, just as the @ operator
referred to its attributes.


Sample ebook

<title>A very short ebook</title>
<meta name="charset" value="utf-8" />
<h1 class="bookTitle">A very short ebook</h1>
<p style="text-align:right">Written by Kovid Goyal</p>
<div class="introduction">
<p>A very short ebook to demonstrate the use of XPath.</p>

<h2 class="chapter">Chapter One</h2>
<p>This is a truly fascinating chapter.</p>

<h2 class="chapter">Chapter Two</h2>
<p>A worthy continuation of a fine tradition.</p>

XPath built-in functions

The name of the current tag.
contains(s1, s2) returns true if s1 contains s2.
re:test(src, pattern, flags) returns true if the string src matches
the regular expression pattern. A particularly useful flag is i, it makes matching case insensitive. A good
primer on the syntax for regular expressions can be found at regexp syntax
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