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基础计算机网络——应用层(Application Layer)笔记

2013-01-20 18:23 696 查看


1. Always-on server;

2. Permanent IP address;

3. Server farms for scaling;


1. No always-on server;

2. Arbitrary end system;

3. Hard to manage;

4. Easy to expand;

5. Communicate directly;

6. Peers are intermittentlyconnected and change IP addresses;



Input is uploaded to server in entity body;


Input is uploaded in the URL filed of request line

【Cookie与Web Cache】

Cookie components:

1. Cookie header lines in responseand request message;

2. Cookie file is kept on user’shost; ( 存储在client上与3对应的文件)

3. Back-end database at the website; (存储在server上与2对应的文件)

Web cache:

1. Goal: satisfy client requestwithout involving original server;

2. Approach: use proxy server;

3. Effect: reduce response timeand reduce traffic;


Two connections: control connection anddata connection


1. Domain Name Server: translatehostname to IP address

2. Protocol: UDP

3. Functionality: host aliasing,mail server aliasing and load distribution;

【Electronic Mail电子邮件】

1. 3 components: user agents, mailservers, SMTP(between mail servers to send mail message)

2. Sequence:

Message from A->user agentA->mail server A->mail server B->user agent B->message to B

3. Mail access protocols: Pop,IMAP, HTTP, which are used to fetch mails from server to user agent.

【Decentralized Design去中心化设计】


1. Avoid single point of failure;

2. Reduce traffic volume;
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息