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2012-12-19 17:47 260 查看
# $1: testcase script
#   xxx.test: testcase script
#   directory specified: run.ps1 for each *.test under directory
#	execute this script in windows powershell

#: ${1:?Specify test-script-file}
if (${args}.Count -eq 0)
echo "Specify test-script-file"
exit 2

# set DST_SVR by hostname
if(-not ${MYHOSTNAME})

$ini_result =$(select-string -path "C:\Win32app\AdvancedCopyManager\etc\swnode.ini" -pattern MyHostName=) -split "="

## get the second parameter

if ( "${DST_SVR}" -ne "")
elseif($(select-string -path "C:\Win32app\AdvancedCopyManager\etc\swstg.ini" -pattern FJSVswssc=))

# if the first parameter is a directory, then execute all the file like "*.test"
if($(test-path -PathType Container ${test_file}))
$file_arr = $(Get-ChildItem -Path ${test_file}\*.test -Name )
foreach($file in ${file_arr})
if (${file})
& $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path ${test_file}\${file}
exit 0

# get the suffix name. "simplematch" is used for recognize "."
${EXT}= $("$test_file"  -split ".", 0, "simplematch")
# "-1" is the last element
if( "${EXT}[-1]" -eq "gen")

# create a directory,create a file
# test if the directory is exist
if (-not $(test-path -Path  ".\tmprunner\"))
& New-Item -Path ".\tmprunner" -ItemType "directory"

if($(test-path -Path  ${TMP}))
#clear the file content
& clear-content -Path ${TMP}
& New-Item -Path ${TMP} -ItemType "file"
# 1. preprocess
#  VAR_FILE(CONFIG) file name depend HostName:
#  because, to protect destroy device-data if fixed conf-file name.(copied other system)

# write the function into tmp file
& date
echo "${test_file}"

function setVars()
$result=$(cat ${VAR_FILE})
foreach( $i in $result)
if (("$i" -ne " ") -and $($i  -match "^[^#]"))
${varname}=$(${i} -split "=")[0]
${varvalue}=$(${i} -split "=")[1]
& set-variable -name ${varname} -value ${varvalue} -scope "script"
echo "+ ${varname}=${varvalue} "
# check each command after executed, the first parameter is
# the first parameter is this command
# the second parameter is respect exit code
function checkResult()
echo "----------------------------------"
echo "|  command:	$command"
echo "|  exitcode: 	$LastExitCode"
if($LastExitCode -eq $args[1])
echo "|  result:	OK"
set-variable OK_Count ($OK_Count+1) -scope 1
echo "|  result:	NG"
set-variable NG_Count ($NG_Count+1) -scope 1
echo "----------------------------------"

# at the end of test log
# print the sum nummber of result
# no parameter
function Show_Report()
echo "---------Test Report---------"
echo "total number: 	$Total"
echo "OK number: 	${OK_Count}"
echo "NG number: 	${NG_Count}"
'@ >> ${TMP}

${result}=$(cat ${test_file})
foreach($i in ${result})
if (("$i" -ne " ") -and $($i  -match "^[^#]"))
if ($( ${i} |select-string -pattern "echo"))
#	echo "$i" >>${TMP}
elseif ( -not $( ${i} |select-string -pattern "checkResult"))
echo "echo `"+ $i `" " >>${TMP}
echo "& $i" >>${TMP}

# 2. logging
#  determine logfile name
${result}=$("${test_file}" -split "\\")
foreach($i in ${result})
if ($i -and ($i -ne '.') -and ($i -ne '..'))


if( -not $(test-path -Path  ${TMP}))
& New-Item -Path ${LOGFILE} -ItemType "file"

# 3. executing
& ${TMP} 2>&1 | tee-object -filepath ${LOGFILE}
sleep 3

# 3. delete tmp directory
if (test-path -path .\tmprunner)
& remove-item -path .\tmprunner -recurse
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