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转C# 只能运行一个winForm进程

2012-10-30 10:52 162 查看
using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.Diagnostics;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using System.Reflection;

namespace OnlyProcess


static class Program



static void Main()



Process instance = RunningInstance();

if (instance == null)


System.Windows.Forms.Application.EnableVisualStyles(); //这两行可以让窗体具有XP风格.


Application.Run(new Form1());







#region 只运行一个实例

public static Process RunningInstance()


Process current = Process.GetCurrentProcess();//当前新启动的线程

Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName(current.ProcessName);


foreach (Process process in processes)



//Ignore the current process

if (process.Id != current.Id)


//Make sure that the process is running from the exe file.

if (Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location.Replace("/", "//") == current.MainModule.FileName)


//Return the other process instance.

return process;//返回原来旧线程的窗体




return null;


private static void HandleRunningInstance(Process instance)


MessageBox.Show("该应用系统已经在运行!", "提示信息", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

ShowWindowAsync(instance.MainWindowHandle, WS_SHOWNORMAL); //调用api函数,正常显示窗口

SetForegroundWindow(instance.MainWindowHandle); //将窗口放置最前端。



private static extern bool ShowWindowAsync(System.IntPtr hWnd, int cmdShow);


private static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(System.IntPtr hWnd);

private const int WS_SHOWNORMAL = 1;




//namespace OnlyProcess


// static class Program

// {

// /// <summary>

// /// 应用程序的主入口点。

// /// </summary>

// [STAThread]

// static void Main()

// {

// //get the name of our process

// string proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName;

// //get the list of all processes by that name

// Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName(proc);

// //if there is more than one process

// if (processes.Length > 1)

// {

// DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Application is already running! Are you sure want to run another?", "INFORMATION", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

// if (dr == DialogResult.OK)

// {

// Application.EnableVisualStyles();

// Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false);

// Application.Run(new Form1());

// }

// }

// else

// {

// Application.EnableVisualStyles();

// Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false);

// Application.Run(new Form1());

// }

// }

// }


C# 创建互斥进程(程序) 互斥进程(程序), 简单点说,就是在系统中只能有该程序的一个实例运行. 现在很多软件都有这功能,如Maxthon 可以设置为"只允许打开一个窗体",还有Bitcomet等. 我也是看到这些软件的这个功能才来研究这个问题的. 要实现程序的互斥,通常有4中方式,下面用 C# 语言来实现:

实现方式一: 使用线程互斥变量. 通过定义互斥变量来判断是否已运行实例.C#实现如下:


static void Main()


bool runone;

System.Threading.Mutex run = new System.Threading.Mutex(true, "jiaao_test", out runone);

if (runone)



Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false);

Application.Run(new Form1());



{ MessageBox.Show("已经运行了一个实例了。");



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