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2012-08-31 09:32 211 查看

Option Explicit

Dim xDown As Double
Dim yDown As Double
Dim HisBeginFlag As Boolean
Dim Lyr As MapXLib.Layer
Dim LayerInfo As New MapXLib.LayerInfo
Dim Flds As New MapXLib.Fields
Dim Icount As Integer
Dim Angle() As Double
Dim RecordTime() As Date
Dim StopFlag As Boolean
Dim TempPnt As New Point
Dim DisTemp As Double
Dim DisSum As Double

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim strsql As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim ResShowVehicle As ADODB.Recordset

'On Error Resume Next

Set ResShowVehicle = New ADODB.Recordset
strsql = "select * from mapinfo where mapname='" & cSelectMapName & "'"
If CreateRecordSetbySQL_Tempdb(ResShowVehicle, strsql) Then
If Not (ResShowVehicle.BOF And ResShowVehicle.EOF) Then
fZoom = ResShowVehicle.Fields("zoom"
fCenterX = ResShowVehicle.Fields("fcenterx"
fCenterY = ResShowVehicle.Fields("fcentery"
End If
End If

Set ResShowVehicle = Nothing

txtVehicle.Text = FrmHistory.cboVehicle.Text
txtMap.Text = FrmHistory.cboMap.Text
txtStart.Text = FrmHistory.txtYear(0) + "-" + FrmHistory.txtMonth(0) + "-" + FrmHistory.txtDay(0) + " " + FrmHistory.txtHour(0) + ":" + FrmHistory.txtMinute(0) + ":00"
txtEnd.Text = FrmHistory.txtYear(1) + "-" + FrmHistory.txtMonth(1) + "-" + FrmHistory.txtDay(1) + " " + FrmHistory.txtHour(1) + ":" + FrmHistory.txtMinute(1) + ":00"

HistoryMap.CreateCustomTool CreateCJTool, miToolTypePoly, miCrossCursor

HistoryMap.CurrentTool = miArrowTool

HistoryMap.MapUnit = miUnitMeter

HistoryMap.Geoset = IIf(Right(cSelectMapPath, 1) = "\", cSelectMapPath, cSelectMapPath & "\" + cSelectMapName
HistoryMap.Zoom = fZoom
HistoryMap.CenterX = fCenterX
HistoryMap.CenterY = fCenterY

TxtDataTime.Text = CStr(Year(Date)) + "年" + CStr(Month(Date)) + "月" + CStr(Day(Date)) + "日" + " " + CStr(Hour(Time)) + "时" + CStr(Minute(Time)) + "分" + CStr(Second(Time)) + "秒"

StopFlag = False
Toolbar1.Buttons(10).Enabled = False
Toolbar1.Buttons(11).Enabled = False
TimerShowMap.Interval = Slider.Value * 50
End Sub

Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To HistoryMap.Layers.Count
If HistoryMap.Layers.Item(i).Name = "TempLayer" Then
HistoryMap.Layers.Remove i
i = HistoryMap.Layers.Count + 1
End If
Next i
Set Lyr = Nothing
Set Flds = Nothing
Set LayerInfo = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()

If Me.WindowState = 1 Then Exit Sub
HistoryMap.Height = Me.ScaleHeight - 300 - frFrame.Height
HistoryMap.Width = Me.ScaleWidth
HistoryMap.Left = Me.ScaleLeft
frFrame.Width = Me.ScaleWidth
StatusBar.Panels(1).Width = 350
StatusBar.Panels(2).Width = (Me.ScaleWidth - 400) / 10 * 4
StatusBar.Panels(3).Width = (Me.ScaleWidth - 400) / 10 * 3.5
StatusBar.Panels(4).Width = (Me.ScaleWidth - 400) / 10 * 2.5
Picture1.Top = Me.ScaleHeight - 330
Picture1.Left = Me.ScaleLeft + 100
End Sub

Private Sub HistoryMap_DblClick()
If HistoryMap.CurrentTool = CreateCJTool Then
HistoryMap.CurrentTool = miArrowTool
MsgBox "距离:" & CStr(DisSum) & " 米", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "测距结果"
StatusBar.Panels(3).Text = ""
HisBeginFlag = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub HistoryMap_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If HistoryMap.CurrentTool = CreateCJTool And Button = vbLeftButton Then
HistoryMap.MapUnit = miUnitMeter
HistoryMap.ConvertCoord x, y, xDown, yDown, miScreenToMap
HisBeginFlag = True
DisTemp = DisSum 'distemp变量记录历史长度
End If
End Sub

Private Sub HistoryMap_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim xx As Double, yy As Double
Dim MapCoordX As Double, MapCoordY As Double

HistoryMap.ConvertCoord x, y, MapCoordX, MapCoordY, miScreenToMap
If HistoryMap.CurrentTool = CreateCJTool And HisBeginFlag = True Then
DisSum = DisTemp + HistoryMap.Distance(xDown, yDown, MapCoordX, MapCoordY)
StatusBar.Panels(3).Text = "距离:" & CStr(DisSum) & "米"
End If
HistoryMap.ConvertCoord x, y, xx, yy, miScreenToMap
StatusBar.Panels(2).Text = "经度: " & CStr(Round(xx, 4)) & " " & "纬度: " & CStr(Round(yy, 4))
End Sub

Private Sub Slider_Click() dedecms.com
If Slider.Value <> 0 Then
Slider.ToolTipText = "回放速度:" & Slider.Value * 10 & "倍"
TimerShowMap.Interval = Slider.Value * 10
End If
End Sub

Private Sub TimerTime_Timer()
TxtDataTime.Text = CStr(Year(Date)) + "年" + CStr(Month(Date)) + "月" + CStr(Day(Date)) + "日" + " " + CStr(Hour(Time)) + "时" + CStr(Minute(Time)) + "分" + CStr(Second(Time)) + "秒"
End Sub

Private Sub Toolbar1_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button)
Dim i As Integer

Select Case Button.Key
Case "fullmap"
HistoryMap.Bounds = HistoryMap.Layers.Bounds copyright dedecms
Case "zoomin"
HistoryMap.CurrentTool = miZoomInTool
Case "zoomout"
HistoryMap.CurrentTool = miZoomOutTool
Case "pan"
HistoryMap.CurrentTool = miPanTool
Case "cj"
HistoryMap.CurrentTool = CreateCJTool
DisSum = 0
Case "default"
HistoryMap.CurrentTool = miArrowTool 内容来自dedecms
Case "start"
If StopFlag Then
TimerShowMap.Enabled = True
Toolbar1.Buttons(10).Enabled = True
Toolbar1.Buttons(11).Enabled = True
Toolbar1.Buttons(9).Enabled = False
Call BackPutHistoryLocus
End If
Case "pause"
TimerShowMap.Enabled = False
Toolbar1.Buttons(9).Enabled = True
Toolbar1.Buttons(10).Enabled = False
StopFlag = Not StopFlag
Case "stop"
TimerShowMap.Enabled = False
Toolbar1.Buttons(10).Enabled = False
Toolbar1.Buttons(11).Enabled = False
Toolbar1.Buttons(9).Enabled = True
Case "clear"
TimerShowMap.Enabled = False
For i = 1 To HistoryMap.Layers.Count
If HistoryMap.Layers.Item(i).Name = "TempLayer" Then
HistoryMap.Layers.Remove i
i = HistoryMap.Layers.Count + 1
End If
Next i
Set Lyr = Nothing
Set Flds = Nothing
Set LayerInfo = Nothing
Case "exit"
Unload Me
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub BackPutHistoryLocus() '回放历史轨迹
Dim ExistFlag As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim TempLyr As MapXLib.Layer

On Error GoTo aa:

ExistFlag = False '不存在
For i = 1 To HistoryMap.Layers.Count
If HistoryMap.Layers.Item(i).Name = "TempLayer" Then
ExistFlag = True '存在
i = HistoryMap.Layers.Count + 1
End If
Next i

If Not ExistFlag Then '不存在,新建临时图层
Flds.AddStringField "ID", 12

LayerInfo.Type = miLayerInfoTypeTemp
LayerInfo.AddParameter "NAME", "TempLayer"
LayerInfo.AddParameter "Fields", Flds

Set Lyr = HistoryMap.Layers.Add(LayerInfo, 1)

For i = 1 To HistoryMap.Layers.Count
If HistoryMap.Layers.Item(i).Name = "TempLayer" Then
HistoryMap.Layers.Remove i
i = HistoryMap.Layers.Count + 1
End If
Next i
Set Lyr = Nothing
Set LayerInfo = Nothing

Flds.AddStringField "ID", 12

LayerInfo.Type = miLayerInfoTypeTemp
LayerInfo.AddParameter "NAME", "TempLayer"
LayerInfo.AddParameter "Fields", Flds

Set Lyr = HistoryMap.Layers.Add(LayerInfo, 1)
End If

ReDim Angle(Res.RecordCount - 1)
ReDim RecordTime(Res.RecordCount - 1)


For i = 0 To Res.RecordCount - 1
Hispnt.Set Res.Fields("Longitude" , Res.Fields("Latitude"
Hispnts.Add Hispnt
Angle(i) = Res.Fields("angle"
RecordTime(i) = Res.Fields("time"
Next i
Icount = 0
TempPnt.Set Hispnts.Item(1).x, Hispnts.Item(1).y
TimerShowMap.Enabled = True
'TimerShowMap.Interval = 100
Toolbar1.Buttons(10).Enabled = True
Toolbar1.Buttons(11).Enabled = True
Toolbar1.Buttons(9).Enabled = False
Exit Sub
MsgBox "历史记录回放错误,请检测.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "历史记录回放..."
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub TimerShowMap_Timer()
Dim NewStyle As New MapXLib.Style
Dim ftr As New Feature
Dim fnt As New StdFont

On Error GoTo aa:

Icount = Icount + 1
If Hispnts.Count = Icount Then
TimerShowMap.Enabled = False
TimerShowMap.Interval = 0
StopFlag = Not StopFlag
MsgBox "历史轨迹回放完毕!"
Exit Sub
End If
With fnt
.Name = "gisdisplay"
.Bold = False
End With

With NewStyle
.SymbolType = miSymbolTypeTrueTypeFont
.SymbolFont = fnt
.SymbolFontShadow = True
.SymbolCharacter = 34
.SymbolFont.Size = 12
.SymbolFontColor = gisBlue '蓝色
End With

StatusBar.Panels(3).Text = "第 " & CStr(Icount) & " 条 " & CStr(Round(Hispnts.Item(Icount).x, 4)) & "::::" & CStr(Round(Hispnts.Item(Icount).y, 4)) & " 方位角: " & CStr(Angle(Icount)) & " 度"
txtRecordTime.Text = RecordTime(Icount - 1)
If Icount <> 1 And TempPnt.x = Hispnts.Item(Icount).x And TempPnt.y = Hispnts.Item(Icount).y Then
TempPnt.Set Hispnts.Item(Icount).x, Hispnts.Item(Icount).y
Exit Sub
End If
ftr.Attach HistoryMap
ftr.Type = miFeatureTypeSymbol
ftr.Style = NewStyle
ftr.Offset Hispnts.Item(Icount).x, Hispnts.Item(Icount).y
HistoryMap.Layers("TempLayer" .AddFeature ftr

TempPnt.Set Hispnts.Item(Icount).x, Hispnts.Item(Icount).y

If Hispnts.Item(Icount).x > HistoryMap.Bounds.XMax Then
HistoryMap.CenterX = Hispnts.Item(Icount).x
HistoryMap.CenterY = Hispnts.Item(Icount).y
End If
If Hispnts.Item(Icount).x < HistoryMap.Bounds.XMin Then
HistoryMap.CenterX = Hispnts.Item(Icount).x
HistoryMap.CenterY = Hispnts.Item(Icount).y
End If
If Hispnts.Item(Icount).y > HistoryMap.Bounds.YMax Then
HistoryMap.CenterX = Hispnts.Item(Icount).x
HistoryMap.CenterY = Hispnts.Item(Icount).y
End If
If Hispnts.Item(Icount).y < HistoryMap.Bounds.YMin Then
HistoryMap.CenterX = Hispnts.Item(Icount).x
HistoryMap.CenterY = Hispnts.Item(Icount).y
End If
Exit Sub
TimerShowMap.Enabled = False
TimerShowMap.Interval = 0
StopFlag = Not StopFlag
MsgBox "历史轨迹回放完毕!"
Exit Sub
End Sub
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