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2012-08-28 17:37 274 查看

网上有些资料采用记录数据的使用时刻 实现LRU策略,此处采用双向链表 实现LRU策略。LRU Least Recently Used,MRU
Most Recently Used


LRUCache<int, int> tc(3);  //最大三个元素

tc.insert(1, 101);

tc.insert(2, 102);

tc.insert(3, 103);



黄色是 key域,哈希的键
红色是newerPtr 域,指向下一个更新的 哈希项
绿色是oldPtr域,指向前一个更旧的 哈希项
LRUCache缓存中 保存mruPtr和lruPtr,缓存的查找、更新元素 首先从hash_table中发起,然后同步更新到双向链表中。


* Implementation of an LRU cache with a maximum size.
* See http://code.google.com/p/lru-cache-cpp/ for usage and limitations.
* Licensed under the GNU LGPL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html *
* Pierre-Luc Brunelle, 2011
* pierre-luc.brunelle@polytml.ca
* 使用stl中的map替换hash_table
* Peteryfren China, 2012

#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <cassert>

namespace lru{

// Bucket

template<class K, class V>
struct LRUCacheH4Value
typedef std::pair<const K, LRUCacheH4Value<K, V> > Val;

: _v(), _older(NULL), _newer(NULL) { }

LRUCacheH4Value(const V & v, Val * older, Val * newer)
: _v(v), _older(older), _newer(newer) { }

V _v;
Val * _older;
Val * _newer;

// Const Iterator

template<class K, class V>
class LRUCacheH4ConstIterator
typedef std::pair<const K, LRUCacheH4Value<K, V> > Val;
typedef LRUCacheH4ConstIterator<K, V> const_iterator;
typedef Val & reference;
typedef Val * pointer;


LRUCacheH4ConstIterator(const Val * ptr = NULL, DIRECTION dir = MRU_TO_LRU);

const_iterator & operator++();
const_iterator operator++(int);

bool operator==(const const_iterator & other);
bool operator!=(const const_iterator & other);

const K & key() const;
const V & value() const;

const Val * _ptr;

template<class K, class V>
LRUCacheH4ConstIterator<K, V>::LRUCacheH4ConstIterator(
const typename LRUCacheH4ConstIterator<K, V>::Val * ptr,
typename LRUCacheH4ConstIterator<K, V>::DIRECTION dir)
: _ptr(ptr), _dir(dir)

template<class K, class V>
LRUCacheH4ConstIterator<K, V> & LRUCacheH4ConstIterator<K, V>::operator++()
_ptr = (_dir == LRUCacheH4ConstIterator<K, V>::MRU_TO_LRU ? _ptr->second._older : _ptr->second._newer);
return *this;

template<class K, class V>
LRUCacheH4ConstIterator<K, V> LRUCacheH4ConstIterator<K, V>::operator++(int)
const_iterator ret = *this;
return ret;

template<class K, class V>
bool LRUCacheH4ConstIterator<K, V>::operator==(const const_iterator & other)
return _ptr == other._ptr;

template<class K, class V>
bool LRUCacheH4ConstIterator<K, V>::operator!=(const const_iterator & other)
return _ptr != other._ptr;

template<class K, class V>
const K & LRUCacheH4ConstIterator<K, V>::key() const
return _ptr->first;

template<class K, class V>
const V & LRUCacheH4ConstIterator<K, V>::value() const
return _ptr->second._v;

} // file scope

namespace lru {

// LRU Cache

template<class K, class V>
class LRUCacheH4
typedef LRUCacheH4ConstIterator<K, V> const_iterator;

LRUCacheH4(int maxsize);                    // Pre-condition: maxsize >= 1
LRUCacheH4(const LRUCacheH4 & other);
~LRUCacheH4() { _map.clear(); }

V & operator[](const K & key);
void insert(const K & key, const V & value);

int size() const;
int maxsize() const;
bool empty() const;

const_iterator find(const K & key);         // updates the MRU
const_iterator find(const K & key) const;   // does not update the MRU
const_iterator mru_begin() const;           // from MRU to LRU
const_iterator lru_begin() const;           // from LRU to MRU
const_iterator end() const;

void dump_mru_to_lru(std::ostream & os) const;

typedef std::pair<const K, LRUCacheH4Value<K, V> > Val;

typedef std::map<K, LRUCacheH4Value<K,V> > MAP_TYPE;

Val * _update_or_insert(const K & key);
Val * _update(typename MAP_TYPE::iterator it);
Val * _insert(const K & key);

MAP_TYPE _map;
Val * _mru;
Val * _lru;
int _maxsize;

// Reserve enough space to avoid resizing later on and thus invalidate iterators
template<class K, class V>
LRUCacheH4<K, V>::LRUCacheH4(int maxsize)
: _mru(NULL),
if (_maxsize <= 0)
throw "LRUCacheH4: expecting cache size >= 1";

template<class K, class V>
LRUCacheH4<K, V>::LRUCacheH4(const LRUCacheH4<K, V> & other)
: _maxsize(other._maxsize),
for (const_iterator it = other.lru_begin();  it != other.end();  ++it)
this->insert(it.key(), it.value());

template<class K, class V>
V & LRUCacheH4<K, V>::operator[](const K & key)
return _update_or_insert(key)->second._v;

template<class K, class V>
void LRUCacheH4<K, V>::insert(const K & key, const V & value)
_update_or_insert(key)->second._v = value;

template<class K, class V>
int LRUCacheH4<K, V>::size() const
return _map.size();

template<class K, class V>
int LRUCacheH4<K, V>::maxsize() const
return _maxsize;

template<class K, class V>
bool LRUCacheH4<K, V>::empty() const
return size() > 0;

// updates MRU
template<class K, class V>
typename LRUCacheH4<K, V>::const_iterator LRUCacheH4<K, V>::find(const K & key)
typename MAP_TYPE::iterator it = _map.find(key);

if (it != _map.end())
return const_iterator(_update(it), const_iterator::MRU_TO_LRU);
return end();

// does not update MRU
template<class K, class V>
typename LRUCacheH4<K, V>::const_iterator LRUCacheH4<K, V>::find(const K & key) const
typename MAP_TYPE::iterator it = _map.find(key);

if (it != _map.end())
return const_iterator(&*it, const_iterator::MRU_TO_LRU);
return end();

template<class K, class V>
void LRUCacheH4<K, V>::dump_mru_to_lru(std::ostream & os) const
os << "LRUCacheH4(" << size() << "/" << maxsize() << "): MRU --> LRU: " << std::endl;
for (const_iterator it = mru_begin();  it != end();  ++it)
os << it.key() << ": " << it.value() << std::endl;

template<class K, class V>
typename LRUCacheH4<K, V>::const_iterator LRUCacheH4<K, V>::mru_begin() const
return const_iterator(_mru, const_iterator::MRU_TO_LRU);

template<class K, class V>
typename LRUCacheH4<K, V>::const_iterator LRUCacheH4<K, V>::lru_begin() const
return const_iterator(_lru, const_iterator::LRU_TO_MRU);

template<class K, class V>
typename LRUCacheH4<K, V>::const_iterator LRUCacheH4<K, V>::end() const
return const_iterator();

template<class K, class V>
typename LRUCacheH4<K, V>::Val * LRUCacheH4<K, V>::_update_or_insert(const K & key)
typename MAP_TYPE::iterator it = _map.find(key);
if (it != _map.end())
return _update(it);
return _insert(key);

template<class K, class V>
typename LRUCacheH4<K, V>::Val * LRUCacheH4<K, V>::_update(typename MAP_TYPE::iterator it)
LRUCacheH4Value<K, V> & v = it->second;
Val * older = v._older;
Val * newer = v._newer;
Val * moved = &*it;

// possibly update the LRU
if (moved == _lru && _lru->second._newer)
_lru = _lru->second._newer;

if (moved != _mru) {
// "remove" key from current position
if (older)
older->second._newer = newer;
if (newer)
newer->second._older = older;

// "insert" key to MRU position
v._older = _mru;
v._newer = NULL;
_mru->second._newer = moved;
_mru = moved;

return moved;

template<class K, class V>
typename LRUCacheH4<K, V>::Val * LRUCacheH4<K, V>::_insert(const K & key)
// if we have grown too large, remove LRU
if (_map.size() >= _maxsize) {
Val * old_lru = _lru;
if (_lru->second._newer) {
_lru = _lru->second._newer;
_lru->second._older = NULL;

// insert key to MRU position
std::pair<typename MAP_TYPE::iterator, bool> ret
= _map.insert( Val(key, LRUCacheH4Value<K, V>(V(), _mru, NULL)) );

Val * inserted = &*ret.first;
if (_mru)
_mru->second._newer = inserted;
_mru = inserted;

// possibly update the LRU
if (!_lru)
_lru = _mru;
else if (!_lru->second._newer)
_lru->second._newer = _mru;

return inserted;

}  // namespace lru


#include <iostream>

#include "lru.hpp"

using namespace lru;
using namespace std;

int main()
typedef LRUCacheH4<int, int> CacheType;

CacheType tc(3);

tc.insert(1, 101);
tc.insert(2, 102);
tc.insert(3, 103);

tc.insert(2, 1002);

cout << tc[1] << endl;

cout << "================" << endl;

for (CacheType::const_iterator it = tc.mru_begin();  it != tc.end();  ++it)
cout << it.key() << " " << it.value() << endl;

cout << "================" << endl;

for (CacheType::const_iterator it = tc.lru_begin();  it != tc.end();  ++it)
cout << it.key() << " " << it.value() << endl;

return 0;

1. High-Throughput, Thread-Safe, LRU Caching

内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息