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Resolving: java.sql.Timestamp does not have a no-arg default constructor

2012-08-17 15:53 429 查看

Resolving: java.sql.Timestamp does not have a no-arg default constructor

Problem: getting java.sql.Timestamp does not have a no-arg default constructor

Solution: Create an XMLAdapter

Example: Annotate the field:

@XmlJavaTypeAdapter( TimestampAdapter.class)

public Timestamp done_date;And you’ll need the actual TimestampAdapter class:

public class TimestampAdapter extends XmlAdapter<Date, Timestamp> {

public Date marshal(Timestamp v) {

return new Date(v.getTime());


public Timestamp unmarshal(Date v) {

return new Timestamp(v.getTime());


}You can also annotate the package holding the object you are marshaling with the Timestamp attribute. e.g. in com/example/package-info.java have:



package com.example;Note that annotations do not flow ‘down’ to the sub packages. e.g. no use putting the package-info.java in the ‘com’ package.

Better solution: someone at Sun/Oracle annotate the actual Timestamp class please?
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