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2012-08-07 11:11 190 查看


六种约束:not null 、check、unique、primary key、foreign key、default



alter table xibu

drop constraint weiyi


alter table xibu

add constraint weiyi

unique nonclustered (xbName)

alter table xibu

alter column asd char(8)


insert xs values('010101000017','克群','a','1989-2-9','2010-9-1','0101011','04','0402')

select * from xs

if exists(ck_xs)

alter table xs

drop constraint CK_xs

alter table xs

add constraint aaa

check(sex = '男')

alter table xs with nocheck add

constraint CK_sex check(sex ='男' or sex='女')

exec sp_help xs--这是查看表结构


alter table bj drop constraint DF_bj_bz

alter table bj add constraint DF_bj_bz default '我爱你' for bz;

create table test


id int not null primary key,

name varchar(10) not null


drop table test

alter table test

drop constraint aaa

alter table test with nocheck

add constraint aaa default '我真的' for name

exec sp_help test

insert into test values(2,default);

select * from test



create rule check_rule


@a = '男' or @a = '女'


exec sp_bindrule 'check_rule', 'test.name'

insert into test values(1, '男');

select * from test


select * into new_table from test

select * from new_table

exec sp_bindrule 'check_rule', 'new_table.name'

insert into new_table values(1, 'asd');


exec sp_unbindrule 'new_table.name'

exec sp_unbindrule 'test.name'


drop rule check_rule



create default ch_default

as '曹欢'


exec sp_bindefault ch_default,'test.name'

insert into test values(13,default);

select * from test


exec sp_unbindefault 'test.name'


drop default ch_default


create table test1 (

id int identity(1,1) primary key ,

sex varchar(4) not null,

name varchar(12)


select * from test1

exec sp_help test1


create rule check_rule


@sex = '男' or @sex = '女'


exec sp_bindrule 'check_rule','test1.sex'

exec sp_unbindrule 'test1.sex'

drop rule check_rule

insert into test1 values('男','asd')

select * from test1

create default default_rule

as '曹欢'

exec sp_bindefault 'default_rule','test1.name'

exec sp_unbindefault 'test1.name'

drop default default_rule

insert into test1 values('男',default)

select * from test1
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