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2012-08-04 16:51 826 查看
create table Students
SId char(5) not null primary key,
SName nvarchar(20) unique,
SGender char(10) default('Male'),
SAge int,
SSdept nvarchar(250)

create table Course
CNo Char(4) not null primary key,
CName nvarchar(50),
CPNo char(4),
CCreadit smallint
foreign key(cpno) references course(cno)

create table StudentCourse
SCId char(5) not null ,
SCCNo char(4) not null,
SCGrade smallint,
primary key(Scid,sccno),
foreign key(SCId) references Students(Sid),
foreign key(sccno) references Course(cno)

select COUNT(*) as '人数',SSdept as '所在系'
from Students group by SSdept
select COUNT(*) as '人数',SGender 性别
from Students where ssdept='计算机科学与技术' group by SGender
select COUNT(*) as '人数',SSdept as '系',SGender as '性别'
from students group by ssdept,SGender
select ssdept as '所在系',COUNT(*) as '人数'
from Students where SGender='Male' group by ssdept having COUNT(*)>2
select SId as '学号' ,SName as '姓名'
from Students
where SSdept=(select ssdept from Students where SName='张三') and SName<>'张三'
select SName as '姓名',SGender as '性别'
from Students where SAge>(select sage from students where sname='张三')

select sc.SCCNo as '课程号',sc.SCGrade as '成绩'
from students as s,Course c,StudentCourse sc
where s.SId=sc.SCId and sc.SCCNo=c.CNo and s.SName='张三'


select sc.SCCNo as '课程号',c.CName as '课程名',sc.SCGrade as '成绩'
from students as s,Course c,StudentCourse sc
where s.SId=sc.SCId and sc.SCCNo=c.CNo and c.CName='高等数学上' and s.SName='张三'

select SName as '姓名',SGender as '性别',SAge as '年龄' from Students
where SAge=(select SAge from Students where SName='张三') and SName<>'张三'

select s.SId as '学号',s.SName as '姓名'
from students as s,Course c,StudentCourse sc
where s.SId=sc.SCId and sc.SCCNo=c.CNo and c.CName='高等数学上'

select sc.SCCNo as '课程号',c.CName as '课程名',sc.SCGrade as '成绩'
from students as s,Course c,StudentCourse sc
where s.SId=sc.SCId and sc.SCCNo=c.CNo  and s.SName='张三'

select * from Students s1,StudentCourse sc1 where sc1.SCCNo in
select sc.SCCNo from Students s,StudentCourse sc
where sc.SCId=s.SId and s.SName='张三'
and  sc1.SCId=s1.SId


select sc.SCCNo as '课程号',c.CName as '课程名' from Students s,Course c,StudentCourse sc
where s.SId=sc.SCId and sc.SCCNo=c.CNo and s.SName='张三'
select SId as '学号',SName as '姓名' from Students
where SAge>(select SAge from Students where SName='张三')

select sc1.SCId as '学生学号' from StudentCourse sc1 where SCGrade<
select AVG(SCGrade) from StudentCourse sc2 where sc2.SCCNo=sc1.SCCNo

select * from StudentCourse  sc ,Students s,Course c
where sc.SCId=s.SId and sc.SCCNo=c.CNo and s.SName='张三' and c.CName='高等数学上'

select * from StudentCourse where SCCNo=
Select Cno from Course where CName='高等数学上'
select sid from Students where  SName='张三'


select AVG(sc.SCGrade) as '平均成绩' from StudentCourse  sc ,Students s
where sc.SCId=s.SId and s.SName='张三'


select sC.SCId from StudentCourse sc group by sc.SCId having AVG(SC.SCGrade)<

select AVG(sc.SCGrade) from StudentCourse sc ,Students s where sc.SCId=s.SId and s.SName='张三'


select sC.SCCNo from StudentCourse sc group by sc.SCCNo having AVG(SC.SCGrade)<

select AVG(sc.SCGrade) from StudentCourse sc ,Students s where sc.SCId=s.SId and s.SName='张三'


select SCId from StudentCourse sc1 where  sc1.SCGrade >=
select avg( sc2.SCGrade ) from StudentCourse sc2  where sc2.SCCNo=sc1.SCCNo
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