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Hadoop配置:file could only be replicated to 0 nodes, instead of 1问题解决方法

2012-05-11 14:49 791 查看
今天执行bin/hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /Users/hadoop/Weibo/input/FavoriteFile.txt /user/hadoop/FavoriteFile.txt时候碰到了以下问题:

file “*********”could only be replicated to 0 nodes, instead of 1




A common message people see is "could only be replicated to 0 nodes, instead of ...".
What does this mean? It means that the Block
Replication mechanism of HDFS could not make any copies of a file it wanted to create. This can be caused by

No DataNode instances
being up and running. Action: look at the servers, see if the processes are running.

The DataNode instances
cannot talk to the server, through networking or Hadoop configuration problems. Action: look at the logs of one of the DataNodes.

Your DataNode instances
have no hard disk space in their configured data directories. Action: look at the dfs.data.dir list in the node configurations, verify that at least one of the directories exists, and is writeable by the user running the Hadoop processes. Then look at the

Your DataNode instances
have run out of space. Look at the disk capacity via the Namenode web pages. Delete old files. Compress under-used files. Buy more disks for existing servers (if there is room), upgrade the existing servers to bigger drives, or add some more servers.

The reserved space for a DN (as set in dfs.datanode.du.reserved is greater than the remaining free space, so the DN thinks it has no free space
You may also get this message due to permissions, eg if JT can not create jobtracker.info on startup.

This is not a problem in Hadoop, it is a problem in your cluster that you are going to have to fix on your own. Sorry.

追究源码,NameNode身边的 ReplicationTargetChooser#isGoodTarget方法给出了说明:


// check the communication traffic of the target machine

if (considerLoad) {

double avgLoad = 0;

int size = clusterMap.getNumOfLeaves();

if (size != 0) {

avgLoad = (double)fs.getTotalLoad()/size;


if (node.getXceiverCount() > (2.0 * avgLoad)) {

logr.debug("Node "+NodeBase.getPath(node)+

" is not chosen because the node is too busy");

return false;






157 > ((27 + 45 + 44 + 54 + 35 + 50 + 104 + 55 + 73 + 69 + 157 + 146)/12 * 2)


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