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Delphi 学习之函数 ②扩展的日期时间操作函数

2012-04-20 21:32 555 查看
//▎================② 扩展的日期时间操作函数  =================▎//

function GetYear(Date: TDate): Integer;   {测试通过}
{* 取日期年份分量}
function GetMonth(Date: TDate): Integer;   {测试通过}
{* 取日期月份分量}
function GetDay(Date: TDate): Integer;   {测试通过}
{* 取日期天数分量}
function GetHour(Time: TTime): Integer;   {测试通过}
{* 取时间小时分量}
function GetMinute(Time: TTime): Integer;   {测试通过}
{* 取时间分钟分量}
function GetSecond(Time: TTime): Integer;   {测试通过}
{* 取时间秒分量}
function GetMSecond(Time: TTime): Integer;   {测试通过}
{* 取时间毫秒分量}
function GetMonthLastDay(Cs_Year,Cs_Month:string):string;
{ *传入年、月,得到该月份最后一天}
function IsLeapYear( nYear: Integer ): Boolean;
function MaxDateTime(const Values: array of TDateTime): TDateTime;
function MinDateTime(const Values: array of TDateTime): TDateTime;
function dateBeginOfMonth(D: TDateTime): TDateTime;
function DateEndOfMonth(D: TDateTime): TDateTime;
function DateEndOfYear(D: TDateTime): TDateTime;
function DaysBetween(Date1, Date2: TDateTime): integer;
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