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iOS 指南系列: 内存管理

2012-04-19 17:30 239 查看

When I review code from other developers, it seems that the most common mistakes are centered around memory management in Objective-C. If you are used to a language that handles
memory management for you like Java or C#, things can be quite confusing!

you’ll learn how memory management works in Objective-C by getting some hands-on experience. We’ll talk about how reference counting works, and go through each of the memory-management keywords by building a real-world example – an app about your favorite types
of sushi!

This tutorial is intended for beginner iOS developers, or intermediate developers in need of a refresher on this topic.

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface RootViewController : UITableViewController {
NSArray * _sushiTypes;


By declaring this, each instance of RootViewController will have space to store a pointer to an NSArray, which is the Objective-C class you use for arrays that don’t change after initialization. If you need to change the array after initialization (for example,
add an item into it later on), you should use NSMutableArray instead.


You may be wondering why we named the variable with an underscore in front. This is just something I personally like to do that I think makes things easier. I’ll talk more about why I like do this when I write a follow-up tutorial about Objective-C properties.
But for now note that all we’ve done so far is add an instance variable – we haven’t done anything with properties yet – and we’ve named it with an underscore just as a personal preference, it doesn’t do anything special.


- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];

_sushiTypes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"California Roll",
@"Tuna Roll", @"Salmon Roll", @"Unagi Roll",
@"Philadelphia Roll", @"Rainbow Roll",
@"Vegetable Roll", @"Spider Roll",
@"Shrimp Tempura Roll", @"Cucumber Roll",
@"Yellowtail Roll", @"Spicy Tuna Roll",
@"Avocado Roll", @"Scallop Roll",

Now we’re getting into memory management! Objects you create in Objective-C are reference-counted.
This means that each object keeps track of how many other objects have a pointer to it. Once the reference count goes down to zero, the memory for the object can be safely released.

通过以上的代码调用alloc,我们有了内存区域了,任何的object-c对象,多有一个引用计数,听起来和com有点一样的,一般会采用alloc,然后init,这个等价于直接new,这和C++的概念完全一致。当我们完成alloc+init之后,对象的ref counter加1.在object-C中,使用release来给ref counter减1

So your job, as a programmer, is to make sure that the reference count is always accurate. When you store a pointer to an object somewhere (like in an instance variable), you need to increment the reference count, and when you’re done with it you need to decrement
the reference count.
- (void)viewDidUnload {
[_sushiTypes release];
_sushiTypes = nil; //view卸载,设置空

- (void)dealloc {
[_sushiTypes release]; //减一
_sushiTypes = nil;
[super dealloc];
我们看下面的代码,第一行给了一个指针一个值,作为指针本身而言,没有所谓的ref counter的,就认为是一个4bytes的变量;但第二行,我们申请了内存区域,这个对象就有ref count=1.通过第4行,release,这样这个内存对象才会被clean

NSString * sushiName = [_sushiTypes objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]; // 1
NSString * sushiString =
[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%d: %@",
indexPath.row, sushiName]; // 2
cell.textLabel.text = sushiString; // 3
[sushiString release]; // 4

When you autorelease an object, it’s kind of like saying “I want you to be released at some point in the future, like the next time the run loop gets called. But for now I want to be able to use it.”
NSString * sushiName = [_sushiTypes objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]; // 1
NSString * sushiString =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d: %@",
indexPath.row, sushiName]; // 2
cell.textLabel.text = sushiString; // 3



1. 名字以init或者copy开头,那么返回的对象是没有autorelease pending的,也意味着,你需要自己去release/管理

2. 名字是其它打头的,那么返回的是autorelease的,你可以现在使用它,但最好不要保存,或者显示retain对象。


autorelease这个东西,就相当于随时会发生-1,但你不知道什么时候,如果要计算匹配,那么把autorelease算一次release/ 所有release的数目=ref count

[_lastSushiSelected release];
_lastSushiSelected = nil;



我们在之前的指南系列中也提到了,memory AV是很难调试的,程序员看到这个就头大了,again.胡乱尝试/念个歌谣是不管用的,这里还是强调之前的几个方法: EXC_BAD_ACCESS

启用first chance exception断点

使用静态分析(在build settings)/确保fix所有的warning

Set the NSZombieEnabled argument(in xcode3) in your executable options, which sometimes helps narrow down the cause;如果Xcode4,在schema中就可以设置了

Run with Apple Instruments such as Leaks to look for memory issues

Set a breakpoint in your code and step through until you narrow down where it’s crashing

Tried and true “comment out code till it works” then backtrack from there :]

profile的工具还是很多的,也有专门for leak检查的

选择call tree,可以清晰看到导致leak object的函数,尝试fix他们吧。


The hint here is that the variable you're assigning to is not a pointer type. That is,
you write "CGRect foo = CGRectMake(...)", rather than "CGRect *foo = CGRectMake(...)". If you were doing the latter, then it *would* be necessary to worry about the lifetime of the piece of memory that 'foo' pointed to. But you're not.

(There are some subtleties to it, but they're all C subtleties, not ObjC subtleties. :) In practice, a C function returning a struct is like a void function with a hidden "struct *" argument into which it writes its return value. The compiler will generate
short-lived stack- allocated storage in the calling function if needed. And a struct passed as an argument will, effectively, be broken apart as if you'd passed each of its members individually. Both of these are implementation details you shouldn't rely on,
but it's useful to know them when you're debugging. I think this is a C89 thing --- the language hasn't always supported struct return and argument types.)
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