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2012-03-14 20:42 225 查看
SQL> --09.查询所有工资高于平均工资(平均工资包括所有员工)的销售人员(‘SLESMAN’)
SQL> select * from emp where job='SLESMAN' and sal > (select avg(sal) from emp);
SQL> --10.显示所有职员的姓名及其所在的名称和工资
SQL> select ename, dname,sal from emp e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno;
SQL> --11.查询在研究部(‘RESARCH’)工作员工的编号,姓名,工作部门,工作所在地
SQL> select empno ,ename ,dname,loc from emp e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno
and dname='RESEARCH';
SQL> --12.查询各个部门的名称和人数
SQL> select * from (select deptno ,count(*) from emp group by deptno) e inner join dept d on e.deptno=d.deptno;

SQL> --13.查询各个职位员工工资大于平均工资(平均工资包括所有员工)的人数和员工职位
SQL> select count(*),job from emp where sal>(select avg(sal) from emp) group by job;

SQL> --14.查询工资相同的员工的工资和姓名
SQL> select * from emp e where(select count(*) from emp where sal=e.sal group by sal)>1;
SQL> --15.查询工资最高的3名员工信息
SQL> select * from (select * from emp order by sal desc) where rownum<=3;
SQL> --16.按工资进行排名,排名从1开始,工资相同排名相同(如果两人并例第一名则没有第二名,从第三名开始排)
SQL> select e.* ,(select count(*) from emp where sal>e.sal)+1 rank from emp e order by rank;

SQL> --17.求入职日期相同的(年月日相同)的员工
SQL> select * from emp e where (select count(*) from emp where e.hiredate=hiredate) > 1;

SQL> --18.查询每个部门的最高工资

SQL> select deptno ,max(sal) maxsal from emp group by deptno order by deptno;

SQL> --19.查询每个部门,每种职位的最高薪资
SQL> select deptno ,job ,max(sal) from emp group by deptno,job order by deptno ,job;

SQL> --20.查询每个员工的信息级工资及级别
SQL> select * from (select e.*,rownum m from (select * from emp order  by sal desc)e where rownum <=10) where


SQL> --22.查询各部门工资最高的员工信息

SQL> select * from emp e where e.sal =(select max(sal) from emp where (deptno=e.deptno));

SQL> --23.查询每个部门工资最高的前两名员工
SQL> select * from emp e where (select count(*) from emp where sal>e.sal and e.deptno=deptno)<2
order by deptno ,sal desc;

SQL> --24.查询出有3个以上下属的员工信息
SQL> select * from emp e where (select count(*) from emp where e.empno=mgr)>2;

SQL> --25。查询所有大于本部们平均工资的员工信息
SQL> select * from emp e where sal>(select avg(sal) from emp where (deptno=e.deptno)) order by deptno;
SQL> --26.查询平均工资最高的部门信息
SQL> select avg(sal) avgsal ,deptno from emp group by deptno;

SQL> --27.查询大于各部门总工资的平均值的部门信息
SQL> --1、求每个部门总工资
SQL> select sum(sal) sumsal ,deptno from emp group by deptno;
SQL> --2、每个部门的平均值
SQL> select avg(sum(sal)) from emp group by deptno;
SQL> --3、求大于总工资平均值的部门信息,连接步骤
SQL>select d.* ,sumsal from dept d,(select sum(sal) sumsal ,deptno from emp group by deptno ) se where sumsal >

(select avg(sum(sal))  from emp group by deptno) and se.deptno=d.deptno;

SQL> --29.查询没员工的部门的信息
SQL>  select d.* from dept d left join emp e on(e.deptno=d.deptno) where empno is null;
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