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2012-03-08 14:54 162 查看



Dictionary<string, Grouping> groups = new Dictionary<string, Grouping>();
foreach (Product p in products)
if (p.UnitPrice >= 20)
if (!groups.ContainsKey(p.CategoryName))
Grouping r = new Grouping();
r.CategoryName = p.CategoryName;
r.ProductCount = 0;
groups[p.CategoryName] = r;

List<Grouping> result = new List<Grouping>(groups.Values);
result.Sort(delegate(Grouping x, Grouping y)
x.ProductCount > y.ProductCount ? -1 :
x.ProductCount < y.ProductCount ? 1 :


var result = products
.Where(p => p.UnitPrice >= 20)
.GroupBy(p => p.CategoryName)
.OrderByDescending(g => g.Count())
.Select(g => new { CategoryName = g.Key, ProductCount = g.Count() });

这段代码更加关注的是“What”而不是“How”,它不会明确地给出过滤的“操作方式”,也没有涉及到创建字典这样的细节。这段代码还可以利用C# 3.0中内置的DSL,即LINQ查询语句来改写:

var result =
from p in products
where p.UnitPrice >= 20
group p by p.CategoryName into g
orderby g.Count() descending
select new { CategoryName = g.Key, ProductCount = g.Count() };


Using the Code

1. Define the Person class that includes the ID, Name, and Age properties.

class Person
public Person(int id, string name, int age)
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
this.age = age;

private int id;

/// <summary>
/// Person ID
/// </summary>
public int PersonID
get { return this.id; }
set { this.id = value; }

private string name;

/// <summary>
/// Person name
/// </summary>
public string Name
get { return this.name; }
set { this.name = value; }

private int age;

/// <summary>
/// Age that ranges from 1 to 100
/// </summary>
public int Age
get { return this.age; }
if (value > 0 && value <= 100)
this.age = value;
throw new Exception("Age is out of scope [1,100]");

2. Build a list of Person to be used as the data source.

// Build the Person list that serves as the data source.
List<Person> persons = new List<Person>();

persons.Add(new Person(1, "Alexander David", 20));
persons.Add(new Person(2, "Aziz Hassouneh", 18));
persons.Add(new Person(3, "Guido Pica", 20));
persons.Add(new Person(4, "Chris Preston", 19));
persons.Add(new Person(5, "Jorgen Rahgek", 20));
persons.Add(new Person(6, "Todd Rowe", 18));
persons.Add(new Person(7, "SPeter addow", 22));
persons.Add(new Person(8, "Markus Breyer", 19));
persons.Add(new Person(9, "Scott Brown", 20));

3. Use Linq to perform the query operation.

// Query a person in the data source.
var Todd = (from p in persons
where p.Name == "Todd Rowe"
select p).First();
// [-or-]
// Use extension method + lambda expression directly
//var Todd = persons.Where(p => p.Name == "Todd Rowe").First();

Console.WriteLine("Todd Rowe's age is {0}", Todd.Age);

4. Use Linq to perform the Update operation.

// Perform the Update operation on the person's age.
Todd.Age = 21;
Console.WriteLine("Todd Rowe's age is updated to {0}", (from p in persons
where p.Name == "Todd Rowe"
select p).First().Age);

5. Use Linq to perform the Order operation.

// Sort the data in the data source.
// Order the persons by age
var query1 = from p in persons
orderby p.Age
select p;


foreach (Person p in query1.ToList<Person>())
Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t\t{2}", p.PersonID, p.Name, p.Age);

6. Use Linq to perform the Max, Min, Average queries.

// Print the average, max, min age of the persons.
double avgAge = (from p in persons
select p.Age).Average();
Console.WriteLine("The average age of the persons is {0:f2}", avgAge);

double maxAge = (from p in persons
select p.Age).Max();
Console.WriteLine("The maximum age of the persons is {0}", maxAge);

double minAge = (from p in persons
select p.Age).Min();
Console.WriteLine("The minimum age of the persons is {0}", minAge);

7. Use Linq to count the Person whose age is larger than 20

// Count the persons who age is larger than 20
var query2 = from p in persons
where p.Age > 20
select p;

int count = query2.Count();
Console.WriteLine("{0} persons are older than 20:", count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)

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