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2012-02-17 21:12 302 查看

英文版原作者:Chris Sells(www.sellsbrothers.com
翻译:袁晓辉(www.farproc.com http://blog.csdn.net/uoyevoli

The following is an excerpt from WindowsForms 2.0 Programming, Chris Sells & Michael Weinhardt, Addison-Wesley,2006. It's been updated from the original version for C# 2.0.


Once upon a time, in a strange land southof here, there was a worker named Peter. He was a diligent worker who wouldreadily accept requests from his boss. However, his boss was a mean, untrustingman who insisted on steady progress reports. Since Peter did
not want his bossstanding in his office looking over his shoulder, Peter promised to notify hisboss whenever his work progressed. Peter implemented this promise byperiodically calling his boss back via a typed reference like so:

class Worker {
Boss boss;

public void Advise(Boss boss) {
this.boss = boss;

public void DoWork() {
Console.WriteLine("Worker: work started");
if( this.boss != null ) this.boss.WorkStarted();

Console.WriteLine("Worker: work progressing");
if( this.boss != null ) this.boss.WorkProgressing();

Console.WriteLine("Worker: work completed");
if( this.boss != null ) {
int grade = this.boss.WorkCompleted();
Console.WriteLine("Worker grade= {0}", grade);

class Boss {
public void WorkStarted() {
// Boss doesn't care
public void WorkProgressing() {
// Boss doesn't care
public int WorkCompleted() {
Console.WriteLine("It's about time!");
return 2; // out of 10

class Universe {
static void Main() {
Worker peter = new Worker();
Boss boss = new Boss();

Console.WriteLine("Main: worker completed work");


Now Peter was a special person. Not onlywas he able to put up with his mean-spirited boss, but he also had a deepconnection with the universe around him. So much so that he felt that theuniverse was interested in his progress. Unfortunately, there was no
way forPeter to advise the Universe of his progress unless he added a special Advisemethod and special callbacks just for the Universe, in addition to keeping hisboss informed. What Peter really wanted to do was to separate the list ofpotential notifications
from the implementation of those notification methods.And so he decided to split the methods into an interface:

interface IWorkerEvents {
void WorkStarted();
void WorkProgressing();

class Worker {
IWorkerEvents events;

public void Advise(IWorkerEvents events) {
this.events = events;

public void DoWork() {
Console.WriteLine("Worker: work started");
if( this.events != null ) this.events.WorkStarted();

Console.WriteLine("Worker: work progressing");
if( this.events != null ) this.events.WorkProgressing();

Console.WriteLine("Worker: work completed");
if( this.events!= null ) {
int grade = this.events.WorkCompleted();
Console.WriteLine("Worker grade= {0}", grade);

class Boss : IWorkerEvents {
public void WorkStarted() {
// Boss doesn't care
public void WorkProgressing() {
// Boss doesn't care
public int WorkCompleted() {
Console.WriteLine("It's about time!");
return 3; // out of 10


Unfortunately, Peter was so busy talkinghis boss into implementing this interface that he didn't get around tonotifying the Universe, but he knew he would soon. At least he'd abstracted thereference of his boss far away from him so that others who implemented
theIWorkerEvents interface could be notified of his work progress.


Still, his boss complained bitterly."Peter!" his boss fumed. "Why are you bothering to notify mewhen you start your work or when your work is progressing?!? I don't care aboutthose events. Not only do you force me to implement those methods, but you'rewasting
valuable work time waiting for me to return from the event, which isfurther expanded when I am far away! Can't you figure out a way to stopbothering me?"


And so, Peter decided that while interfaceswere useful for many things, when it came to events, their granularity was notfine enough. He wished to be able to notify interested parties only of theevents that matched their hearts' desires. So, he decided to
break the methodsout of the interface into separate delegate functions, each of which acted likea little tiny interface of one method each:

delegate void WorkStarted();
delegate void WorkProgressing();
delegate int WorkCompleted();

class Worker {
public WorkStarted Started;
public WorkProgressing Progressing;
publicWorkCompleted Completed;

public void DoWork() {
Console.WriteLine("Worker: work started");
if( this.Started != null ) this.Started();

Console.WriteLine("Worker: work progressing");
if( this.Progressing != null ) this.Progressing();

Console.WriteLine("Worker: work completed");
if( this.Completed != null ) {
int grade = this.Completed();
Console.WriteLine("Worker grade= {0}", grade);

class Boss {
public int WorkCompleted() {
Console.WriteLine("It's about time!");
return 4; // out of 10

class Universe {
static void Main() {
Worker peter = new Worker();
Boss boss = new Boss();

// NOTE: We've replaced the Advise method with the assignment operation
peter.Completed = new WorkCompleted(boss.WorkCompleted);

Console.WriteLine("Main: worker completed work");

And, because Peter was under so muchpressure, he decided to advantage of the shorthand notation for assigningdelegates provided by C# 2.0:

class Universe {
static void Main() {
peter.Completed = boss.WorkCompleted;

Static Listeners

Delegates accomplished the goal of notbothering his boss with events that he didn't want, but still Peter had notmanaged to get the universe on his list of listeners. Since the universe is anall-encompassing entity, it didn't seem right to hook delegates
to instancemembers (imagine how many resources multiple instances of the universe wouldneed...). Instead, Peter need to hook delegates to static members, whichdelegates support fully:

class Universe {
static void WorkerStartedWork() {
Console.WriteLine("Universe notices worker starting work");

static int WorkerCompletedWork() {
Console.WriteLine("Universe pleased with worker's work");
return 7;

static void Main() {
Worker peter = new Worker();
Boss boss = new Boss();

peter.Completed = boss.WorkCompleted;
peter.Started = WorkerStartedWork;
peter.Completed =
WorkerCompletedWork; // Oops!

Console.WriteLine("Main: worker completed work");


Unfortunately, the Universe being very busyand unaccustomed to paying attention to individuals, has managed to replacePeter's boss's delegate with its own. This is an unintended side effect ofmaking the delegate fields public in Peter's Worker class. Likewise,
if Peter'sboss gets impatient, he can decide to fire Peter's delegates himself (which isjust the kind of rude thing that Peter's boss was apt to do):

// Peter's boss taking matters into his ownhands
if( peter.Completed != null )peter.Completed();

Peter wants to make sure that neither ofthese can happens. He realizes he needs to add registration and unregistrationfunctions for each delegate so that listeners can add or remove themselves, butcan't clear the entire list or fire Peter's events. Instead
of implementingthese functions himself, Peter uses the event keyword to make the C# compilerbuild these methods for him:

class Worker {
public event WorkStarted Started;
public event WorkProgressing Progressing;
public event WorkCompleted Completed;

Peter knows that the event keyword erects aproperty around a delegate, only allowing clients to add or remove themselves(using the += and -= operators in C#), forcing his boss and the universe toplay nicely:

class Universe {
static void Main() {
Worker peter = new Worker();
Boss boss = new Boss();

peter.Completed = boss.WorkCompleted; // ERR!
peter.Completed += boss.WorkCompleted; // OK
peter.Started += Universe.WorkerStartedWork; // OK
peter.Completed += Universe.WorkerCompletedWork; // OK


Console.WriteLine("Main: worker completed work");

Harvesting All Results

At this point, Peter breathes a sigh ofrelief. He has managed to satisfy the requirements of all his listeners withouthaving to be closely coupled with the specific implementations. However, henotices that while both his boss and the universe provide grades
of his workthat he's only receiving one of the grades. In the face of multiple listeners,he'd really like to harvest all of their results. So, he reaches into hisdelegate and pulls out the list of listeners so that he can call each of themmanually:

class Worker {
public void DoWork() {
Console.WriteLine("Worker: work completed");

if( this.Completed != null ) {
foreach( WorkCompleted wc in this.Completed.GetInvocationList() ) {
int grade = wc();
Console.WriteLine("Worker grade= {0}", grade);

public void DoWork() {
Console.WriteLine("Worker: work completed");
if(completed != null ) {
foreach( WorkCompleted wc in completed.GetInvocationList() ) {
int grade = wc();
Console.WriteLine("Worker grade= " + grade);

Asynchronous Notification: Fire &Forget

In the meantime, his boss and the universehave been distracted with other things, which meant that the time it takes themto grade Peter's work is greatly expanded:

class Boss {
public int WorkCompleted() {
return 4; // out of 10

class Universe {
static int WorkerCompletedWork() {
Console.WriteLine("Universe pleased with worker's work");
return 7;

Unfortunately, since Peter is notifyingeach listener one at a time, waiting for each to grade him, these notificationsnow take up quite a bit of his time when he should be working. So, he decidesto forget the grade and just fire the event asynchronously:

class Worker {
public void DoWork() {
Console.WriteLine("Worker: work completed");
if( this.Completed != null ) {
foreach( WorkCompleted wc in this.Completed.GetInvocationList() ) {
wc.BeginInvoke(null, null); // EndInvoke call required by .NET

Asynchronous Notification: Polling

The call to BeginInvoke allows Peter tonotify the listeners while letting Peter get back to work immediately, lettingthe process thread pool invoke the delegate. Over time, however, Peter findsthat he misses the feedback on his work. He knows that he does
a good job andappreciates the praise of the universe as a whole (if not his bossspecifically). Plus, he s afraid he s leaking .NET resources acquired bycalling BeginInvoke without calling the corresponding EndInvoke method, so, hefires the event asynchronously,
but polls periodically, looking for the gradeto be available:

class Worker {
public void DoWork() {
Console.WriteLine("Worker: work completed");
if( this.Completed != null ) {
foreach( WorkCompleted wc in this.Completed.GetInvocationList() ) {
IAsyncResult result = wc.BeginInvoke(null, null);
while( !result.IsCompleted ) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1);
int grade = wc.EndInvoke(result);
Console.WriteLine("Worker grade= {0}", grade);

Asynchronous Notification: Delegates

Unfortunately, Peter is back to what hewanted his boss to avoid with him in the beginning, i.e. looking over theshoulder of the entity doing the work. So, he decides to employ his owndelegate as a means of notification when the asynchronous work has completed,allowing
him to get back to work immediately, but still be notified when hiswork has been graded:

class Worker {
public void DoWork() {
Console.WriteLine("Worker: work completed");
if( this.Completed != null ) {
foreach( WorkCompleted wc in this.Completed.GetInvocationList() ) {
wc.BeginInvoke(this.WorkGraded, wc);

void WorkGraded(IAsyncResult result) {
WorkCompleted wc = (WorkCompleted)result.AsyncState;
int grade = wc.EndInvoke(result);
Console.WriteLine("Worker grade= {0}" + grade);

Anonymous Delegates

At this point, Peter is using delegates tonotify interested parties in the process of his work and using delegates to getnotified when grades are available on the work he s completed. The delegatesprovided by his boss and the universe are provided by separate
entities, so itmakes sense that they are encapsulated in methods on those entities. However,in the case of the WorkGraded method, there s really no good reason for this tobe a separate method except the syntactic requirements of C# 1.0. As of C# 2.0,Peter
can drop the code required to handle the processing of his work gradeinto an anonymous delegate:

class Worker {
public void DoWork() {
Console.WriteLine("Worker: work completed");
if( this.Completed != null ) {
foreach( WorkCompleted wc in this.Completed.GetInvocationList() ) {
wc.BeginInvoke(delegate(IAsyncResult result) {
WorkCompleted wc2 = (WorkCompleted)result.AsyncState;
int grade = wc2.EndInvoke(result);
Console.WriteLine("Worker grade= {0}", grade);

Here, instead of passing in the name of amethod to call when his work has been graded, he s passing in the body of themethod itself as designated with a different use of the delegate keyword tocreate a method with no name (and therefore anonymous ). The
body of the method is fundamentally the same in thatPeter still passes the WorkCompleted delegate as a parameter to BeginInvoke andthen pulls it out of AsyncState for use in extracting the result. However, oneof the benefits of anonymous delegates that Peter
knows is that he can make useof the variables in the surrounding context from within the anonymous delegatebody, causing him to rewrite his code thusly:

class Worker {
public void DoWork() {
Console.WriteLine("Worker: work completed");
if( this.Completed != null ) {
foreach( WorkCompleted wc in this.Completed.GetInvocationList() ) {
wc.BeginInvoke(delegate(IAsyncResult result) {
// Use wc variable from surrounding context (ERR!)
int grade = wc.EndInvoke(result);
Console.WriteLine("Worker grade= {0}", grade);

This code compiles just fine, but when it srun, it will cause the following exception to be thrown:



  TheIAsyncResult object provided does not match this delegate.


The problem is that while the wc variableis allowed to be used in the anonymous delegate, it s still being used by thefor-each statement. As soon as the asynchronous invocation begins, the wcvariable changes and the delegate used to start things (wc) no
longer matchesthe async result passed as an argument to the anonymous delegate. Peter slaps hishead and creates a hybrid solution:

class Worker {
public void DoWork() {
Console.WriteLine("Worker: work completed");
if( this.Completed != null ) {
foreach( WorkCompleted wc in this.Completed.GetInvocationList() ) {
// Create an unchanging variable referencing the current delegate
WorkCompleted wc2 = wc;
wc.BeginInvoke(delegate(IAsyncResult result) {
// Use wc2 variable from surrounding context
int grade = wc2.EndInvoke(result);
Console.WriteLine("Worker grade= {0}", grade);

public void DoWork() {
Console.WriteLine("Worker: work completed");
if(completed != null ) {
foreach( WorkCompleted wc in completed.GetInvocationList() ) {
wc.BeginInvoke(new AsyncCallback(WorkGraded), wc);

void WorkGraded(IAsyncResult res) {
WorkCompleted wc = (WorkCompleted)res.AsyncState;
intgrade = wc.EndInvoke(res);
Console.WriteLine("Worker grade= " + grade);

Happiness in the Universe


Peter, his boss and the universe arefinally satisfied. Peter's boss and the universe are allowed to be notified ofthe events that interest them, reducing the burden of implementation and thecost of unnecessary round-trips. Peter can notify them each, ignoring
how longit takes them to return from their target methods, while still getting hisresults asynchronously and handling them using anonymous delegates, resultingin the following complete solution:

delegate void WorkStarted();
delegate void WorkProgressing();
delegate int WorkCompleted();

class Worker {
public event WorkStarted Started;
public event WorkProgressing Progressing;
public event WorkCompleted Completed;

public void DoWork() {
Console.WriteLine("Worker: work started");
if( this.Started != null )

Console.WriteLine("Worker: work progressing");
if( this.Progressing != null )

Console.WriteLine("Worker: work completed");
if( this.Completed != null ) {
foreach( WorkCompleted wc in this.Completed.GetInvocationList() ) {
WorkCompleted wc2 = wc;
wc.BeginInvoke(delegate(IAsyncResult result) {
int grade = wc2.EndInvoke(result);
Console.WriteLine("Worker grade= {0}", grade);

class Boss {
public int WorkCompleted() {
return 5; // out of 10

class Universe {
static void WorkerStartedWork() {
Console.WriteLine("Universe notices worker starting work");

static int WorkerCompletedWork() {
Console.WriteLine("Universe pleased with worker's work");
return 7;

static void Main() {
Worker peter = new Worker();
Boss boss = new Boss();
peter.Completed += boss.WorkCompleted;
peter.Started += Universe.WorkerStartedWork;
peter.Completed += Universe.WorkerCompletedWork;

Console.WriteLine("Main: worker completed work");

Peter knows that getting resultsasynchronously comes with issues, because as soon as he fires eventsasynchronously, the target methods are likely to be executed on another thread,as is Peter's notification of when the target method has completed. However,Peter
is good friends with Mike, who is very familiar with threading issues andcan provide guidance in that area.


And they all lived happily every after.


The end.



       从前,在南方一块奇异的土地上,有个工人名叫彼得,他非常勤奋,对他的老板总是百依百顺。但是他的老板是个吝啬的人,从不信任别人,坚决要求随时知道彼得的工作进度,以防止他偷懒。但是彼得又不想让老板呆在他的办公室里站在背后盯着他,于是就对老板做出承诺:无论何时,只要我的工作取得了一点进展我都会及时让你知道。彼得通过周期性地使用“带类型的引用”(原文为:“typed reference” 也就是delegate??)“回调”他的老板来实现他的承诺,如下:

class Worker {
public void Advise(Boss boss) { _boss = boss; }
public void DoWork() {
Console.WriteLine(“工作: 工作开始”);
if( _boss != null ) _boss.WorkStarted();

Console.WriteLine(“工作: 工作进行中”);
if( _boss != null ) _boss.WorkProgressing();

Console.WriteLine("“工作: 工作完成”");
if( _boss != null ) {
int grade = _boss.WorkCompleted();
Console.WriteLine(“工人的工作得分=” + grade);
private Boss _boss;

class Boss {
public void WorkStarted() { /* 老板不关心。 */ }
public void WorkProgressing() { /*老板不关心。 */ }
public int WorkCompleted() {
return 2; /* 总分为10 */

class Universe {
static void Main() {
Worker  peter = new Worker();
Boss        boss = new Boss();

Console.WriteLine(“Main: 工人工作完成”);


interface IWorkerEvents {
void WorkStarted();
void WorkProgressing();
int WorkCompleted();

class Worker {
public void Advise(IWorkerEvents events) { _events = events; }
public void DoWork() {
Console.WriteLine(“工作: 工作开始”);
if( _events != null ) _events.WorkStarted();

Console.WriteLine(“工作: 工作进行中”);
if(_events != null ) _events.WorkProgressing();

Console.WriteLine("“工作: 工作完成”");
if(_events != null ) {
int grade = _events.WorkCompleted();

Console.WriteLine(“工人的工作得分=” + grade);
private IWorkerEvents _events;

class Boss : IWorkerEvents {
public void WorkStarted() { /* 老板不关心。 */ }
public void WorkProgressing() { /* 老板不关心。 */ }
ublic int WorkCompleted() {

return 3; /* 总分为10 */


     不幸的是,每当彼得忙于通过接口的实现和老板交流时,就没有机会及时通知宇宙了。至少他应该忽略身在远方的老板的引用,好让其他实现了IWorkerEvents的对象得到他的工作报告。(”Atleast he'd abstracted the reference of his boss far away from him so thatothers who implemented the IWorkerEvents interface could be notified of hiswork progress”



delegate void WorkStarted();
delegate void WorkProgressing();
delegate int WorkCompleted();

class Worker {
public void DoWork() {
Console.WriteLine(“工作: 工作开始”);
if( started != null ) started();

Console.WriteLine(“工作: 工作进行中”);
if( progressing != null ) progressing();

Console.WriteLine("“工作: 工作完成”");
if( completed != null ) {
int grade = completed();
Console.WriteLine(“工人的工作得分=” + grade);
public WorkStarted started;
public WorkProgressing progressing;
public WorkCompleted completed;

class Boss {
public int WorkCompleted() {
return 4; /* 总分为10 */

class Universe {
static void Main() {
Worker  peter = new Worker();
Boss        boss = new Boss();
peter.completed = new WorkCompleted(boss.WorkCompleted);

Console.WriteLine(“Main: 工人工作完成”);


class Universe {
static void WorkerStartedWork() {
Console.WriteLine("Universe notices worker starting work");

static int WorkerCompletedWork() {
Console.WriteLine("Universe pleased with worker's work");
return 7;

static void Main() {
Worker  peter = new Worker();
Boss        boss = new Boss();
peter.completed = new WorkCompleted(boss.WorkCompleted);
peter.started = new WorkStarted(Universe.WorkerStartedWork);
peter.completed = new WorkCompleted(Universe.WorkerCompletedWork);

Console.WriteLine(“Main: 工人工作完成”);



// Peter's boss taking matters into his own hands
if( peter.completed != null ) peter.completed();


class Worker {
public event WorkStarted started;
public event WorkProgressing progressing;
public event WorkCompleted completed;

      彼得知道event关键字在委托的外边包装了一个property,仅让C#客户通过+= 和 -=操作符来添加和移除,强迫他的老板和宇宙正确地使用事件。

static void Main() {
Worker  peter = new Worker();
Boss        boss = new Boss();
peter.completed += new WorkCompleted(boss.WorkCompleted);
peter.started += new WorkStarted(Universe.WorkerStartedWork);
peter.completed += new WorkCompleted(Universe.WorkerCompletedWork);

Console.WriteLine(“Main: 工人工作完成”);



public void DoWork() {
Console.WriteLine("“工作: 工作完成”");
if( completed != null ) {
foreach( WorkCompleted wc in completed.GetInvocationList() ) {
int grade = wc();
Console.WriteLine(“工人的工作得分=” + grade);

异步通知:激发 & 忘掉


class Boss {
public int WorkCompleted() {
Console.WriteLine("Better..."); return 6; /* 总分为10 */

class Universe {
static int WorkerCompletedWork() {
Console.WriteLine("Universe is pleased with worker's work");
return 7;


public void DoWork() {
Console.WriteLine("“工作: 工作完成”");
if( completed != null ) {
foreach( WorkCompleted wc in completed.GetInvocationList() )
wc.BeginInvoke(null, null);



public void DoWork() {
Console.WriteLine("“工作: 工作完成”");
if( completed != null ) {
foreach( WorkCompleted wc in completed.GetInvocationList() ) {
IAsyncResult res = wc.BeginInvoke(null, null);
while( !res.IsCompleted ) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1);
int grade = wc.EndInvoke(res);
Console.WriteLine(“工人的工作得分=” + grade);



public void DoWork() {
Console.WriteLine("“工作: 工作完成”");
if( completed != null ) {
foreach( WorkCompleted wc in completed.GetInvocationList() ) {
wc.BeginInvoke(new AsyncCallback(WorkGraded), wc);

private void WorkGraded(IAsyncResult res) {
WorkCompleted wc = (WorkCompleted)res.AsyncState;
int grade = wc.EndInvoke(res);
Console.WriteLine(“工人的工作得分=” + grade);




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