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Java 静态扫描工具:findbugs eclipse 插件 的介绍、安装、使用

2012-02-05 16:30 921 查看
简介: 本文假设你是java 的开发者,已经安装eclipse 及 JDK 等工作环境。 静态分析工具承诺无需开发人员费劲就能找出代码中已有的缺陷。当然,如果有多年的编写经验,就会知道这些承诺并不是一定能兑现。尽管如此,好的静态分析工具仍然是工具箱中的无价之宝。



代码质量工具的一个问题是它们容易为开发人员提供大量但并非真正问题的问题——即 伪问题(false positives)。出现伪问题时,开发人员要学会忽略工具的输出或者放弃它。FindBugs 的设计者 David Hovemeyer 和 William Pugh 注意到了这个问题,并努力减少他们所报告的伪问题数量。与其他静态分析工具不同,FindBugs 不注重样式或者格式,它试图只寻找真正的缺陷或者潜在的性能问题。

FindBugs 是什么?

FindBugs 是一个静态分析工具,它检查类或者 JAR 文件,将字节码与一组缺陷模式进行对比以发现可能的问题。有了静态分析工具,就可以在不实际运行程序的情况对软件进行分析。
给eclipse 安装FindBugs 插件


JDK:1.5.0 从http://java.sun.com上去下载安装

Eclipse:3.1.1 从http://www.eclipse.org 上去下载解压

FindBugs:0.9.4 从http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/

官方的文档 http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/manual/
Eclipse plugin for FindBugs version 0.0.17 从 http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/downloads.html 下载

Here is how to install and use the Find Bugs Eclipse Plug-in:

NOTE: Since FindBugs requires a JDK 1.5.x to run on, you MUST ENSURE that you

start Eclipse using a JRE/JDK 1.5.x (or later) as well.

Install the plug-in


1) Extract the contents of the file

- edu.umd.cs.findbugs.plugin.eclipse_1.1.0.v20060908.zip

into the [plugins] folder of your Eclipse installation. This should result in

the following directory structure:



+- plugins


+- edu.umd.cs.findbugs.plugin.eclipse_1.1.0.v20060908


+- plugin.xml

+- icons

+- lib

| |

| +- annotations.jar

| asm-3.3.jar

| asm-commons-3.3.jar

| asm-tree-3.3.jar

| bcel.jar

| commons-lang-2.4.jar

| dom4j-1.6.1.jar

| jaxen-1.1.1.jar

| jFormatString.jar

| jsr305.jar



| |



+- plugin






2) (Re-)start Eclipse

Using the plug-in


The plug-in can operate in two modes: the automatic mode and the manual mode.

Automatic mode


When running in automatic mode, the plug-in will look for bug patterns every time

you build your project or a single Java file. This means that (normally) every

time you save a Java file, the FindBugs plug-in will scan this file for bugs.

To enable the automatic mode:

1) Open the context menu of a Java project (please go to the Java perspective first!)

2) Select [Properties] from the context menu

3) In the properties dialog, switch to the [FindBugs} section and

4) Check the [Run FindBugs automatically] option.

5) Click [OK] or [Apply] to persist your change.

Manual mode


Since running the FindBugs plug-in in automatic mode can be vey time-consuming,

you may choose to run the plug-in in manual mode. As the name implies, you

have to start the bug pattern detecion manually when the plug-in is in manual mode.

To enable manual mode:

1) Make sure that the [Run FindBugs automatically] checkbox on the Java project properties

page is disabled.

2) Open the context menu of the current Java project.

3) Select [Find Bugs -> Find Bugs]. The bug pattern detection process will be started.


FindBugs, Part 1: Improve the quality of your code 英文原文.

下载 最新版本的 FindBugs

installing_findbugsplugin.txt under $ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/edu.umd.cs.findbugs.plugin.eclipse_2.0.0.20111220/doc
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