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Mongodb: Db-level Locking VS Collection-level Locking

2011-09-28 11:53 288 查看
期盼中的Mongodb 2.0已经release,但是可怜的Collection-level Locking并没有实现,具体可以查看jira: https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-1240

先说一下为什么这么期盼Collection-level Locking能够在MongoDB中实现呢,主要还是自己实际使用MongoDB的时候出现concurrency的问题:

使用update{multi: true}去更新一个collection中的大量documents的时候,整个Mongodb都hold住了,即使这个update仅仅update的是一个collection内的documents,其他collection的query操作也会block住,slow .............

使用mapreduce去执行一个耗时的操作的时候,也会出现上面的事情, very slow ..............

关于MongoDB Concurrency Work可以查看:http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/How+does+concurrency+work

Read/write Lock(问题1)

mongod uses a read/write lock for many operations. Any number of concurrent read operations are allowed, but typically only one write
operation (although some write operations yield and in the future more concurrency will be added). The write lock acquisition is greedy: a pending write lock acquisition will prevent further read lock acquisitions until fulfilled.


OperationLock type


OP_QUERY (query )

Acquires read lock

see also: SERVER-517

more from cursor)

Acquires read lock
OP_INSERT (insert )Acquires write lock

Inserts are normally fast and short-lived operations

OP_DELETE (remove )

Acquires write lockYields while running to allow other operations to interleave.

OP_UPDATE (update )

Acquires write lockWill yield for interleave (1.5.2+)
map/reduceAt times locked

Allows substantial concurrent operation.

create index

See notes

Batch build acquires write lock. But a background
build option is available.

db.eval()Acquires write lock

getLastError command


ismaster command

serverStatus commandNon-blocking
On Javascript

Only one thread in the mongod process executes Javascript at a time (other database
operations are often possible concurrent with this).

Group Command

The group command takes a read lock and does not allow any other threads
to execute JavaScript while it is running.


While the map and reduce functions are running, other JavaScript cannot be executed on the database.

There are also several non-JavaScript operations that MapReduce performs that take locks:

It reads from a collection (read lock)

It inserts documents into the temporary collection (write lock)

It creates a final collection or merges into or replaces an existing collection (write lock)


With read operations, it is easy for mongod 1.3+ to saturate all cores.
However, because of the read/write lock above, write operations will not yet fully utilize all cores.


View Operions in Progress

> db.currentOp()
"inprog" : [
"opid" : 2348516,
"active" : true,
"lockType" : "read",
"waitingForLock" : false,
"secs_running" : 0,
"op" : "query",
"ns" : "meta_table",
"query" : {
"distinct" : "meta_table_user",
"query" : {

"key" : "main_name"
"client" : "",
"desc" : "conn"


opid - an incrementing operation number. Use with killOp().

active - if the operation is active

waitingForLock - if true, lock has been requested but not yet granted

op - the operation type (query, update, etc.)

ns - namespace for the operation (database + collection name) (Note: if the ns begins with a question mark, the operation has yielded.)

query - the query spec, if operation is a query

lockType - the type of lock the operation requires, either read or write or none. See concurrency page.

client - address of the client who requested the operation

desc - the type of connection. conn indicates a normal client connections. Other values indicate internal threads in the server.

threadId - id of the thread

numYields - the number of the times the operation has yielded (to some other operation)

Killing an In Progress Operation

> db.killOp(2348516/*opid*/)

Summary: 至少在使用Mongodb 2.0之前版本的时候,对于会使用write lock的操作去操作大量document的时候,一定三思而后行!是很容易hold住MongoDB的!
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息