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# See copyright, etc in below POD section.

package Verilog::Getopt;              # package name, 其中Verilog是目录
require 5.000;                        # 需要perl5.0以上
require Exporter;                     # Exporter 使得能够导出各个函数

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION $Debug %Skip_Basenames);      # 等同于our声明,导出变量
use Carp;                                          # package中使用warning或者die类似的功能。
use IO::File;
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use Cwd;

#### Configuration Section

$VERSION = '3.305';

# Basenames we should ignore when recursing directories,
# Because they contain large files of no relevance
foreach ( '.', '..',
) {
$Skip_Basenames{$_} = 1;

# 类成员(可以有初值),本质是hash表。成员函数不再其中,凡是package声明的sub函数都是成员函数。
# 一般我们推荐将internal的成员(private) 声明成 _member 的形式。这些类成员和后面声明的函数可以同名,
# 但是他们是完全不同的东西。一般同名的函数会把返回的值放入这些同名的的成员中(如匿名数组或hash表)
# 在perl中哪些变量会声明成类成员呢? 一般用于configuration变量以及在各个函数中传递(即多个函数使用的
# 变量)。 @_ 指明从new参数中给出的值。这样可以给成员赋新值,或者加入新的成员。本例中就是options
# 如 $Opt = new Verilog::Getopt(gcc_style=>0)

sub new {
@_ >= 1 or croak 'usage: Verilog::Getopt->new ({options})';
my $class = shift;		# Class (Getopt Element)   类名
$class ||= "Verilog::Getopt";  #   进一步确定类名

my $self = {defines => {},
incdir => ['.', ],
module_dir => ['.', ],
libext => ['.v', ],
library => [ ],
gcc_style => 1,
vcs_style => 1,
fileline => 'Command_Line',
unparsed => [],
define_warnings => 1,
depend_files => {},
bless $self, $class;         #洗礼成为类
return $self;                #返回类指针

# Option parsing

sub _filedir {
my $self = shift;
my $path = shift;
$path =~ s![/\\][^/\\]*$!!   # ~~== my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir( $path );
or $path = ".";
return "." if $path eq '';
return $path

sub parameter_file {
my $self = shift;
my $filename = shift;
my $relative = shift;

print "*parameter_file $filename\n" if $Debug;
my $optdir = ".";
if ($relative) { $optdir = $self->_filedir($filename); }

my $fh = IO::File->new("<$filename") or die "%Error: ".$self->fileline().": $! $filename\n";
my $hold_fileline = $self->fileline();
while (my $line = $fh->getline()) {
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/\/\/.*$//;
next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
$self->fileline ("$filename:$.");
my @p = (split /\s+/,"$line ");
$self->_parameter_parse($optdir, @p);

sub parameter {
my $self = shift;
# Parse VCS like parameters, and perform standard setup based on it
# Return list of leftover parameters
@{$self->{unparsed}} = ();
$self->_parameter_parse('.', @_);
return @{$self->{unparsed}};

sub _parameter_parse {
my $self = shift;
my $optdir = shift;
# Internal: Parse list of VCS like parameters, and perform standard setup based on it
foreach my $param (@_) {
next if ($param =~ /^\s*$/);
print " parameter($param)\n" if $Debug;

### GCC & VCS style
if ($param eq '-F'
|| $param eq '-f') {
$self->{_parameter_next} = $param;

### VCS style
elsif (($param eq '-v'
|| $param eq '-y') && $self->{vcs_style}) {
$self->{_parameter_next} = $param;
elsif ($param =~ /^\+libext\+(.*)$/ && $self->{vcs_style}) {
my $ext = $1;
foreach (split /\+/, $ext) {
elsif ($param =~ /^\+incdir\+(.*)$/ && $self->{vcs_style}) {
$self->incdir($self->_parse_file_arg($optdir, $1));
elsif (($param =~ /^\+define\+([^+=]*)[+=](.*)$/
|| $param =~ /^\+define\+(.*?)()$/) && $self->{vcs_style}) {
# Ignored
elsif ($param =~ /^\+librescan$/ && $self->{vcs_style}) {

### GCC style
elsif (($param =~ /^-D([^=]*)=(.*)$/
|| $param =~ /^-D([^=]*)()$/) && $self->{gcc_style}) {
elsif (($param =~ /^-U([^=]*)$/) && $self->{gcc_style}) {
elsif ($param =~ /^-I(.*)$/ && $self->{gcc_style}) {
$self->incdir($self->_parse_file_arg($optdir, $1));

# Second parameters
elsif ($self->{_parameter_next}) {
my $pn = $self->{_parameter_next};
$self->{_parameter_next} = undef;
if ($pn eq '-F') {
$self->parameter_file ($self->_parse_file_arg($optdir,$param), 1);
elsif ($pn eq '-f') {
$self->parameter_file ($self->_parse_file_arg($optdir,$param), 0);
elsif ($pn eq '-v') {
$self->library ($self->_parse_file_arg($optdir,$param));
elsif ($pn eq '-y') {
$self->module_dir ($self->_parse_file_arg($optdir,$param));
else {
die "%Error: ".$self->fileline().": Bad internal next param ".$pn;

else { # Unknown
push @{$self->{unparsed}}, "$param"; # Must quote to convert Getopt to string, bug298

sub _parse_file_arg {
my $self = shift;
my $optdir = shift;
my $relfilename = shift;
# Parse filename on option line, expanding relative paths in -F's
my $filename = $self->file_substitute($relfilename);
if ($optdir ne "." && ! File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($filename)) {
$filename = File::Spec->catfile($optdir,$filename);
return $filename;

# Accessors

sub fileline {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) { $self->{fileline} = shift; }
return ($self->{fileline});
sub incdir {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
my $token = shift;
print "incdir $token\n" if $Debug;
if (ref($token) && ref($token) eq 'ARRAY') {
@{$self->{incdir}} = @{$token};
} else {
push @{$self->{incdir}}, $self->file_abs($token);
return (wantarray ? @{$self->{incdir}} : $self->{incdir});
sub libext {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
my $token = shift;
print "libext $token\n" if $Debug;
if (ref($token) && ref($token) eq 'ARRAY') {
@{$self->{libext}} = @{$token};
} else {
push @{$self->{libext}}, $token;
return (wantarray ? @{$self->{libext}} : $self->{libext});
sub library {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
my $token = shift;
print "library $token\n" if $Debug;
if (ref($token) && ref($token) eq 'ARRAY') {
@{$self->{library}} = @{$token};
} else {
push @{$self->{library}}, $self->file_abs($token);
return (wantarray ? @{$self->{library}} : $self->{library});
sub module_dir {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
my $token = shift;
print "module_dir $token\n" if $Debug;
if (ref($token) && ref($token) eq 'ARRAY') {
@{$self->{module_dir}} = @{$token};
} else {
push @{$self->{module_dir}}, $self->file_abs($token);
return (wantarray ? @{$self->{module_dir}} : $self->{module_dir});
sub depend_files {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
#@_ may be Getopt::Long::Parameters which aren't arrays, will stringify
if (ref($_[0]) && ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
$self->{depend_files} = {};
foreach my $fn (@{$_[0]}) {
$self->{depend_files}{$fn} = 1;
} else {
foreach my $fn (@_) {
print "depend_files $fn\n" if $Debug;
$self->{depend_files}{$fn} = 1;
my @list = (sort (keys %{$self->{depend_files}}));
return (wantarray ? @list : \@list);

sub get_parameters {
my $self = shift;
my %args = (gcc_stlyle => $self->{gcc_style},);
# Defines
my @params = ();
foreach my $def ($self->define_names_sorted) {
my $defvalue = $self->defvalue($def);
$defvalue = "=".($defvalue||"") if (defined $defvalue && $defvalue ne "");
if ($args{gcc_style}) {
push @params, "-D${def}${defvalue}";
} else {
push @params, "+define+${def}${defvalue}";
# Put all libexts on one line, else NC-Verilog will bitch
my $exts="";
foreach my $ext ($self->libext()) {
$exts = "+libext" if !$exts;
$exts .= "+$ext";
push @params, $exts if $exts;
# Includes...
foreach my $dir ($self->incdir()) {
if ($args{gcc_style}) {
push @params, "-I${dir}";
} else {
push @params, "+incdir+${dir}";
foreach my $dir ($self->module_dir()) {
push @params, "-y", $dir;
foreach my $dir ($self->library()) {
push @params, "-v", $dir;
return (@params);

sub write_parameters_file {
my $self = shift;
my $filename = shift;
# Write get_parameters to a file
my $fh = IO::File->new(">$filename") or croak "%Error: $! writing $filename,";
my @opts = $self->get_parameters();
print $fh join("\n",@opts);

# Utility functions

sub remove_duplicates {
my $self = ref $_[0] && shift;
# return list in same order, with any duplicates removed
my @rtn;
my %hit;
foreach (@_) { push @rtn, $_ unless $hit{$_}++; }
return @rtn;

sub file_skip_special {
my $self = shift;
my $filename = shift;
$filename =~ s!.*[/\\]!!;
return $Skip_Basenames{$filename};

sub file_abs {
my $self = shift;
my $filename = shift;
# return absolute filename
# If the user doesn't want this absolutification, they can just
# make their own derived class and override this function.
# We don't absolutify files that don't have any path,
# as file_path() will probably be used to resolve them.
return $filename;
return $filename if ("" eq dirname($filename));
return $filename if File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($filename);
# Cwd::abspath() requires files to exist.  Too annoying...
$filename = File::Spec->canonpath(File::Spec->catdir(Cwd::getcwd(),$filename));
return $filename;

sub file_substitute {
my $self = shift;
my $filename = shift;
my $out = $filename;
while ($filename =~ /\$([A-Za-z_0-9]+)\b/g) {
my $var = $1;
if (defined $ENV{$var}) {
$out =~ s/\$var\b/$ENV{$var}/g;
$out =~ s!^~!$ENV{HOME}/!;
return $out;

sub file_path_cache_flush {
my $self = shift;
# Clear out a file_path cache, needed if the incdir/module_dirs change
$self->{_file_path_cache} = {};

sub file_path {
my $self = shift;
my $filename = shift;
my $lookup_type = shift || 'all';
# return path to given filename using library directories & files, or undef
# locations are cached, because -r can be a very slow operation

defined $filename or carp "%Error: Undefined filename,";
return $self->{_file_path_cache}{$filename} if defined $self->{_file_path_cache}{$filename};
if (-r $filename && !-d $filename) {
$self->{_file_path_cache}{$filename} = $filename;
return $filename;
# Try expanding environment
$filename = $self->file_substitute($filename);
if (-r $filename && !-d $filename) {
$self->{_file_path_cache}{$filename} = $filename;
return $filename;

# What paths to use?
my @dirlist;
if ($lookup_type eq 'module') {
@dirlist = $self->module_dir();
} elsif ($lookup_type eq 'include') {
@dirlist = $self->incdir();
} else {  # all
# Might be more obvious if -y had priority, but we'll remain back compatible
@dirlist = ($self->incdir(), $self->module_dir());
# Expand any envvars in incdir/moduledir
@dirlist = map {$self->file_substitute($_)} @dirlist;

# Check each search path
# We use both the incdir and moduledir.  This isn't strictly correct,
# but it's fairly silly to have to specify both all of the time.
my %checked_dir = ();
my %checked_file = ();
foreach my $dir (@dirlist) {
next if $checked_dir{$dir}; $checked_dir{$dir}=1;  # -r can be quite slow
# Check each postfix added to the file
foreach my $postfix ("", @{$self->{libext}}) {
my $found = "$dir/$filename$postfix";
next if $checked_file{$found}; $checked_file{$found}=1;  # -r can be quite slow
if (-r $found && !-d $found) {
$self->{_file_path_cache}{$filename} = $found;
return $found;

return $filename;	# Let whoever needs it discover it doesn't exist

sub libext_matches {
my $self = shift;
my $filename = shift;
return undef if !$filename;
foreach my $postfix (@{$self->{libext}}) {
my $re = quotemeta($postfix) . "\{1}quot;;
return $filename if ($filename =~ /$re/);
return undef;

sub map_directories {
my $self = shift;
my $func = shift;
# Execute map function on all directories listed in self.
my @newdir = $self->incdir();
@newdir = map {&{$func}} @newdir;
my @newdir = $self->module_dir();
@newdir = map {&{$func}} @newdir;

# Getopt functions

sub define_names_sorted {
my $self = shift;
return (sort (keys %{$self->{defines}}));

sub defcmdline {
my $self = shift;
my $token = shift;
my $val = $self->{defines}{$token};
if (ref $val) {
return $val->[2];
} else {
return undef;

sub defparams {
my $self = shift;
my $token = shift;
my $val = $self->{defines}{$token};
if (!defined $val) {
return undef;
} elsif (ref $val && defined $val->[1]) {
return $val->[1];  # Has parameters hash, return param list or undef
} else {
return 0;
sub defvalue {
my $self = shift;
my $token = shift;
my $val = $self->{defines}{$token};
(defined $val) or carp "%Warning: ".$self->fileline().": No definition for $token,";
if (ref $val) {
return $val->[0];  # Has parameters, return just value
} else {
return $val;
sub defvalue_nowarn {
my $self = shift;
my $token = shift;
my $val = $self->{defines}{$token};
if (ref $val) {
return $val->[0];  # Has parameters, return just value
} else {
return $val;
sub define {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
my $token = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $cmdline = shift;
print "Define $token ".($params||'')."= $value\n" if $Debug;
my $oldval = $self->{defines}{$token};
my $oldparams;
if (ref $oldval eq 'ARRAY') {
($oldval, $oldparams) = @{$oldval};
if (defined $oldval
&& (($oldval ne $value)
|| (($oldparams||'') ne ($params||'')))
&& $self->{define_warnings}) {
warn "%Warning: ".$self->fileline().": Redefining `$token\n";
if ($params || $cmdline) {
$self->{defines}{$token} = [$value, $params, $cmdline];
} else {
$self->{defines}{$token} = $value;
sub undef {
my $self = shift;
my $token = shift;
my $oldval = $self->{defines}{$token};
# We no longer warn about undefing something that doesn't exist, as other compilers don't
#(defined $oldval or !$self->{define_warnings})
#	or carp "%Warning: ".$self->fileline().": No definition to undef for $token,";
delete $self->{defines}{$token};

sub undefineall {
my $self = shift;
foreach my $def (keys %{$self->{defines}}) {
if (!$self->defcmdline($def)) {
delete $self->{defines}{$def};

sub remove_defines {
my $self = shift;
my $sym = shift;
my $val = "x";
while (defined $val) {
last if $sym eq $val;
(my $xsym = $sym) =~ s/^\`//;
$val = $self->defvalue_nowarn($xsym);  #Undef if not found
$sym = $val if defined $val;
return $sym;

### Package return


=head1 NAME

Verilog::Getopt - Get Verilog command line options


use Verilog::Getopt;

my $opt = new Verilog::Getopt;
$opt->parameter (qw( +incdir+standard_include_directory ));

@ARGV = $opt->parameter (@ARGV);
print "Path to foo.v is ", $opt->file_path('foo.v');


Verilog::Getopt provides standardized handling of options similar to
Verilog/VCS and cc/GCC.

=over 4

=item $opt = Verilog::Getopt->new ( I<opts> )

Create a new Getopt.  If gcc_style=>0 is passed as a parameter, parsing of
GCC-like parameters is disabled.  If vcs_style=>0 is passed as a parameter,
parsing of VCS-like parameters is disabled.

=item $self->file_path ( I<filename>, [I<lookup_type>] )

Returns a new path to the filename, using the library directories and
search paths to resolve the file.  Optional lookup_type is 'module',
'include', or 'all', to use only module_dirs, incdirs, or both for the

=item $self->get_parameters ( )

Returns a list of parameters that when passed through $self->parameter()
should result in the same state.  Often this is used to form command lines
for downstream programs that also use Verilog::Getopt.

=item $self->parameter ( \@params )

Parses any recognized parameters in the referenced array, removing the
standard parameters and returning a array with all unparsed parameters.

The below list shows the VCS-like parameters that are supported, and the
functions that are called:

+libext+I<ext>+I<ext>...	libext (I<ext>)
+incdir+I<dir>		incdir (I<dir>)
+define+I<var>[+=]I<value>	define (I<var>,I<value>)
+define+I<var>		define (I<var>,undef)
+librescan		Ignored
-F I<file>		Parse parameters in file relatively
-f I<file>		Parse parameters in file
-v I<file>		library (I<file>)
-y I<dir>		module_dir (I<dir>)
all others		Put in returned list

The below list shows the GCC-like parameters that are supported, and the
functions that are called:

-DI<var>=I<value>		define (I<var>,I<value>)
-DI<var>		define (I<var>,undef)
-UI<var>		undefine (I<var>)
-II<dir>		incdir (I<dir>)
-F I<file>		Parse parameters in file relatively
-f I<file>		Parse parameters in file
all others		Put in returned list

=item $self->write_parameters_file ( I<filename> )

Write the output from get_parameters to the specified file.



=over 4

=item $self->define ( $token, $value )

This method is called when a define is recognized.  The default behavior
loads a hash that is used to fulfill define references.  This function may
also be called outside parsing to predefine values.

An optional third argument specifies parameters to the define, and a fourth
argument if true indicates the define was set on the command line and
should not be removed by `undefineall.

=item $self->define_names_sorted

Return sorted list of all define names that currently exist.

=item $self->defparams ( $token )

This method returns the parameter list of the define.  This will be defined,
but false, if the define does not have arguments.

=item $self->defvalue ( $token )

This method returns the value of a given define, or prints a warning.

=item $self->defvalue_nowarn ( $token )

This method returns the value of a given define, or undef.

=item $self->depend_files ()

Returns reference to list of filenames referenced with file_path, useful
for creating dependency lists.  With argument, adds that file.  With list
reference argument, sets the list to the argument.

=item $self->file_abs ( $filename )

Using the incdir and libext lists, convert the specified module or filename
("foo") to a absolute filename ("include/dir/foo.v").

=item $self->file_skip_special ( $filename )

Return true if the filename is one that generally should be ignored when
recursing directories, such as for example, ".", "CVS", and ".svn".

=item $self->file_substitute ( $filename )

Removes existing environment variables from the provided filename.  Any
undefined variables are not substituted nor cause errors.

=item $self->incdir ()

Returns reference to list of include directories.  With argument, adds that

=item $self->libext ()

Returns reference to list of library extensions.  With argument, adds that

=item $self->libext_matches (I<filename>)

Returns true if the passed filename matches the libext.

=item $self->library ()

Returns reference to list of libraries.  With argument, adds that library.

=item $self->module_dir ()

Returns reference to list of module directories.  With argument, adds that

=item $self->remove_defines ( $token )

Return string with any definitions in the token removed.

=item $self->undef ( $token )

Deletes a hash element that is used to fulfill define references.  This
function may also be called outside parsing to erase a predefined value.

=item $self->undefineall ()

Deletes all non-command line definitions, for implementing `undefineall.



Verilog-Perl is part of the L<http://www.veripool.org/> free Verilog EDA
software tool suite.  The latest version is available from CPAN and from

Copyright 2000-2010 by Wilson Snyder.  This package is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0.

=head1 AUTHORS

Wilson Snyder <wsnyder@wsnyder.org>

=head1 SEE ALSO

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