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2011-09-13 21:29 477 查看


select title 职称 from s_emp group by title;


select distinct title 职称 from s_emp;


select first_name 员工,salary*(1+nvl(commission_pct/100,0))*12 年薪 from s_emp;


select last_name||' '||first_name 员工,title 职称,nvl(to_char(commission_pct*salary/100),'没有提成') 提成 from s_emp;


select first_name 员工,salary 工资 from s_emp where salary>1500 order by salary desc;


select first_name 员工,salary*(1+nvl(commission_pct,0)/100)*12 年薪 from s_emp

where salary*(1+nvl(commission_pct,0)/100)*12>25000

order by salary*(1+nvl(commission_pct,0)/100)*12 desc;


select first_name 员工,dept_id 部门,salary 工资 from s_emp

where dept_id=41 and salary>1200;


select first_name 员工,dept_id 部门,title 职称 from s_emp

where dept_id in (10,31,50) or title like 'VP%';


select first_name 员工,dept_id 部门,title 职称 from s_emp

where dept_id=10 or dept_id=31 or dept_id=50 or title like 'VP%';


select first_name 员工 from s_emp where first_name like '_e%';


select first_name 员工,start_date 入职时间 from s_emp where start_date like '%91'

order by start_date asc;


select first_name 员工,start_date 入职时间 from s_emp

where to_char(start_date,'fmrr')='91' order by start_date asc;


select first_name 员工,start_date 入职时间 from s_emp

where to_char(start_date,'fmmm')='2';


select first_name 员工,start_date 入职时间,sysdate 系统时间 from s_emp

where to_char(start_date,'fmmm')=to_char(sysdate,'fmmm');


select first_name 员工,months_between(sysdate,start_date) 工作了多少个月 from s_emp;


select first_name 员工,replace(first_name,'a','A') 替换后的员工名 from s_emp;


select first_name 员工,substr(first_name,1,3) 截取后的员工名 from s_emp;


select last_name 员工 from s_emp where length(last_name)=5;


select e.first_name 员工,d.name 部门名 from s_emp e join s_dept d on e.dept_id=d.id

where upper(d.name)='SALES' order by e.first_name;


select d.id 部门编号,d.name 部门名,r.name 区域名 from s_dept d join s_region r

on d.region_id=r.id where lower(r.name)='asia';


select e.first_name 员工,r.name 区域名 from s_dept d join s_region r on d.region_id=r.id

join s_emp e on d.id=e.dept_id

where lower(r.name)='asia';


select w.first_name 员工,nvl(m.first_name,'没有上司') 员工的上司 from s_emp w left join s_emp m

on w.manager_id=m.id;


select r.name 区域,count(*) 部门数 from s_region r join s_dept d on r.id=d.region_id group by r.name;


select dept_id 部门编号,count(*) 员工数 from s_emp group by dept_id having count(*)>3;


select s_dept.name 部门名,count(*) 员工数 from s_emp join s_dept on s_emp.dept_id=s_dept.id

group by s_dept.name order by count(*) desc;


select title 职称,count(*) 人数 from s_emp group by title;


select first_name 员工,dept_id 部门,salary 薪金 from s_emp e1 where salary>(

select avg(salary) from s_emp e2 group by dept_id having e1.dept_id=e2.dept_id)

order by dept_id desc;


select * from(

select first_name,salary from s_emp order by salary desc)inner_ where rownum<=3;


select * from(

select dept_id,salary from s_emp where dept_id=41 order by salary desc)inner_ where rownum<=2;


select first_name 员工,dept_id 部门,salary 工资 from s_emp e1 where

(select count(*) from s_emp e2 where e1.dept_id=e2.dept_id

and e1.salary<e2.salary)<2 order by dept_id;


select * from(

select id 人员编号,dept_id 部门编号,rownum row_ from s_emp where dept_id=41) where row_<4 and row_>1;




select e.last_name||''||e.first_name 员工,d.name 部门名 from s_emp e join s_dept d on e.dept_id=d.id;


select d.name 部门名,r.name 区域名 from s_dept d join s_region r on d.region_id=r.id;


select s_region.name 区域,s_customer.name 客户名,s_customer.phone 客户电话 from s_region,s_customer

where s_region.id=s_customer.region_id;


select e.first_name||''||e.last_name 员工名,e.start_date 入职时间,d.name 部门名

from s_dept d join s_emp e on d.id=e.dept_id;


select last_name 员工,start_date 入职时间 from s_emp where to_char(start_date,'fmmm')='5';


select last_name 员工,start_date 入职时间 from s_emp where to_char(start_date,'fmmm')=to_char(sysdate,'fmmm');


select last_name 员工,start_date 入职时间 from s_emp where start_date like '%90';


select last_name 员工,start_date 入职时间 from s_emp

where start_date between to_date('01-06-91','dd-mm-rr') and to_date('30-06-92','dd-mm-rr');


select dept_id 部门编号,avg(salary) 平均工资 from s_emp group by dept_id having avg(salary)>2000;


select dept_id 部门,max(salary) 最高工资,min(salary) 最低工资,avg(salary) 平均工资

from s_emp where dept_id=43 group by dept_id;


select dept_id 部门编号,avg(salary) 平均工资 from s_emp group by dept_id having avg(salary) between 1200 and 1450;


select s_customer.name 客户,count(*) 订单数 from s_ord join s_customer on s_ord.customer_id=s_customer.id

group by s_customer.name having count(*)>1;

--43、找出没有任何订单的客户 姓名

select name 客户 from s_customer where id not in (select customer_id from s_ord group by customer_id);


select d.* from s_dept d join s_region r on d.region_id=r.id

where lower(r.name)='asia';


select last_name 员工,dept_id 部门,salary 工资 from s_emp e1 where

(select count(*) from s_emp e2 where e1.dept_id=e2.dept_id and e1.salary<e2.salary)<1;


select last_name 员工,title 职称,salary 工资 from s_emp e1 where

(select count(*) from s_emp e2 where e1.title=e2.title and e1.salary<e2.salary)<1;



select distinct cus.name 顾客,pro.provider 产品 from prefix_purcase pur join prefix_customer cus

on pur.customerid=cus.customerid join prefix_product pro

on pur.productid=pro.productid where pro.provider='宝洁';


select name from prefix_customer where customerid in (

select customerid from prefix_purcase

where productid in

(select pc.productid from prefix_customer c, prefix_purcase pc where c.customerid = pc.customerid and c.name='Dennis')

group by customerid

having count(productid)>=

(select count(pc.productid) from prefix_customer c, prefix_purcase pc where c.customerid = pc.customerid and c.name='Dennis')

) and name !='Dennis';


select * from (

select inner_.provider,avg(quantity)*count(inner_.provider) from(

select prefix_product.provider,prefix_purcase.quantity from prefix_product,prefix_purcase

where prefix_product.productid=prefix_purcase.productid and prefix_product.category='牙膏'

group by prefix_product.provider,prefix_purcase.quantity)inner_

group by inner_.provider order by avg(quantity)*count(inner_.provider) desc)out_

where rownum<2;


--查看:select category,unitprice from prefix_product where category='牙膏'

update prefix_product set unitprice=unitprice*(1+10/100) where category='牙膏';


delete from prefix_product where productid not in(

select productid from prefix_purcase group by productid);
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