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2011-07-28 18:01 585 查看
//	binarySearchTree.cpp -- 2011-07-27-17.18
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "binarySearchTree.h"
#include <iostream>

//	private methods

binarySearchTree ::Node * binarySearchTree ::m_makeNode (const Item item)
	Node * newNode = new Node ;
	if (NULL == newNode)
		return NULL ;
	newNode ->item = item ;
	newNode ->left = newNode ->right = NULL ;

	return newNode ;

void binarySearchTree ::m_print (const Node & node)
	if (&node != NULL)
		m_print(*(node.left)) ;
		std ::cout << node.item << std ::endl ;
		m_print(*(node.right)) ;

binarySearchTree ::Node * binarySearchTree :: m_leftmostOrRightmostNode (Node * const pNode, const direction directionComeFrom)
	if (pNode != NULL)
		if (pNode ->left != NULL)
			Node * returnValueRecord = m_leftmostOrRightmostNode(pNode ->left, Direction_Left) ;
			returnValueRecord ->right = pNode ;
			pNode ->left = returnValueRecord ;
		if (pNode ->right != NULL)
			Node * returnValueRecord = m_leftmostOrRightmostNode(pNode ->right, Direction_Right) ;
			returnValueRecord ->left = pNode ;
			pNode ->right = returnValueRecord ;
		if (Direction_Left == directionComeFrom)
			Node * rightmost = pNode ;
			while (rightmost ->right != NULL)
				rightmost = rightmost ->right ;
			return rightmost ;
			Node * leftmost = pNode ;
			while (leftmost ->left != NULL)
				leftmost = leftmost ->left ;
			return leftmost ;
		return NULL ;

void binarySearchTree ::m_removeAll (Node * pNode)
	if (pNode != NULL)
		m_removeAll(pNode ->left) ;
		m_removeAll(pNode ->right) ;
		delete pNode ;

//	public methods

binarySearchTree ::binarySearchTree (void)
	m_root = NULL ;
	m_current = 0 ;

bool binarySearchTree ::isEmpty (void)
	if (0 == m_current)
		return true ;
		return false ;

bool binarySearchTree ::insert (const Item item)
	Node * newNode = m_makeNode(item) ;
	if (NULL == newNode)
		return false ;
	if (isEmpty())
		m_root = newNode ;
		++m_current ;
		Node * scan = m_root ;
		while (1)
			if (item < scan ->item)
				if (scan ->left != NULL)
					scan = scan ->left ;
					scan ->left = newNode ;
					break ;
				if (scan ->right != NULL)
					scan = scan ->right ;
					scan ->right = newNode ;
					break ;
		++m_current ;

	return true ;

bool binarySearchTree ::remove (const Item item)
	if (isEmpty ())
		return false ;
	Node * scan = m_root, * parent = NULL ;
	while (scan != NULL)
		if (item < scan ->item)
			parent = scan ;
			scan = scan ->left ;
		else if (item > scan ->item)
			parent = scan ;
			scan = scan ->right ;
			//	Target it !
			break ;
	if (NULL == scan)
		return false ;
	if (NULL == parent)
		//	Target is root.
		Node * rootRecord = m_root ;
		if (NULL == m_root ->left)
			m_root = m_root ->right ;
		else if (NULL == m_root ->right)
			m_root = m_root ->left ;
			m_root = m_root ->right ;
			Node * rightSubTreeOfRoot = m_root ->right ;
			while (rightSubTreeOfRoot ->left != NULL)
				rightSubTreeOfRoot = rightSubTreeOfRoot ->left ;
			rightSubTreeOfRoot ->left = rootRecord ->left ;
		delete rootRecord ;
	}	//	end NULL == parent
		if (NULL == scan ->left)
			if (scan == parent ->left)
				parent ->left = scan ->right ;
				parent ->right = scan ->right ;
			delete scan ;
		else if (NULL == scan ->right)
			if (scan == parent ->left)
				parent ->left = scan ->left ;
				parent ->right = scan ->left ;
			delete scan ;
			if (scan == parent ->left)
				//				[parent]						[parent]
				//				/								/
				//			[scan]			=>			[right]
				//			/		\						/
				//		[left]		[right]			[left]
				parent ->left = scan ->right ;
				Node * scanRecord = scan ;
				scan = scan ->right ;
				while (scan ->left != NULL)
					scan = scan ->left ;
				scan ->left = scanRecord ->left ;
				delete scanRecord ;
				//		[parent]								[parent]
				//					\										\
				//					[scan]			=>					[right]
				//					/		\								/
				//				[left]		[right]					[left]
				parent ->right = scan ->right ;
				Node * scanRecord = scan ;
				scan = scan ->right ;
				while (scan ->left != NULL)
					scan = scan ->left ;
				scan ->left = scanRecord ->left ;
				delete scanRecord ;
	--m_current ;
	return true ;

void binarySearchTree ::print (void)
	m_print(*m_root) ;

void binarySearchTree ::becomeToATwoWayCirculationLinkedListAndPrintItAndEmptyTheTree (const direction headDirection)
	using std ::cout ;
	using std ::endl ;

	if (headDirection != Direction_Left && headDirection != Direction_Right)
		return ;
	Node * returnValueRecord = m_leftmostOrRightmostNode(m_root, headDirection) ;
	if (Direction_Left == headDirection)
		cout << "In diminsihing order: " ;
		Node * rightmost = returnValueRecord ;
		while (rightmost != NULL)
			cout << rightmost ->item << ' ' ;
			rightmost = rightmost ->left ;
		cout << endl ;
		//	Find leftmost node
		while (returnValueRecord ->left != NULL)
			returnValueRecord = returnValueRecord ->left ;
		cout << "In increment order: " ;
		Node * leftmost = returnValueRecord ;
		while (leftmost != NULL)
			cout << leftmost ->item << ' ' ;
			leftmost = leftmost ->right ;
		cout << endl ;
		//	Empty the list.
		leftmost = returnValueRecord ;
		while (leftmost != NULL)
			Node * temp = leftmost ;
			leftmost = leftmost ->right ;
			delete temp ;
		m_root = NULL ;
		m_current = 0 ;
		cout << "In increment order: " ;
		Node * leftmost = returnValueRecord ;
		while (leftmost != NULL)
			cout << leftmost ->item << ' ' ;
			leftmost = leftmost ->right ;
		cout << endl ;
		//	Find rightmost node
		while (returnValueRecord ->right != NULL)
			returnValueRecord = returnValueRecord ->right ;
		cout << "In diminsihing order: " ;
		Node * rightmost = returnValueRecord ;
		while (rightmost != NULL)
			cout << rightmost ->item << ' ' ;
			rightmost = rightmost ->left ;
		cout << endl ;
		//	Empty the list.
		leftmost = returnValueRecord ;
		while (leftmost != NULL)
			Node * temp = leftmost ;
			leftmost = leftmost ->right ;
			delete temp ;
		m_root = NULL ;
		m_current = 0 ;

binarySearchTree ::~binarySearchTree (void)
	m_removeAll(m_root) ;
	m_root = NULL ;
	m_current = 0 ;
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