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Java 实现自动监听并更新配置文件内容 (转自高手)

2011-05-27 14:56 821 查看

Java 实现自动监听并更新配置文件内容

Posted on 2007-02-28 11:49 广氏波罗猫 Kelvin Wong 阅读(1096) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏

自动监听器 PropertiesListener

package org.stephencat.listener;

import javax.servlet.*;

* 自动监听器
* @author stephen
public class PropertiesListener implements ServletContextListener {

* 自动监听时钟
private PropertiesTimer rt = null;

public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) {
String status = "Properties listener start .";

// 激活自动监听时钟
rt = new PropertiesTimer(15, event.getServletContext());

public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent event) {
String status = "Properties listener stop .";

// 停止自动监听时钟
if (rt != null) {

自动监听时钟 PropertiesTimer

package org.stephencat.listener;
import java.util.*;
import javax.servlet.*;

* 自动监听时钟
* @author stephen
public class PropertiesTimer {

private final Timer timer = new Timer();
private final int sec;
private ServletContext context = null;

public PropertiesTimer(int seconds, ServletContext context) {
sec = seconds;
this.context = context;

* 启动自动监听任务
public void start() {

// 取得当前日期时间
Date date = new Date();

// 执行自动监听计划
timer.schedule(new PropertiesTask(this.context), date, sec * 1000);

* 停止自动监听任务
public void stop() {



自动监听任务 PropertiesTask

package org.stephencat.listener;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

import javax.servlet.*;
* 自动监听任务
* @author stephen
public class PropertiesTask extends TimerTask {

private ServletContext context = null;
* 配置文件的最后更新时间
private long lastModified = 0;

* 构造一个自动更新任务
* @param context
public PropertiesTask(ServletContext context){
this.context = context;
System.out.println("A task instance is created now."); // 任务在整个 application 周期内只创建一次。

* 每次执行任务时显示一个随机数。
public void todoTestRandom(){
System.out.println("Task running");
context.setAttribute("random", String.valueOf(Math.random()));

* 监听配置文件是否被更新。
public void todoTestFileStatus(){
System.out.println("Getting file status");

* 监听配置文件是否被更新,自动更新文件中的配置项存储到 application 变量中。
public void todo(){
String filename = "WEB-INF/platforms/test.properties";

System.out.println("Getting properties");
this.loadProperties("test", filename);
}catch(IOException ioe){
System.out.println("Test value is: " + this.getTestProperty("name"));

public void run() {

* 判断物理文件是否已被更新
* @param filename 物理文件名
* @return 是 true 否 false
private boolean isFileUpdated(String filename){
File file = new File(context.getRealPath(filename));
long lastUpdateTime = file.lastModified();
if(lastUpdateTime > this.lastModified){
System.out.println("The properties file was modified.");
this.lastModified = lastUpdateTime;
return true;
System.out.println("The properties file was not modified.");
return false;
System.out.println("The path does not point to a file.");
return false;

* 获取配置文件
* @param key
* @param filename
* @return
public void loadProperties(String key, String filename) throws IOException{
Properties prop = new Properties();
InputStream stream = context.getResourceAsStream(filename);
context.setAttribute(key, prop);

* 从 application 取配置项的值
* @param key 配置项的键名
* @return 配置项的值
public String getTestProperty(String key){
Properties prop = (Properties)context.getAttribute("test");
return null;
return (String)prop.get(key);


web.xml 配置

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="GB18030"?>
<web-app version="2.4"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd">

在 WEB-INF 目录下增加 platforms/test.properties 文件

name=Stephen Wong


11:30:31,000 INFO [TomcatDeployer] undeploy, ctxPath=/ServerTest, warUrl=.../deploy/ServerTest.war/
11:30:31,000 INFO [[/ServerTest]] Properties listener stop .
11:30:31,000 INFO [STDOUT] Properties listener stop .
11:30:31,046 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/ServerTest, warUrl=.../deploy/ServerTest.war/
11:30:31,359 INFO [[/ServerTest]] Properties listener start .
11:30:31,359 INFO [STDOUT] Properties listener start .
11:30:31,375 INFO [STDOUT] A task instance is created now.
11:30:31,390 INFO [STDOUT] Task running
11:30:31,390 INFO [STDOUT] 0.9924364802139768
11:30:31,390 INFO [STDOUT] The properties file was modified.
11:30:31,390 INFO [STDOUT] Getting properties
11:30:31,390 INFO [STDOUT] Test value is: Stephen
11:30:46,390 INFO [STDOUT] Task running
11:30:46,390 INFO [STDOUT] 0.24869896604923036
11:30:46,390 INFO [STDOUT] The properties file was not modified.
11:30:46,390 INFO [STDOUT] Test value is: Stephen
11:31:01,390 INFO [STDOUT] Task running
11:31:01,390 INFO [STDOUT] 0.47994173379307203
11:31:01,390 INFO [STDOUT] The properties file was not modified.
11:31:01,390 INFO [STDOUT] Test value is: Stephen
11:31:16,390 INFO [STDOUT] Task running
11:31:16,390 INFO [STDOUT] 0.6379331056768383
11:31:16,390 INFO [STDOUT] The properties file was modified.
11:31:16,390 INFO [STDOUT] Getting properties
11:31:16,390 INFO [STDOUT] Test value is: Stephen Wong
11:31:31,390 INFO [STDOUT] Task running
11:31:31,390 INFO [STDOUT] 0.30415561271978353
11:31:31,390 INFO [STDOUT] The properties file was not modified.
11:31:31,390 INFO [STDOUT] Test value is: Stephen Wong
11:31:46,390 INFO [STDOUT] Task running
11:31:46,390 INFO [STDOUT] 0.03696303208126983
11:31:46,390 INFO [STDOUT] The properties file was not modified.
11:31:46,390 INFO [STDOUT] Test value is: Stephen Wong
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