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2011-02-24 13:29 666 查看

整型数据(short, int等)

%d    A regular base-10 integer, such as 987

%o    A base-8 octal integer, such as 1733

%x    A base-16 lowercase hexadecimal integer, such as 3db

%X    A base-16 uppercase hexademical integer, such as 3DB

浮点型数据(float, double)

%f    A regular base-10 decimal number, such as 3.141593

%e    A decimal number in scientific notation with a lowercase e, such as 3.141593e+00

%E    A decimal number in scientific notation with an uppercase E, such as 3.141593E+00

%g    A decimal number formatted in either regular or scientific notation, depending on its size and precision, with a lowercase e if scientific notation is used

%G    A decimal number formatted in either regular or scientific notation, depending on its size and precision, with an uppercase E if scientific notation is used

%a    A lowercase hexadecimal floating-point number, such as 0x1.921fb54442d18p1

%A    An uppercase hexadecimal floating-point number, such as 0x1.921FB5442D18P1

对于浮点型数据,有时还需要控制输出的宽度,精度或者其它。这时需要用到格式修饰符(Format Modifiers)。格式修饰符遵照一定的模式:


argument_index:    The number of the argument with which to replace this tag

flags:    Indicators of various formatting options

width:    The minimum number of characters with which to format the replacement value

precision:    The number of characters after the decimal point; alternatively, the maximum number of characters in the formatted string

FlagSignifiesApplies to
#Alternate formGeneral, integer, floating
+Include a sign even if positive (Normally, only negative numbers have signs)Integer, floating point
spaceAdd a leading space to positive numbers (This is where the sign would be and helps line up positive and negative numbers)Integer, floating point
0Pad with zeros instead of spacesInteger, floating point
,Use the locale-specific grouping separator instead of a periodInteger, floating point
#Use instead of a minus sign to indicate negative numbersInteger, floating point

Example 1: 控制宽度和精度

System.out.printf(“%5.3f”, Math.PI),控制输出宽度为5,精度为3,结果为

“ 3.142”(输出的最前面有一个空格)

Example 2: 使用argument_index

System.out.printf(“%s and %s”, “You”, “Me”)输出”You and Me”

System.out.printf(“%2$s and %2$s”, “You”, “Me”)输出”Me and Me”
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