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Mysql API之C++封装(一)

2011-02-14 15:51 148 查看
DBClient.h ------

#ifndef __DB_CLIENT_H__
#define __DB_CLIENT_H__

#include <mysql.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

* @brief enumaration for sql cmd type
enum Cmd

#define MAX_CHAR_LEN 64

* @brief this is a class for operating the mysql database
class DBClient
DBClient(): m_usDBPort(0), m_pResultSet(NULL)
memset(m_szDBIP, 0, sizeof(m_szDBIP));
memset(m_szUserName, 0, sizeof(m_szUserName));
memset(m_szPassword, 0, sizeof(m_szPassword));
memset(m_szDBName, 0, sizeof(m_szDBName));


* @brief initialize the db connection info
* @param pDBIP, the db ip address
* @param usDBPort, the db port
* @param pDBName, the db name
* @param pUserName, the db username
* @param pPassword, the db password
* @return true if init success, otherwise, false
bool Init(const char * pDBIP, unsigned short usDBPort,
const char * pDBName, const char * pUserName,
const char * pPassword);

* @brief connect the db server
* @return true if connect success, otherwise, false
bool Connect();

* @brief execute the sql statement
* @param pSqlStr, the sql statement pointer
* @return true if execute success, otherwise, false
bool Execute(const char * pSqlStr, Cmd eCmd);

* @brief get the next result of the operation
* @param pRes, the result row
* @param pLen, the array of the length of every fields
* @param nNum, the num of fields
* @return true if get the next result success, otherwise, false
bool GetNextResult(char **& pRes, unsigned long *& pLen,
int & nNum);

* @brief get the most recent error No.
unsigned int GetErrorNo()
return mysql_errno(&m_oDBHandle);
* @brief free the memory of the result set
void FreeResultSet();
/*db ip address*/
char m_szDBIP[MAX_CHAR_LEN];
/*db port*/
unsigned short m_usDBPort;
/*db name*/
char m_szDBName[MAX_CHAR_LEN];
/*db username*/
char m_szUserName[MAX_CHAR_LEN];
/*db user's password*/
char m_szPassword[MAX_CHAR_LEN];
/*the db connection handle object*/
MYSQL m_oDBHandle;
/*the pointer of result set for operating's result*/
MYSQL_RES * m_pResultSet;
#endif // __DB_CLIENT_H__

#include "DBClient.h"
#include <string.h>

#pragma comment(lib, "libmysql.lib")

bool DBClient::Init(const char * pDBIP, unsigned short usDBPort,
const char * pDBName, const char * pUserName,
const char * pPassword)
strcpy(m_szDBIP, pDBIP);
m_usDBPort = usDBPort;
strcpy(m_szDBName, pDBName);
strcpy(m_szUserName, pUserName);
strcpy(m_szPassword, pPassword);
if (NULL == mysql_init(&m_oDBHandle))
return false;
return true;

bool DBClient::Connect()
if (NULL == mysql_real_connect(&m_oDBHandle, m_szDBIP,
m_szUserName, m_szPassword,
m_szDBName, m_usDBPort,
NULL, 0))
return false;
return true;

bool DBClient::Execute(const char * pSqlStr, Cmd eCmd)
if (0 != mysql_query(&m_oDBHandle, pSqlStr))
return false;

if (CMD_SELECT == eCmd)
if (NULL == (m_pResultSet = mysql_store_result(&m_oDBHandle)))
return false;
return true;

bool DBClient::GetNextResult(char **& pRes, unsigned long *& pLen,
int & nNum)
MYSQL_ROW pRow = mysql_fetch_row(m_pResultSet);
if(NULL == pRow)
return false;
pRes = pRow;
nNum = mysql_num_fields(m_pResultSet);
pLen = mysql_fetch_lengths(m_pResultSet);
return true;

void DBClient::FreeResultSet()
if (NULL != m_pResultSet)
m_pResultSet = NULL;

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