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2010-12-02 13:17 537 查看
2010-12-2 13:02:13 org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
信息: The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performanc
e in production environments was not found on the java.library.path: D:\jdk1.6.0
_18\bin;.;C:\WINDOWS\Sun\Java\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\Program File
s\PC Connectivity Solution\;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\W
bem;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Thunder Network\KanKan\Codecs;D:\jdk1.6.0_18\b
in;D:\jdk1.6.0_18\jre\bin;C:\Program Files\Common Files\TTKN\Bin;D:\jdk1.6.0_18\
2010-12-2 13:02:13 org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init
信息: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080
2010-12-2 13:02:13 org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
信息: Initialization processed in 1512 ms
2010-12-2 13:02:13 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
信息: Starting service Catalina
2010-12-2 13:02:13 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
信息: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.20
2010-12-2 13:02:19 org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader validateJarFile
信息: validateJarFile(D:\workspace\OA3.1\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib\servlet-api.jar)
- jar not loaded. See Servlet Spec 2.3, section 9.7.2. Offending class: javax/s
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:44 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select approle0_.roleId as roleId98_, approle0_.roleName as roleName98_, a
pprole0_.roleDesc as roleDesc98_, approle0_.status as status98_, approle0_.right
s as rights98_, approle0_.isDefaultIn as isDefaul6_98_ from app_role approle0_
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:44 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select functions0_.roleId as roleId1_, functions0_.functionId as functionI
d1_, appfunctio1_.functionId as functionId97_0_, appfunctio1_.funKey as funKey97
_0_, appfunctio1_.funName as funName97_0_ from role_fun functions0_ left outer j
oin app_function appfunctio1_ on functions0_.functionId=appfunctio1_.functionId
where functions0_.roleId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:44 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select functions0_.roleId as roleId1_, functions0_.functionId as functionI
d1_, appfunctio1_.functionId as functionId97_0_, appfunctio1_.funKey as funKey97
_0_, appfunctio1_.funName as funName97_0_ from role_fun functions0_ left outer j
oin app_function appfunctio1_ on functions0_.functionId=appfunctio1_.functionId
where functions0_.roleId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:44 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:44 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:44 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:44 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:44 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select functions0_.roleId as roleId1_, functions0_.functionId as functionI
d1_, appfunctio1_.functionId as functionId97_0_, appfunctio1_.funKey as funKey97
_0_, appfunctio1_.funName as funName97_0_ from role_fun functions0_ left outer j
oin app_function appfunctio1_ on functions0_.functionId=appfunctio1_.functionId
where functions0_.roleId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select functions0_.roleId as roleId1_, functions0_.functionId as functionI
d1_, appfunctio1_.functionId as functionId97_0_, appfunctio1_.funKey as funKey97
_0_, appfunctio1_.funName as funName97_0_ from role_fun functions0_ left outer j
oin app_function appfunctio1_ on functions0_.functionId=appfunctio1_.functionId
where functions0_.roleId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select functions0_.roleId as roleId1_, functions0_.functionId as functionI
d1_, appfunctio1_.functionId as functionId97_0_, appfunctio1_.funKey as funKey97
_0_, appfunctio1_.funName as funName97_0_ from role_fun functions0_ left outer j
oin app_function appfunctio1_ on functions0_.functionId=appfunctio1_.functionId
where functions0_.roleId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select functions0_.roleId as roleId1_, functions0_.functionId as functionI
d1_, appfunctio1_.functionId as functionId97_0_, appfunctio1_.funKey as funKey97
_0_, appfunctio1_.funName as funName97_0_ from role_fun functions0_ left outer j
oin app_function appfunctio1_ on functions0_.functionId=appfunctio1_.functionId
where functions0_.roleId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:45 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select functions0_.roleId as roleId1_, functions0_.functionId as functionI
d1_, appfunctio1_.functionId as functionId97_0_, appfunctio1_.funKey as funKey97
_0_, appfunctio1_.funName as funName97_0_ from role_fun functions0_ left outer j
oin app_function appfunctio1_ on functions0_.functionId=appfunctio1_.functionId
where functions0_.roleId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select functions0_.roleId as roleId1_, functions0_.functionId as functionI
d1_, appfunctio1_.functionId as functionId97_0_, appfunctio1_.funKey as funKey97
_0_, appfunctio1_.funName as funName97_0_ from role_fun functions0_ left outer j
oin app_function appfunctio1_ on functions0_.functionId=appfunctio1_.functionId
where functions0_.roleId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select functions0_.roleId as roleId1_, functions0_.functionId as functionI
d1_, appfunctio1_.functionId as functionId97_0_, appfunctio1_.funKey as funKey97
_0_, appfunctio1_.funName as funName97_0_ from role_fun functions0_ left outer j
oin app_function appfunctio1_ on functions0_.functionId=appfunctio1_.functionId
where functions0_.roleId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select functions0_.roleId as roleId1_, functions0_.functionId as functionI
d1_, appfunctio1_.functionId as functionId97_0_, appfunctio1_.funKey as funKey97
_0_, appfunctio1_.funName as funName97_0_ from role_fun functions0_ left outer j
oin app_function appfunctio1_ on functions0_.functionId=appfunctio1_.functionId
where functions0_.roleId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select functions0_.roleId as roleId1_, functions0_.functionId as functionI
d1_, appfunctio1_.functionId as functionId97_0_, appfunctio1_.funKey as funKey97
_0_, appfunctio1_.funName as funName97_0_ from role_fun functions0_ left outer j
oin app_function appfunctio1_ on functions0_.functionId=appfunctio1_.functionId
where functions0_.roleId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select functions0_.roleId as roleId1_, functions0_.functionId as functionI
d1_, appfunctio1_.functionId as functionId97_0_, appfunctio1_.funKey as funKey97
_0_, appfunctio1_.funName as funName97_0_ from role_fun functions0_ left outer j
oin app_function appfunctio1_ on functions0_.functionId=appfunctio1_.functionId
where functions0_.roleId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select funurls0_.functionId as functionId1_, funurls0_.urlId as urlId1_, f
unurls0_.urlId as urlId107_0_, funurls0_.urlPath as urlPath107_0_, funurls0_.fun
ctionId as functionId107_0_ from fun_url funurls0_ where funurls0_.functionId=?
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select sysconfig0_.configId as configId112_, sysconfig0_.configKey as conf
igKey112_, sysconfig0_.configName as configName112_, sysconfig0_.configDesc as c
onfigDesc112_, sysconfig0_.typeName as typeName112_, sysconfig0_.dataType as dat
aType112_, sysconfig0_.dataValue as dataValue112_ from sys_config sysconfig0_
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:46 -org.hibernate.SQL DEBUG [main] SQL.logStatement(1
11) | select company0_.companyId as companyId102_, company0_.companyNo as compan
yNo102_, company0_.companyName as companyN3_102_, company0_.companyDesc as compa
nyD4_102_, company0_.legalPerson as legalPer5_102_, company0_.setup as setup102_
, company0_.phone as phone102_, company0_.fax as fax102_, company0_.site as site
102_, company0_.logo as logo102_ from Company company0_
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:48 -org.apache.struts2.config.BeanSelectionProvider I
NFO [main] BeanSelectionProvider.alias(203) | Choosing bean (spring) for class c
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:48 -org.apache.struts2.config.BeanSelectionProvider I
NFO [main] BeanSelectionProvider.alias(203) | Choosing bean (struts) for class c
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:48 -org.apache.struts2.config.BeanSelectionProvider I
NFO [main] BeanSelectionProvider.alias(203) | Choosing bean (struts) for interfa
ce com.opensymphony.xwork2.TextProvider
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:48 -org.apache.struts2.config.BeanSelectionProvider I
NFO [main] BeanSelectionProvider.alias(203) | Choosing bean (struts) for interfa
ce com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionProxyFactory
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:48 -org.apache.struts2.config.BeanSelectionProvider I
NFO [main] BeanSelectionProvider.alias(203) | Choosing bean (struts) for interfa
ce com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.ObjectTypeDeterminer
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:48 -org.apache.struts2.config.BeanSelectionProvider I
NFO [main] BeanSelectionProvider.alias(203) | Choosing bean (struts) for interfa
ce org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.mapper.ActionMapper
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:48 -org.apache.struts2.config.BeanSelectionProvider I
NFO [main] BeanSelectionProvider.alias(203) | Choosing bean (jakarta) for interf
ace org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.multipart.MultiPartRequest
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:48 -org.apache.struts2.config.BeanSelectionProvider I
NFO [main] BeanSelectionProvider.alias(203) | Choosing bean (struts) for class o
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:48 -org.apache.struts2.config.BeanSelectionProvider I
NFO [main] BeanSelectionProvider.alias(203) | Choosing bean (struts) for class o
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:48 -org.apache.struts2.config.BeanSelectionProvider I
NFO [main] BeanSelectionProvider.register(185) | Loading global messages from me
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:48 -org.apache.struts2.spring.StrutsSpringObjectFacto
ry INFO [main] StrutsSpringObjectFactory.<init>(55) | Initializing Struts-Spring
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:48 -org.apache.struts2.spring.StrutsSpringObjectFacto
ry INFO [main] StrutsSpringObjectFactory.<init>(87) | ... initialized Struts-Spr
ing integration successfully
[EOFFICE] 2010-12-02 13:02:52 -com.htsoft.core.jbpm.FlowVelocityEngine DEBUG [ma
in] FlowVelocityEngine.createVelocityEngine(88) | create flowVelocityEngine... a
nd the path is D:\workspace\OA3.1\WebContent\WEB-INF/FlowForm/
2010-12-2 13:02:56 com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.jdk.JdkLogger info
信息: Parsing configuration file [struts-default.xml]
2010-12-2 13:02:57 com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.jdk.JdkLogger info
信息: Unable to locate configuration files of the name struts-plugin.xml, skippi
2010-12-2 13:02:57 com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.jdk.JdkLogger info
信息: Parsing configuration file [struts-plugin.xml]
2010-12-2 13:02:57 com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.jdk.JdkLogger info
信息: Parsing configuration file [struts.xml]
2010-12-2 13:02:57 com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.jdk.JdkLogger info
信息: Overriding property struts.i18n.reload - old value: false new value: true
2010-12-2 13:02:57 com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.jdk.JdkLogger info
信息: Overriding property struts.configuration.xml.reload - old value: false new
value: true
2010-12-2 13:02:57 com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.jdk.JdkLogger info
信息: Parsing configuration file [struts-default.xml]
2010-12-2 13:02:58 com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.jdk.JdkLogger info
信息: Unable to locate configuration files of the name struts-plugin.xml, skippi
2010-12-2 13:02:58 com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.jdk.JdkLogger info
信息: Parsing configuration file [struts-plugin.xml]
2010-12-2 13:02:58 com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.jdk.JdkLogger info
信息: Parsing configuration file [struts.xml]
2010-12-2 13:02:58 org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start
信息: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080
2010-12-2 13:02:58 org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init
信息: JK: ajp13 listening on /
2010-12-2 13:02:59 org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start
信息: Jk running ID=0 time=0/32  config=null
2010-12-2 13:02:59 org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
信息: Server startup in 45453 ms
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