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2010-11-21 13:33 288 查看
话说这个东西写到凌晨3点27分,都没有写好.刚才睡醒了写完的.主要遇到的问题就是当数组大小不是2的幂的时候发生的 right_end 越界的时候.我的逻辑起初偏于复杂,后来重新组织逻辑,当发生 right_end 越界的时候, 取 size - 1 为 right_end, 并且保持前一个数组完整, 后一个数组的大小不去顾及. 这样问题就解决了.


/*	7-14-11-21-00.21.c -- 第七章第十四题	*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main (void) ;
void initialize_array (int * const array, const int size, const int max_value) ;
void print_array (const int * const array, const int size) ;
int test (const int * const array, const int size) ;
void merge_sort (int * const array, const int size) ;
void merge (int * const array, int * const temp, int left_position, int right_position, int right_end) ;
int get_power (const int size) ;
int pow_base_two (const int power) ;

int main (void)
	int * array ;
	int size, max_value ;

	size = 15, max_value = 120 ;
	array = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int) * size) ;
	if (NULL == array)
		printf ("Out of space occurred in /"main/"/n") ;
		return 0 ;
	initialize_array (array, size, max_value) ;
	print_array (array, size) ;
	merge_sort (array, size) ;
	print_array (array, size) ;
	printf ("%s/n", 1 == test (array, size) ? "OK" : "Wrong") ;
	free (array) ;

	return 0 ;

void initialize_array (int * const array, const int size, const int max_value)
	int i ;

	srand ((unsigned int) time (NULL)) ;
	for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
		array[i] = rand () % max_value + 1 ;

void print_array (const int * const array, const int size)
	int i ;

	for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
		printf ("%d/n", array[i]) ;
	putchar ('/n') ;

int test (const int * const array, const int size)
	int i ;

	for (i = 1; i < size; i++)
		if (array[i] < array[i - 1])
			return 0 ;

	return 1 ;

void merge_sort (int * const array, const int size)
	int * temp ;
	int left_position, right_end, center, i, j, value, power ;

	temp = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int) * size) ;
	if (NULL == temp)
		printf ("Out of space occurred in /"merge_sort/"/n") ;
		return ;
	power = get_power (size) ;
	for (i = 1, value = pow_base_two (i); i <= power; i++, value = pow_base_two (i))
		for (j = 0; j < size; j += value)
			left_position = j ;
			right_end = j + value - 1 ;
			if (right_end > size - 1)
				right_end = size - 1 ;
				center = left_position + value / 2 - 1 ;
				center = (left_position + right_end) / 2 ;
			merge (array, temp, left_position, center + 1, right_end) ;
	free (temp) ;

void merge (int * const array, int * const temp, int left_position, int right_position, int right_end)
	int left_end, temp_position, count, i ;

	left_end = right_position - 1 ;
	temp_position = left_position ;
	count = right_end - left_position + 1 ;

	while (left_position <= left_end && right_position <= right_end)
		if (array[left_position] < array[right_position])
			temp[temp_position++] = array[left_position++] ;
			temp[temp_position++] = array[right_position++] ;
	while (left_position <= left_end)
		temp[temp_position++] = array[left_position++] ;
	while (right_position <= right_end)
		temp[temp_position++] = array[right_position++] ;
	for (i = 0; i < count; i++, right_end--)
		array[right_end] = temp[right_end] ;

int get_power (const int size)
	int power, value ;

	for (power = 1, value = 1; value <= size; power++)
		value *= 2 ;
		if (value >= size)
			break ;

	return power ;

int pow_base_two (const int power)
	int i, value ;

	if (power <= 0)
		puts ("Can't work.") ;
		return 0 ;
	for (i = 1, value = 1; i <= power; i++)
		value *= 2 ;

	return value ;

后记:无意中发现了下面这段代码.我深深地感觉到我的想法有多么愚蠢! 人家的确实好,我的的代码好费力啊!

Mergesort( ElementType A[ ], int N )
	ElementType *TmpArray;
	int SubListSize, Part1Start, Part2Start, Part2End;

	TmpArray = malloc( sizeof( ElementType ) * N );

	for( SubListSize = 1; SubListSize < N; SubListSize *= 2 )
		Part1Start = 0;
		while( Part1Start + SubListSize < N - 1 )
		Part2Start = Part1Start + SubListSize;
		Part2End = min( N, Part2Start + SubListSize - 1 );
		Merge( A, TmpArray, Part1Start, Part2Start, Part2End );
		Part1Start = Part2End + 1;
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