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Working on your thesis: how to get started and how to keep it going?

2010-09-19 13:51 676 查看

1、The first step of academic: choose supervisor

ask senior student to recommend:

1) two supervisors to choose (can be listed as candidate prof)

2) two supervisors not to choose( exclude from candidate list)

2、The relationship between prof and phd (from the perspective of prof)


phd --------------> prof


not own

3、Understand the eco-system of lab

Why sb works better than others?

4、Manage your supervisor

Prof may have no time to ask your progress.

Attract prof's attention to your research.

5、Work with seniors/peers well

Looking for potential collabrators in the future.

Your behaviors are always being watched by others.

6、Clear course before starting research

Prof hopes you doing well in the courses.

To be the boss of own time.

Mimic style of one prof.

Design your own big picture( now---->10 years later) .

7、English is vital

Paper & Presentation

8、Commercial value( industry<---lab)

Challenge the exist resistance


1)short: paper (prof)

2)long: commercial value


Make connection besides lab

10、5 years of phd life--->practice run

Exam yourself: why research is difficult?

11、Good teacher: care about students

The distribution of time:

Assistant prof Associate Prof/Prof

Research(higherst) 70% 50%

Teaching 30% 30%

Service 0 20%

TA :practise teaching skills

If your English is not so good:

1) sincerity

2) give more material to student

12、Attend seminar

Prepare 2 questions to impress others

13、Difference between good scholar and researcher

Scholar: influence life

Researcher: paper

14、What you should achieve in the following 5 years

1)Discover your way of doing research

2)Summrize experience and duplicate success

3)Differentiate yourself

15、Frist job is vital

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