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2010-09-05 18:56 441 查看
public Color? TextColor


get { return _textColor; }

set { _textColor = value; }


今天看程序代码,发现Color? TextColor


Nullable Types in C#

One of the "late breaking" features in C# 2.0 is what is known as
"Nullable Types". The details can be found in the C# 2.0 language

Nullable types address the scenario where you want to be able to have a
primitive type with a null (or unknown) value. This is common in
database scenarios, but is also useful in other situations.

In the past, there were several ways of doing this:

A boxed value type. This is not strongly-typed at compile-time, and
involves doing a heap allocation for every type.

A class wrapper for the value type. This is strongly-typed, but still
involves a heap allocation, and the you have to write the wrapper.

A struct wrapper that supports the concept of nullability. This is a
good solution, but you have to write it yourself.

To make this easier, in VS 2005, we're introducing a new type named
"Nullable", that looks something like this (it's actually more complex
than this, but I want to keep the example simple):

struct Nullable<T>


public bool HasValue;

public T Value;

}You can use this struct directly, but we've also added some shortcut
syntax to make the resulting code much cleaner. The first is the
introduction of a new syntax for declaring a nullable type. Rather than

Nullable<int> x = new Nullable<int>(125);I can write:

int? x = 125;which is much simpler. Similarly, rather than needed to
write a null test as:

if (x.HasValue) {...}you can use a familiar comparison to null:

if (x != null) {...}Finally, we have support to make writing expressions
easier. If I wanted to add two nullable ints together and preserve null
values, if I didn't have language support, I would need to write:

Nullable<int> x = new Nullable<int>(125);

Nullable<int> y = new Nullable<int>(33);

Nullable<int> z = (x.HasValue && y.HasValue) ?
new Nullable<int>(x.Value + y.Value) :
Nullable<int>.NullValue;At least I think that's what I'd have to
write - it's complex enough that I'm not sure this code works. This is
ugly enough that it makes using Nullable without compiler support a
whole lot of work. With the compiler support, you write:

int? x = 125;

int? y = 33;

int? z = x + y;而后又惊异发现居然还有??操作符的存在,感叹原来自己已经落后不止一个时代,也一并贴个用法于下:

The ?? operator returns the left-hand operand if it is not null, or else
it returns the right operand.A nullable type can contain a value, or it
can be undefined. The ?? operator defines the default value to be
returned when a nullable type is assigned to a non-nullable type. If you
try to assign a nullable type to a non-nullable type without using the
?? operator, you will generate a compile-time error. If you use a cast,
and the nullable type is currently undefined, an
InvalidOperationException exception will be thrown. //

using System;

class MainClass


static int? GetNullableInt()


return null;


static string GetStringValue()


return null;


static void Main()


// ?? operator example.

int? x = null;

// y = x, unless x is null, in which case y = -1.

int y = x ?? -1;

// Assign i to return value of method, unless

// return value is null, in which case assign

// default value of int to i.

int i = GetNullableInt() ?? default(int);

string s = GetStringValue();

// ?? also works with reference types.

// Display contents of s, unless s is null,

// in which case display "Unspecified".

Console.WriteLine(s ?? "Unspecified");



下面一片是摘自于dashang 的中文讲解。原文地址(http://blog.chinaitlab.com/user1/370055/archives/2006/45231.html

有用的。  简单说来,可空数据类型就是包含了所定义的数据类型或者值的空(null)的类型。C#的ECMA-334标准提供了对所有C#值类型的可空
版本的描述。   定义可空类型  定义可空类型和非可空类型基本类似,不同的是采用了?来表示。如定义一个整型,你可以使用简单的语句:int
myInt = 1;   为了使得myInt能够存储一个空值,你可以这样声明它:int? myNullableInt = 1;
myDouble = 3.1415926;double? myOtherDouble = null;
能这样做的。  使用可空类型  可空类型可以像普通值类型一样的使用。事实上,可以使用内建的隐式转换来转换相同类型的可空变量和非可空变量。这意味着
你可以在一个标准整型和可空整型之间相互转换:int? nFirst = null;int Second = 2;nFirst = Second;
// 有效nFirst = 123; // 有效Second = nFirst; // 同样有效nFirst = null; //
有效Second = nFirst; // 例外,后者是非空类型
可空变量的HasValue属性:if (nFirst.HasValue) Second = nFirst;
  你可以看到,如果nFirst有值赋值就会发生,否则程序会跳过此句语句。  使用可空类型的操作符  虽然可以使用相同值类型的可空和非可空变量的
转换,也必须对操作符进行一些改变使得它们可以处理可空和非可空值。这些操作符被称为提升的操作符。  考虑如下代码:int ValA =
10;int? ValB = 3;int? ValC = ValA * ValB;
  在ValC里存储了什么?ValC中存储了30。标准操作符被扩展使得它们能够处理可空类型。考虑到如下的变化:int ValA =
10;int? ValB = null;int? ValC = ValA * ValB;
  ValC这次值为多少?ValC为空。无论哪个操作数为空,提升的操作符的结果为空。即使进行加法或减法,结果也为空。  如果ValC不为可空类型
呢?如下的代码会有什么样的结果?int ValA = 10;int? ValB = null;int ValC = ValA * ValB;
// ValC 不为可空类型
  代码将会抛出一个异常。ValA*ValB结果为空,但是不能赋值为非可空类型,这将会导致程序异常的抛出。比较  比较将会和数学计算操作类似的方
式处理。比较的操作数将同时被提升为可空的。这样就可以比较了,如果某个操作数为空,那么比较结果为false。  如果对比是否相等,两个同为空的变量
将被认为是相等的。一个空变量和其他任意值的变量相比的结果是不相等。下面是一些比较的例子:int abc = 123;int xyz =
890;int? def = null;int? uvw = 123;Comparison Resultabc == xyz //
falseabc == def // falsedef == null // trueabc == uvw // trueuvw == null
// falseuvw != null // true
下展示了一些例子: Comparison Resultabc > uvw // false, they are equalabc <
def // false, def is nulluvw < def // false, because def is nulldef
> null // false, because right side is nulluvw > null // false,
because right side is null
  可空性的移去  C#在新版本中加入了一个新的操作符,它被称为空接合操作符,使用如下的格式:returnValue = first
意:returnValue可以为可空变量或者非可空变量。   如果你希望可空变量的值到一个非可空的版本,你可以这样做:int? ValA=
123;int? ValB = null;int NewVarA = ValA ?? -1;int NewVarB = ValB ?? -1;
成一个缺省值。这里缺省值是-1。  结束语  总得来说,最新的C#允许一个可空类型的存在。语言内部建立了对可空类型的处理机制。可空类型使得数据库
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息