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2010-08-03 13:06 531 查看
1. 如何使用Exception

Exception降低性能。一个异常抛出首先需要创建一个新的对象。Throwable接口中的构造器调用名为 fillInStackTrace()的本地方法。这个方法负责巡检栈的整个框架来收集跟踪信息。这样无论何时有异常抛出,它要求虚拟机装载调用栈,因为一个新的对象在中部被创建。


2. 不要两次初始化变量

Java通过调用独特的类构造器默认地初始化变量为一个已知的值。所有的对象被设置成null,integers (byte, short, int, long)被设置成0,float和double设置成0.0,Boolean变量设置成false。这对那些扩展自其它类的类尤其重要,这跟使用一个新的关键词创建一个对象时所有一连串的构造器被自动调用一样。

3. 在任何可能的地方让类为Final

标记为final的类不能被扩展。在《核心Java API》中有大量这个技术的例子,诸如java.lang.String。将String类标记为final阻止了开发者创建他们自己实现的长度方法。


4. 在任何可能的地方使用局部变量


5. 停止小聪明


public void doSomething(File file) {

FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream(file);

// do something


public void doSomething(InputStream inputStream){

// do something

6. 乘法和除法



for (val = 0; val < 100000; val +=5) { shiftX = val 8; myRaise = val 2; }


for (val = 0; val < 100000; val += 5) { shiftX = val << 3; myRaise = val << 1; }


7. 用代码有效处理内存溢出



import java.util.*; public class DataServer { private Hashtable data = new Hashtable(); public Object get (String key) { Object obj = data.get (key); if (obj == null) { System.out.print (key + “ ”); try { // simulate getting lots of data obj = new Double[1000000]; data.put (key, obj); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { System.out.print (“/No Memory! ”); flushCache(); obj = get (key);// try again } } return (obj); } public void flushCache() { System.out.println (“Clearing cache”); data.clear(); } public static void main (String[] args) { DataServer ds = new DataServer(); int count = 0; while (true) // infinite loop for test ds.get (“” count+); } }

8. Lazy Loading (Lazy evaluation)在需要装入的时候才装入

static public long factorial( int n ) throws IllegalArgumentException { IllegalArgumentException illegalArgumentException = new IllegalArgumentException( “must be >= 0” ); if( n < 0 ) { throw illegalArgumentException ; } else if( ( n 0 ) || ( n 1 ) ) { return( 1 ); } else ( return( n * factorial( n – 1 ) ) ; } 优化后代码 static public long factorial( int n ) throws IllegalArgumentException { if( n < 0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( “must be >= 0” ); } else if( ( n 0 ) || ( n 1 ) ) { return( 1 ); } else ( return( n * factorial( n – 1 ) ) ; }

9. 异常在需要抛出的地方抛出,try catch能整合就整合

try {


// Difficult for javac

} catch( method1Exception e ) {

// and the JVM runtime

// Handle exception 1

// to optimize this


// code

try {


} catch( method2Exception e ) {

// Handle exception 2

} try {


} catch( method3Exception e ){

// Handle exception 3


//已下代码 更容易被编译器优化

try {


// Easier to optimize



} catch( method1Exception e ) {

// Handle exception 1

} catch( method2Exception e ) {

// Handle exception 2

} catch( method3Exception e ) {

// Handle exception 3


10. For循环的优化


for( int i = 0; i < collection.size(); i++ ) { ... }


for( int i = 0, n = collection.size(); i < n; i++ ) { ... }

11. 字符串操作优化


// Your source code looks like…

String str = “profit = revenue( ” revenue “ – cost( ” cost ““; // 编译方法 String str = new StringBuffer( ).append( “profit = revenue( “ ). append( revenue ).append( “ – cost( “ ). append( cost ).append( ““ ).toString( );


String sentence = “”; for( int i = 0; i < wordArray.length; i++ ) { sentence += wordArray[ i ]; }


StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer( 500 );

for( int i = 0; i < wordArray.length; i++ ) {

buffer.append( wordArray[ i ] );


String sentence = buffer.toString( );

12. 对象重用(特别对于大对象来说)

public class Point { public int x; public int y; public Point( ) { this( 0, 0 ); } }


public class Component { private int x; private int y; public Point getPosition( ) { Point rv = new Point( ); // Create a new Point rv.x = x; // Update its state rv.y = y; return rv; } } // Process an array of Component positions… for( int i = 0; i < componentArray.length; i++ ) { Point position = componentArray[i].getPosition( ); // Process position value… // Note: A Point object is created for each iteration // of the loop… } //可再次优化,仅使用一个类对象:) public class Component { private int x; private int y; public Point getPosition( Point rv ) { if( rv == null) rv = new Point( ); rv.x = x; // Update its state rv.y = y; return rv; } // Create a single point object and reuse it… Point p = new Point( ); for( int i = 0; i < componentArray.length; i++ ) { Point position = componentArray[i].getPosition( p ); // Process position value… // Note: Only one Point object is ever created. }

13. j2ee相关

a) 尽量不要将大对象放到HttpSession或其他须序列化的对象中,并注意及时清空Session

b) 使用预编译语句prepareStatement代替createStatement

c) 尽可能使用连接池

d) 能使用Cache就使用Cache,具体实现可参考jive(Cache/Cacheable/CacheObject/CacheSizes /DefaultCache/LinkdList/LinkdListNode)或ofbiz(org.ofbiz.core.util. UtilCache.java

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