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2010-04-10 08:54 676 查看
下面的窗口快捷键英文描述,是在vtk源码vtkInteractorStyle 类中找到的,描述的非常详细,在应用中也非常实用。
还是保持原滋原味的英文 ,大家只要在平时稍加注意就能运用熟练!

.NAME vtkInteractorStyle - provide event-driven interface to the rendering window (defines trackball mode)
.SECTION Description
vtkInteractorStyle is a base class implementing the majority of motion
control routines and defines an event driven interface to support
vtkRenderWindowInteractor. vtkRenderWindowInteractor implements
platform dependent key/mouse routing and timer control, which forwards
events in a neutral form to vtkInteractorStyle.

vtkInteractorStyle implements the "joystick" style of interaction. That
is, holding down the mouse keys generates a stream of events that cause
continuous actions (e.g., rotate, translate, pan, zoom). (The class
vtkInteractorStyleTrackball implements a grab and move style.) The event
bindings for this class include the following:
- Keypress j / Keypress t: toggle between joystick (position sensitive) and
trackball (motion sensitive) styles. In joystick style, motion occurs
continuously as long as a mouse button is pressed. In trackball style,
motion occurs when the mouse button is pressed and the mouse pointer
- Keypress c / Keypress a: toggle between camera and actor modes. In
camera mode, mouse events affect the camera position and focal point. In
actor mode, mouse events affect the actor that is under the mouse pointer.
- Button 1: rotate the camera around its focal point (if camera mode) or
rotate the actor around its origin (if actor mode). The rotation is in the
direction defined from the center of the renderer's viewport towards
the mouse position. In joystick mode, the magnitude of the rotation is
determined by the distance the mouse is from the center of the render
- Button 2: pan the camera (if camera mode) or translate the actor (if
actor mode). In joystick mode, the direction of pan or translation is
from the center of the viewport towards the mouse position. In trackball
mode, the direction of motion is the direction the mouse moves. (Note:
with 2-button mice, pan is defined as /-Button 1.)
- Button 3: zoom the camera (if camera mode) or scale the actor (if
actor mode). Zoom in/increase scale if the mouse position is in the top
half of the viewport; zoom out/decrease scale if the mouse position is in
the bottom half. In joystick mode, the amount of zoom is controlled by the
distance of the mouse pointer from the horizontal centerline of the
- Keypress 3: toggle the render window into and out of stereo mode. By
default, red-blue stereo pairs are created. Some systems support Crystal
Eyes LCD stereo glasses; you have to invoke SetStereoTypeToCrystalEyes()
on the rendering window.
- Keypress e: exit the application.
- Keypress f: fly to the picked point
- Keypress p: perform a pick operation. The render window interactor has
an internal instance of vtkCellPicker that it uses to pick.
- Keypress r: reset the camera view along the current view
direction. Centers the actors and moves the camera so that all actors are
- Keypress s: modify the representation of all actors so that they are
- Keypress u: invoke the user-defined function. Typically,
this keypress will bring up an interactor that you can type commands in.
Typing u calls UserCallBack() on the vtkRenderWindowInteractor, which
invokes a vtkCommand::UserEvent. In other words, to define a user-defined
callback, just add an observer to the vtkCommand::UserEvent on the
vtkRenderWindowInteractor object.
- Keypress w: modify the representation of all actors so that they are

vtkInteractorStyle can be subclassed to provide new interaction styles and
a facility to override any of the default mouse/key operations which
currently handle trackball or joystick styles is provided. Note that this
class will fire a variety of events that can be watched using an observer,
such as LeftButtonPressEvent, LeftButtonReleaseEvent,
MiddleButtonPressEvent, MiddleButtonReleaseEvent, RightButtonPressEvent,
RightButtonReleaseEvent, EnterEvent, LeaveEvent, KeyPressEvent,
KeyReleaseEvent, CharEvent, ExposeEvent, ConfigureEvent, TimerEvent,
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