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2010-04-04 18:06 260 查看



CopyFromScreen(int sourceX, int sourceY, int destinationX, int destinationY, Size blockRegionSize, CopyPixelOperation copyPixelOperation) 



public void CopyFromScreen(int sourceX, int sourceY, int destinationX, int destinationY, Size blockRegionSize, CopyPixelOperation copyPixelOperation)
  switch (copyPixelOperation)
    case CopyPixelOperation.NotSourceErase:
    case CopyPixelOperation.NotSourceCopy:
    case CopyPixelOperation.NoMirrorBitmap:
    case CopyPixelOperation.Blackness:
    case CopyPixelOperation.SourceErase:
    case CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy:
    case CopyPixelOperation.SourceAnd:
    case CopyPixelOperation.MergePaint:
    case CopyPixelOperation.SourcePaint:
    case CopyPixelOperation.PatCopy:
    case CopyPixelOperation.PatPaint:
    case CopyPixelOperation.Whiteness:
    case CopyPixelOperation.CaptureBlt:
      new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows).Demand();
      int width = blockRegionSize.Width;
      int height = blockRegionSize.Height;
      using (DeviceContext context = DeviceContext.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero))
        HandleRef hSrcDC = new HandleRef(null, context.Hdc);
        HandleRef hDC = new HandleRef(null, this.GetHdc());
          if (SafeNativeMethods.BitBlt(hDC, destinationX, destinationY, width, height, hSrcDC, sourceX, sourceY, (int) copyPixelOperation) == 0)
            throw new Win32Exception();
  throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int) copyPixelOperation, typeof(CopyPixelOperation));

通过上面代码可知,类库里面最后调用的是Windows 的API :BitBlt(),这就是我们要说的第二种方法。


  先来看看BitBlt()的description:The BitBlt function performs a bit-block transfer of the color data corresponding to a rectangle of pixels from the specified source device context into a destination device context.

  这里,我们只关心它的最后一个参数/// <param name="dwRop">A raster-operation code.</param>

  中文翻译大概叫作:光栅操作码。大概就是控制从source device context 到 destination device context的拷贝方式。它是一个DWORD类型,取值在

// Summary: 
    //     Determines how the source color in a copy pixel operation is combined with 
    //     the destination color to result in a final color. 
    public enum CopyPixelOperation 
        // Summary: 
        //     The bitmap is not mirrored. 
        NoMirrorBitmap = -2147483648, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The destination area is filled by using the color associated with index 0 
        //     in the physical palette. (This color is black for the default physical palette.) 
        Blackness = 66, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The source and destination colors are combined using the Boolean OR operator, 
        //     and then resultant color is then inverted. 
        NotSourceErase = 1114278, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The inverted source area is copied to the destination. 
        NotSourceCopy = 3342344, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The inverted colors of the destination area are combined with the colors 
        //     of the source area using the Boolean AND operator. 
        SourceErase = 4457256, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The destination area is inverted. 
        DestinationInvert = 5570569, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The colors of the brush currently selected in the destination device context 
        //     are combined with the colors of the destination are using the Boolean XOR 
        //     operator. 
        PatInvert = 5898313, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The colors of the source and destination areas are combined using the Boolean 
        //     XOR operator. 
        SourceInvert = 6684742, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The colors of the source and destination areas are combined using the Boolean 
        //     AND operator. 
        SourceAnd = 8913094, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The colors of the inverted source area are merged with the colors of the 
        //     destination area by using the Boolean OR operator. 
        MergePaint = 12255782, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The colors of the source area are merged with the colors of the selected 
        //     brush of the destination device context using the Boolean AND operator. 
        MergeCopy = 12583114, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The source area is copied directly to the destination area. 
        SourceCopy = 13369376, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The colors of the source and destination areas are combined using the Boolean 
        //     OR operator. 
        SourcePaint = 15597702, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The brush currently selected in the destination device context is copied 
        //     to the destination bitmap. 
        PatCopy = 15728673, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The colors of the brush currently selected in the destination device context 
        //     are combined with the colors of the inverted source area using the Boolean 
        //     OR operator. The result of this operation is combined with the colors of 
        //     the destination area using the Boolean OR operator. 
        PatPaint = 16452105, 
        // Summary: 
        //     The destination area is filled by using the color associated with index 1 
        //     in the physical palette. (This color is white for the default physical palette.) 
        Whiteness = 16711778, 
        // Summary: 
        //     Windows that are layered on top of your window are included in the resulting 
        //     image. By default, the image contains only your window. Note that this generally 
        //     cannot be used for printing device contexts. 
        CaptureBlt = 1073741824, 



BitBlt( hMemDC, 0, 0, size.cx, size.cy, hDC, 0, 0, PlatformInvokeGDI32.TernaryRasterOperations.SourceCopy); 


BitBlt( hMemDC, 0, 0, size.cx, size.cy, hDC, 0, 0, (uint)(PlatformInvokeGDI32.TernaryRasterOperations.SourceCopy | PlatformInvokeGDI32.TernaryRasterOperations.CaptureBlt) ); 




public static Bitmap GetDesktopImage()
      //In size variable we shall keep the size of the screen.
      SIZE size;
      //Variable to keep the handle to bitmap.
      IntPtr hBitmap;
      //Here we get the handle to the desktop device context.
      IntPtr   hDC = PlatformInvokeUSER32.GetDC(PlatformInvokeUSER32.GetDesktopWindow()); 
      //Here we make a compatible device context in memory for screen device context.
      IntPtr hMemDC = PlatformInvokeGDI32.CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
      //We pass SM_CXSCREEN constant to GetSystemMetrics to get the X coordinates of screen.
      size.cx = PlatformInvokeUSER32.GetSystemMetrics(PlatformInvokeUSER32.SM_CXSCREEN);
      //We pass SM_CYSCREEN constant to GetSystemMetrics to get the Y coordinates of screen.
      size.cy = PlatformInvokeUSER32.GetSystemMetrics(PlatformInvokeUSER32.SM_CYSCREEN);
      //We create a compatible bitmap of screen size using screen device context.
      hBitmap = PlatformInvokeGDI32.CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, size.cx, size.cy);
      //As hBitmap is IntPtr we can not check it against null. For this purspose IntPtr.Zero is used.
      if (hBitmap!=IntPtr.Zero)
        //Here we select the compatible bitmap in memeory device context and keeps the refrence to Old bitmap.
        IntPtr hOld = (IntPtr) PlatformInvokeGDI32.SelectObject(hMemDC, hBitmap);
        //We copy the Bitmap to the memory device context.
        PlatformInvokeGDI32.BitBlt( hMemDC, 0, 0, size.cx, size.cy, hDC, 0, 0, (uint)(PlatformInvokeGDI32.TernaryRasterOperations.SRCCOPY | PlatformInvokeGDI32.TernaryRasterOperations.CAPTUREBLT) );
        //We select the old bitmap back to the memory device context.
        PlatformInvokeGDI32.SelectObject(hMemDC, hOld);
        //We delete the memory device context.
        //We release the screen device context.
        PlatformInvokeUSER32.ReleaseDC(PlatformInvokeUSER32.GetDesktopWindow(), hDC);
        //Image is created by Image bitmap handle and stored in local variable.
        Bitmap bmp = System.Drawing.Image.FromHbitmap(hBitmap); 
        //Release the memory to avoid memory leaks.
        //This statement runs the garbage collector manually.
        //Return the bitmap 
        return bmp;
      //If hBitmap is null retunrn null.
      return null;



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