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计算机经典书籍 - 关键就在"经典"二字

2010-02-28 21:49 459 查看
我收集的 "计算机基础理论, C/C++, Windows开发" 方面的经典中的经典书籍


│ ├─01.Programming.Language
│ │ │ ISO-IEC-14882-2003(E)-cpp.pdf
│ │ │ The C Programming Language-Kernighan & Ritchie.pdf
│ │ │ The C++ Programming Language Special 3rd Edition.pdf
│ │ │
│ │ ├─C++.primer
│ │ │ C++_Primer_3rd_ENG.chm
│ │ │ C++_Primer_4_E.chm
│ │ │
│ │ └─C.C++.Primer.plus
│ │ C++.Primer Plus 5th Edition.pdf
│ │ C.Primer.Plus.5th.Sams.chm
│ │
│ └─02.Algorithm
│ ├─01.Algorithms.in.C
│ │ Algorithms in C++ code.pdf
│ │ Algorithms.in.C++.Parts.1-4.chm
│ │ C++算法(第3版)-图算法.pdf
│ │ 算法Ⅰ-Ⅳ(C++ 实现)--基础、数据结构、排序和搜索(第三版).pdf
│ │
│ └─02.MIT.Introduction.To.Algorithm
│ book_chapter.pdf
│ Introduction+to+Algorithms-Cormen+Solution.pdf
│ MIT.Introduction.To.Algorithms.2nd.Edition.Incl.Exercises.Edition-DDU.chm
│ Solutions for Introduction to Algorithms(2nd)_Online.pdf

│ ├─01.Programming Windows
│ │ 01.Programming Windows.chm
│ │ programming windows.rar
│ │
│ ├─02.Windows via CC++ Fifth Edition
│ │ source code.rar
│ │ Windows via CC++, Fifth Edition.chm
│ │
│ ├─03.COM ATL
│ │ Addison.Wesley.ATL.Internals.Working.with.ATL.8.2nd.Edition.Jul.2006.chm
│ │ Addison.Wesley.ATL.Internals.Working.with.ATL.8.2nd.Edition.Jul.2006.chm.src.zip
│ │ ATL开发指南.pdf
│ │ ATL开发指南.rar
│ │ creating+lightweight+components+with+atl.chm
│ │ Developer_'s+Workshop+to+COM+and+ATL+3.0.CHM
│ │ Essential COM.pdf
│ │ essential-com-app-b.pdf
│ │ essential-com-source.zip
│ │
│ ├─04.Csharp
│ │ Apress.Pro.CSharp.2010.and.the.dotNET.4.Platform.5th.Edition.May.2010.pdf
│ │ Expert.NET2.0.IL.Assembler.pdf
│ │ Microsoft.Press.CLR.via.Csharp.3rd.Edition.Feb.2010.pdf
│ │ Wrox.Professional.CSharp.4.and.NET.4.Mar.2010.pdf
│ │
│ └─05.SQL
│ Microsoft.Press.Microsoft.SQL.Server.2008.Internals.Mar.2009.pdf
│ Wrox.Beginning_microsoft_sql_server_2008_programming.7518603888.pdf
│ Wrox.Professional.Microsoft.SQL.Server.2008.Programming.Apr.2009.pdf

│ │ 07.Wordware.Publishing.32.64-BIT.80x86.Assembly.Language.Architecture.chm
│ │ 08.Advanced.Windows.Debugging.pdf
│ │
│ ├─01.Intel? 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual
│ │ 24531705.pdf
│ │ 24531805.pdf
│ │ 24531905.pdf
│ │ 248966.pdf
│ │ 252046.pdf
│ │ 253665.pdf
│ │ 253666.pdf
│ │ 253667.pdf
│ │ 253668.pdf
│ │ 253669.pdf
│ │ 318148.pdf
│ │
│ ├─02.Microsoft.Windows.Internals
│ │ Windows Internals 5th.pdf
│ │
│ ├─03.Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model
│ │ Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model.enu.2e.chm
│ │ Programming The Windows Driver Model, 2nd Edition (2003) [SAMPLE FILES].zip
│ │
│ ├─04.TheWin2kDeviceDriverBookGuideForProgrammers.2Ed
│ │ 04.TheWin2kDeviceDriverBookGuideForProgrammers.2Ed.chm
│ │ 04.TheWin2kDeviceDriverBookGuideForProgrammers.2Ed.src.rar
│ │ windows2000Driving.pdf
│ │
│ ├─05.Developing Drivers with the Microsoft Windows Driver Foundation
│ │ 05.Developing Drivers with the Microsoft Windows Driver Foundation.chm
│ │
│ └─06.Operating.Systems.textbook
│ │ 02.Prentice.Hall.Operating.Systems.Design.and.Implementation.3rd.Edition.Jan.2006.chm
│ │ 03.Operating+System+Concepts+7+th+Edition.pdf
│ │ TanenBaum38441-OSDI_Answers.pdf
│ │
│ └─01.Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles (6th Edition)
│ Chapter 1.pdf
│ Chapter 10.pdf
│ Chapter 11.pdf
│ Chapter 12.pdf
│ Chapter 13.pdf
│ Chapter 14.pdf
│ Chapter 15.pdf
│ Chapter 16.pdf
│ Chapter 17.pdf
│ Chapter 18.pdf
│ Chapter 2.pdf
│ Chapter 3.pdf
│ Chapter 4.pdf
│ Chapter 5.pdf
│ Chapter 6.pdf
│ Chapter 7.pdf
│ Chapter 8.pdf
│ Chapter 9.pdf
│ Cover.jpg
│ Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles (6th Edition).txt

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