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传递参数(C# 编程指南)(http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/0f66670z(VS.80).aspx)

2010-01-14 11:24 736 查看
在 C# 中,既可以通过值也可以通过引用传递参数。

(1).通过引用传递参数允许函数成员(方法、属性、索引器、运算符和构造函数)更改参数的值,并保持该更改。若要通过引用传递参数,请使用 refout 关键字。

(2).通过值传递值类型,通过值将变量 n 传递给方法 SquareIt。方法内发生的任何更改对变量的原始值无任何影响。


class PassingValByVal


    static void SquareIt(int x)

    // The parameter x is passed by value.

    // Changes to x will not affect the original value of x.


        x *= x;

        System.Console.WriteLine("The value inside the method: {0}", x);


    static void Main()


        int n = 5;

        System.Console.WriteLine("The value before calling the method: {0}", n);


        SquareIt(n);  // Passing the variable by value.

        System.Console.WriteLine("The value after calling the method: {0}", n);



The value before calling the method: 5
The value inside the method: 25
The value after calling the method: 5

class PassingValByRef
    static void SquareIt(ref int x)
    // The parameter x is passed by reference.
    // Changes to x will affect the original value of x.
        x *= x;
        System.Console.WriteLine("The value inside the method: {0}", x);
    static void Main()
        int n = 5;
        System.Console.WriteLine("The value before calling the method: {0}", n);
        SquareIt(ref n);  // Passing the variable by reference.
        System.Console.WriteLine("The value after calling the method: {0}", n);
The value before calling the method: 5
The value inside the method: 25
The value after calling the method: 25

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标签:  c# 编程 class